Weekly Updates - Students/Parents
April 8-12, 2024
Weekly Schedule
Monday, April 8, 2024 -Regular Bell Schedule
- Solar Eclipse
- Senior Photo - 5th Period
- Book Club Trip
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 - Regular Bell Schedule
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - Eid al-Fitr - Schools Closed
Thursday, April 11, 2024 - 1 Hour Advisory Bell Schedule
- Honor Roll Assembly - Grades 9&10
- Community Meeting
- PLCs in room 335
Friday, April 12, 2024 - 1Hour Advisory Bell Schedule
- PGMC Performance
- Poll Worker Training
- Drexel Trip - Poetry Class
On Monday, April 8, 2024, a “partial totality” solar eclipse will be visible in the city of Philadelphia. At peak eclipse, this astronomical phenomenon will result in the moon covering 90% of the sun. The eclipse duration is approximately 2:08 – 4:35 p.m., and it will peak in our area at 3:23 p.m.
Here are some safety tips from the Office of Student Health Services on how students can safely view the eclipse during the school day:
The solar eclipse can be viewed safely with appropriate eye protection. Appropriate eye protection includes solar eclipse glasses or solar eclipse filters.
Never look directly at the sun without appropriate eye protection. Looking directly at the sun without appropriate eye protection can burn sensitive eye tissue and damage your vision.
Students should be supervised while viewing the eclipse to ensure proper eye safety precautions are taken. Students should be instructed to never look directly at the sun without appropriate eye protection. Regular sunglasses, polaroid filters, welding glasses and similar materials are NOT appropriate eye protection.
There are 3 ways to safely watch the eclipse:
With the pinhole projector method
There are multiple ways to make a pinhole projector:
With a cereal box - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI1ttQxXt5s
With sheets of paper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiT_KHRlSHQ
It’s important to remember that using this method DO NOT look at the sun through the pinhole.
With solar eclipse glasses or filter
The only way to directly look at the sun during an eclipse is using a solar filter that meets the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard.
You can find out where to get solar glasses or filters that meet this standard here - https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/viewers-filters
Individuals that wear glasses or contact lenses should keep them on when using the solar glasses or filters.
The solar glasses or filters should be placed over the eyes BEFORE looking at the sun.
The solar glasses or filters should be removed from the eyes after turning and looking away from the sun.
Watching the NASA live stream
If you can’t make it outside you can watch NASA’s live stream of the eclipse - https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/
If there are any questions about your student's vision, their parent or guardian may contact their primary care provider. We are grateful for your support and cooperation as we safely enjoy this extraordinary event together.
Spring Dance/Prom season is among us! We will be hosting the Spring Fling for grades 9&10, the Junior Prom for grade 11 and Senior Prom for Grade 12. Tickets are currently on sale for all events. See the class' Google Classroom for detailed information on each event.
Spring Fling - April 26
Junior Prom - May 16
Senior Prom - May 23
No Swipe Fees
We have been experiencing rampant instances of students bypassing safety and attendance protocols by entering school without their school ID card, therefore not swiping in, or manually entering their ID number. Our Student/Parent Handbook states: Students are required to carry their school ID card at all times. Students must use their ID to swipe in upon entering each morning. The student is charged $1.00 each time they do not have their ID card. If an ID card is lost or destroyed, the cost is $5.00 to replace. Requests for new/replacement ID cards must be made at the Dean’s Office, room 302.
Students were given letters on Thursday that tell them how much they have accumulated in fees from November - February. Amnesty has been given to all students who owe less than $5.00. If there is a financial hardship, please contact Ms. Thompson klthompson@philasd.org, or Ms. Stamps rnstamps@philasd.org to discuss payment arrangements.
Students will risk ineligibility to participate in activities if their account paid, and charges will continue to be added until the end of the year. Seniors will not receive their diploma if there are outstanding charges on their student account. We have found that strict enforcement of this rule is necessary in having all students comply for the safety of the entire school community. We do not want to be in a situation where trespassers are in the building, or we cannot account for all students in the case of an emergency.
Thank you in advance for reinforcing the importance if this to your student(s ).
The Center for Black Educator Development is hiring high school students, college-aged students, and educators to work in our Philadelphia 2024 Freedom Schools Literacy Academy summer programming!
The Freedom Schools Literacy Academy gives rising 1st-3rd grade scholars an opportunity to boost their literacy skills, strengthen academic confidence and experience the joyfulness of having their racial identity centered and affirmed.
The reality is that most of us go through our entire educational journey without a Black teacher to look up to, someone who can mirror our racial identities, cultural experiences and futures full of possibilities. We want to ensure our Black young scholars have the teachers we wish we once had. Help us grow the #WeNeedBlackTeachers movement as we rebuild the national Black teacher pipeline!
If you are Black high school student, college-aged student, or an educator, take a moment to check out this summer job opportunity and apply now: https://thecenterblacked.org/fsla-home/.
Please feel free to share this opportunity with Black students and educators in your network as well! The deadline to apply is April 15th at 11:59pm EST.
Please contact Renisha Pierre (renisha.pierre@thecenterblacked.org) if you have any questions.
Shout out to our winners in the local PA Media and Design Competition!
- 3D Design: 1st Place, Abby Li and Erin Chen
- Programming: 1st Place, Andrew Nguyen, Stella Gottesman, and ChengLin OuYang
- Animation: 1st Place, Marty Signes
- Digital Movie: 2nd Place, Cynthia Htwe
- Web Page Design: 1st Place, Youxi Pan and Abby Li
- Logo and Graphic Design: 2nd Place, Emily Seng
All 1st place winners, will represent the School District of Philadelphia at the State Media and Design Competition hosted at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA on May 21st.
Palumbo Home & School Association Happenings - Updated 4/4/24
Important - Medical Forms need updating
There are two medical forms that need yearly updating for all students. If you have not already done so, please complete the medical information form and the med-1 form which allows our nurse to administer medication to students while in school.
If your student tests positive for Covid, the reporting form can be found here as well.
Please contact nurse Stevens at cstevens@philasd.org if you have questions.