Parmenter Press
September 13, 2024
Please Download the APP. This is Crucial!
A Note from the Office
Hispanic Heritage Month is a wonderful time for kids to learn about and celebrate the rich cultures, traditions, and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans. This special month, which lasts from September 15th to October 15th, offers a fantastic opportunity for kids to explore new cultures, try delicious foods, learn about famous Hispanic and Latino figures, and have fun while doing it. Here are some exciting ideas and activities to make Hispanic Heritage Month memorable for kids:
1. Discover Hispanic and Latino Countries:
- Explore a map or globe to find countries with Hispanic and Latino heritage, such as Mexico, Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and many more.
- Learn about their flags, capitals, and some fun facts about each country.
2. Taste Delicious Hispanic Foods:
- Try cooking or tasting traditional Hispanic dishes like tacos, empanadas, paella, or arroz con frijoles.
- Visit a local Hispanic restaurant or food market for an authentic culinary experience.
3. Learn Spanish Phrases:
- Learn some basic Spanish phrases and words. Try greeting each other in Spanish or counting to ten.
- Watch bilingual cartoons or shows to pick up new words.
4. Explore Hispanic Art and Music:
- Create your own Hispanic-inspired art, like papel picado (decorative paper crafts) or maracas (musical instruments).
- Listen to Hispanic music genres such as salsa, merengue, or reggaeton, and dance along.
5. Read Hispanic and Latino Stories:
- Discover books that celebrate Hispanic and Latino culture, like "Dragons Love Tacos" by Adam Rubin or "The Storyteller's Candle" by Lucia Gonzalez.
- Visit your local library or bookstore for a wide selection.
6. Learn About Hispanic Heroes:
- Research famous Hispanic and Latino figures like Cesar Chavez, Frida Kahlo, or Roberto Clemente. Create a small biography project or poster.
- Discuss their achievements and the positive impact they had on society.
7. Reflect on Diversity:
- Discuss the importance of diversity and how it makes our world a more exciting and inclusive place.
- Explore the idea that we can all learn from and appreciate different cultures.
Evan Chelman, Principal
Sandy Hook Promise: Start With Hello Week 24-25
- See Someone Alone
- Reach Out and Help
- Start With Hello
Each day, staff and student will engage in a short activity to jumpstart and strengthen our inclusive journeys together. On Wednesday, we will ask everyone to wear green because Green is Seen!
Smile Dental Opportunity
Weekend Backpack Initiative : Free Food
Cell Phone and Electronic Device Reminder
Please know that cellphones and electronic devices such as smart watches must remain off and in students' backpacks during the school day. They are also not allowed on the school bus. Please review the district policy outlined here for more information.
Please reach out to Mr. Chelman (chelmane@franklinps.net) if you have any questions.
Open House 2024-2025
We're inviting all caregivers and student to our annual Open House event on September 19th from 5:00 - 6:45PM. Click the attachment below.
Beginning of the Year Forms (160 out of 306 students...keep 'em coming!)
The following permission forms MUST be signed each year. Please use this FORM to sign-off on the following items. Please fill out one form for each student. We ask that you complete the forms by September 27, 2024.
-Photo/Video Release
-Student Data Privacy Permissions
-Sora Library App
-Science Safety
More Important Forms
Important Forms for the Beginning of the School Year (click on the form links to submit):
Important Forms for the Beginning of the School Year (click on the form links to submit):
Student Dismissal Form - It is essential that we have this form completed before Wednesday, August 21, 2024 so we are able to dismiss your child to the accurate location.
We are excited to announce that Parmenter School (along with two other schools in the district) qualifies for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This eliminates the need for families to fill out a free and reduced application. Instead, all families will receive an “income form” in their child’s folder on the first day of school. This will allow families to receive other program benefits!
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6-Day Cycle Schedule
Virtual PCC Meeting: September 17 at 7:30PM
Save the Date: Pumpkin Stroll - October 23 from 6-8PM
Upcoming Dates to Remember
17th - Early Release Day - PD
17th - PCC Meeting at 7:30PM - Virtual Link Above
19th - Open House 5:00-6:45 PM
25th - Picture Day
2nd - Early Release Day - PD
3rd - No School - Rosh Hashana
14th - No School - Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day
23rd - Pumpkin Stroll
25th - Early Release Day - PD
5th - No School - Full Day PD
11th - No School - Veterans’ Day
14th - 15th - Early Release Days - Conferences
27th - 29th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
2nd - Comfy Day
3rd - Winter Shop
11th - Early Release Day - PD
23rd - January 1st - No School - Winter Break
2nd - Comfy Day
17th - Early Release Day - PD
20th - No School - MLK Jr. Day
7th - Special Person Dance
10th - Early Release Day - PD
17th - 21st - No School - February Break
11th - 12th - Early Release Day - Conferences
18th - Early Release Day - PD
3rd - School Spirit Day Whole School Meeting
4th - Bottle & Can Collection Day
14th - Early Release - PD
18th - No School - Good Friday
21st - 25th - No School - April Break
28th - Comfy Day
2nd - Early Release Day - PD
26th - No School - Memorial Day
30th - Fun Day
5th - School Spirit Day Whole School Meeting
9th - Early Release Day - PD
17th - Projected Last Day - Early Release for Students/Full Day Staff
About Us
Email: chelmane@franklinps.net
Website: https://www.franklinps.net/g-m-parmenter-elementary-school
Location: 235 Wachusett Street, Franklin, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 541-5281