Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, October 18, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
It was an awesome short week for us-although we crammed a lot into a short week! Our third graders enjoyed their first field trip of the year to The Byrnes Health Center to learn more about how take care of their body, technology safety and mental health awareness. The majority of our second graders made a big splash at the Central York High School Pool as they began their swimming instruction. On Wednesday, the school held its first Recognition Assembly. Mrs. Fabie and I were proud to honor more than 100 students with their first official badges. These badges are something we are rolling out this year for the very first time and the children were enthusiastic about earning them and working toward something tangible that they could decorate their journals, folders, water bottles, or just place in a sticker album. Roundtown is indeed a special community and our culture and climate rose to new heights as we celebrated those who earned badges already!
The school is excited to hold our first parent/teacher conferences of the year next Thursday-Friday. A reminder that the Skyward Conference Scheduler will officially close on Tuesday, October 22 so please be sure you have scheduled your child's fall conference. There are some special school spirit days on the horizon and I encourage you to read on to learn more about some upcoming fun!
Have a great weekend! The next few weeks I will be traveling to my hometown, Johnstown, PA for some family functions and to help mom and dad with some things around the house as they continue to work through their respective illnesses. I hope you find some time to unwind, relax, and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
October Students of The Month
Congratulations to our October Roundtown Students of the Month!
Each month, Roundtown will honor and recognize two students at our monthly school board meeting. Students honored must consistently demonstrate aspects of our core values including: Character, Perseverance, Accountable, Community, and Excellence. Congratulations to our Students, Malachai and Annaliese!
This past week....
The school enjoyed "ORANGE" Day to support our kindergarteners and we are coming to an end soon with our weekly color days.
Mrs. Fabie and I led our first student recognition assembly and we handed out badges for different service to our school. The school also recognized classroom Energy Bus Drivers. Each month, a student is selected from each classroom to represent their class as someone demonstrating school spirit and enthusiasm for coming to school, self-control, and Roundtown PROUD behaviors. Congratulations to all students who earned a badge this week!
Third Graders took an awesome field trip to The Byrnes Health Center for the annual student health and safety fair. There was a variety of health and safety topics for the children to learn about to stay healthy and safe.
Second Graders in Mr. Houseal's, Mrs. Kelly's, Mrs. Peckmann's, and Mrs. Cole's classes began their swimming instruction and had a blast making a splash at our Central York High School Pool!
Coming next week…
From our Roundtown Librarian, Mrs. Dusich....
Students in Mrs. Kelly's, Mrs. Hower's, Mrs. Michaels', Mrs. Dellinger's, Mrs. Harrold's, Mrs. Plymire's, and Mrs. Cooley's classes should have their library books in school for return on Monday, October 21.
The school will conduct its October fire drill next week.
Kindergarteners in Miss Brose's, Mrs. Harrold's, and Mrs. Stare's classes will take their first field trip to Flinchbaugh's Orchard on Tuesday, October 22.
A reminder that the Skyward Conference Scheduler will close on Tuesday as well.
Kindergarten will celebrate its "BLACK" Day on Wednesday, October 23 and everyone is invited to wear black!
A reminder that Thursday, October 24 is a half day for students as we will dismiss at 12:30PM. Parent/Teacher conferences will follow from 1-7PM.
There is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, October 25 AND Monday, October 28 due to conferences and teacher in-service. School will resume on Tuesday, October 29.
Congratulations to our first Energy Bus Drivers who earned a certificate and badge this past week!
Kindergarten: Lucas Rummel, Amayah Alston, Ezra Frazier, Sophie Burd, Logan Hovis, and Micah Fryer
Grade 1: Harper Price, Maverick Harrold, Camden Washington, Julio Lopez, Nora Nguyen, Dylan Weber, and Maya Miller
Grade 2: Penelope Glotfelty, Amelia Bonnici, Leah Ly, Ian Lukic, Paisley Brown, and Camden Erickson
Grade 3: Stephan Bullard, Damian Skeen, Carson Spillman, DJ Wertz, Emma Herre, Calvin Ives, Login Friesema, Sebashtian Holbrook, and Valerie Delgado
Congratulations to the following students who have earned a Panther Roar Badge! Panther roars are given on the morning announcements when students are caught performing Roundtown PROUD acts during the school day.
Congratulations to: Raegan Rotz, Brinley Eisenhart, Noor Sharef and Maci Mannino!
Each Thursday, students submit a joke to try and "stump Mrs. Fabie" on the morning announcements. Congratulations to the following students whose joke was selected!
Congratulations to: Quinnlyn Walters, Hunter Hutson, Briella Gray, Amelia Bonnici, Gemma Roddy, Autumn Sablan, Matthew Mousa, and Muskaan Mughal!
From time to time, we have students make special announcements in the morning for our school community. Congratulations to some of our third graders who made such announcements to the student body and earned a Morning Announcement Badge!
Congratulations to: Ryan Carson, Emily O’Brien, Ethan Penrose, Kieran Schultheis, Natalie Tsonis and Kaia Turnbaugh!
Congratulations to all of our third graders who helped make our homecoming parade so special!
Thank you to: Rosalyn Anderson, Kira Basha, Hadleigh Bockenstedt, Dawson Boland, Austin Buhler, Audrey Burd, Harper Byler, Ryan Carson, Valerie Delgado, Reid Farquhar, Akharee Faust, Riley Flynn, Caleb Fryer, Kahlani Gardner, Alyce Gassert, Allure Gaston, Adore Gaston, Stella Geesey, Chealsea Goda, Campbell Gonzalez, Journey Gotwalt, Briella Gray, Harper Guise, Zoey Hamilton, Brooklyn Harner, Emma Herre, Nathan Hoffman, Hunter Hutson, Juliet Jernagin, Mason Johnson, Carson Kelly, Grayson King, Finn Knight, Claire Lacaillade, Owen Lutz, Liam Markel, Nash McBride, Coby Meier, Mason Miller, Neel Mongia, Muskaan Mughal, Clare Murren, Caroline Myers, Norah Nash, John Olszewski, Marshall Ostrom, Reese Ott, Mason Otterson, Declan Reilly, Dawson Roché, Rylee Rosemond, Abigail Schafer, Jacob Scholsberg, Kieran Schultheis, Max Shellenberger, Bennett Stine, Evan Strayer, Leo Suarez, Tommy Throckmorton, Victor Viars, Carson Wagman, and Hadley Yonkovitch!
PTO Volunteer Happenings
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please check out the PTO Newsletter below from PTO President, Khelsea Borror!
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
10/22 - Skyward Conference Scheduler Closes
10/22 - Kindergarten Field Trip (Brose/Harrold/Stare)
10/23 - Kindergarten's "BLACK" Day-wear something black
10/24 - 12:30 Early Dismissal-Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/25 - NO SCHOOL-Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/28 - NO SCHOOL-Teacher In-Service Day
10/28 - PTO Fundraiser-MOD Pizza
10/29 - Swimming Begins (Hower/Smith)
10/30 - Kindergarten's "WHITE" Day-wear something white
11/1 - Jersey/Sports Colors Day
11/1 - Roundtown Family Bowling Night 6-8PM @Lazer Alley