CATEC November 2024 Newsletter
Stay Up-to-Date on All the Things Happening at CATEC
Keep In Touch
There are lots of ways to know what is happening at CATEC. Keep in touch with us to know what our students are doing and all the ways we are working to improve our local workforce.
- Call us (434) 245-2419
- Visit us www.catec.org
- Download our app CATEC, VA
- Follow us at @CATECHighSchool (Facebook), CATEC High School (YouTube), @CATEChs (Twitter), @catechighschool (Instagram), @catechighschool (TikTok)
Principal's Message
Thankful Thoughts
November is National Apprenticeship month. Did you know that 200+ CATEC adult education students are apprentices? Apprenticeship is a hands-on, relevant educational opportunity for students to learn a skilled trade. Apprenticeships can last up to four years and result in a master-level certification in the skilled trade. At CATEC, students have the opportunity to begin pursuing work-based learning opportunities as high school students. We will connect them with an employer and support them through their first year of an internship. Once they graduate, they will have a year of this experience under their belt. CATEC is full of opportunities for students and this is just one!
As we near the end of the calendar year, students will begin registering for their 2025-2026 classes. We are hosting our Programs Expo on December 11 5-7 p.m. at CATEC. Come out learn more about our programs, meet staff, and learn how to request courses for next year. Please help us spread the word that CATEC is a wonderful school with amazing opportunities for students. Hearing from students and parents that had a great experience can be very powerful!
Dr. Stacey Heltz
Schoolwide Information
Calendar Dates
- Adult Education and Apprenticeship Scholarship Applications Due: December 5
- CATEC Programs Expo: December 11, 5-7 p.m.
- No School: December 23, 2024-January 7, 2025
No Cell Phone Policy
This is a friendly reminder about cellphone usage. CATEC, like other schools in the Commonwealth, expects that phones be off and away while students are in the building. Thank you for your help in supporting this mandate.
PowerSchool Information
Did you know that CATEC has its own PowerSchool?
You can view your student's current grades and attendance by following this link: CATEC PowerSchool. The PowerSchool Portal is also available on the high school page of the CATEC website.
Families will need to contact CATEC's front office at (434) 245-2419 to obtain login information for accessing their student's account.
Students have received their login details in their trade class and should check their accounts regularly to stay updated on their grades throughout the school year.
Download Our App Today!
The CATEC, VA app provides up-to-date information on all things CATEC. Find out about events, closures, and important documents by downloading the app and setting up push notifications.
Career and Counseling Corner News
School Counseling:
Ms. Butler is our School Counselor, and her office is located in the Career and Counseling Corner. She is available to meet with students and families regarding class schedules, dual-enrollment questions, and helps provide support as needed. You can reach her at 434-245-2419 or butlera1@charlottesvilleschools.org.
Workplace Readiness:
CATEC values ensuring our students leave with technical trade skills as well as workplace skills that make students prepared to get and keep jobs. Throughout the year, CATEC staff tackles workplace readiness expectations. This month, students focused on WRS #6 Conflict Resolution and #9 Customer Service.
Profile of a CATEC Student: Jose Lemuz Amaya
- Auto Service Technology 2
- Albemarle High School
- 12th grade
- Likes working with his hands
- Interns 5 day a week at Flow Hyundai
- Loves getting paid at Flow to learn
- Intends to keep working as a mechanic after high school
- Enjoys going to the gym and reading in his spare time
Profile of a CATEC Student: Saddia Hamilton
- Nurse Assistant
- Charlottesville High School
- 12th grade
- Likes connecting with people and knows healthcare is a great way to do so
- Plans to be a pediatric nurse and minor in education
- Has been accepted to 5 colleges so far this fall
- Works at ACAC Kid Zone
Meet Our Students on Internship!
This month we are highlighting an aspect of CATEC's mission that provides opportunities for high school students and adult learners to gain on-the-job training. Internships and apprenticeships are essential to preparing CATEC's students for success and help build relationships with local employers. Learn more about these work-based learning opportunities by talking with Mrs. Tomlin, our Work-Based Learning Coordinator and Adult Education and Apprenticeship Program Manager.
Most of our high school students' work-based learning experiences turn into full-time employment upon graduation. CATEC hosts its School-to-Work Signing Day event annual to celebrate these students' accomplishments and the local business partners who support hiring our students. Check out last year's Signing Day event here.
School-to-Work Signing Day
Adult Education and Apprenticeship News
Email: heltzs1@charlottesvilleschools.org
Website: www.catec.org
Location: 1000 Rio Road East, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Phone: 434-245-2419
Facebook: facebook.com/CATECHighSchool
Twitter: @CATEChs