The Westgate Wire
November 1, 2024
A special shout out to these Wolverines for being WestGreat!
A few reminders...
- We will not have school on Monday to allow time for teachers and parents to meet. We will not have school on Tuesday due to Election Day. We look forward to seeing our Wolverines on Wednesday!
- We have many items in our Lost and Found. Tables will be set up outside the office during conferences. Please be sure to stop by and claim any lost items!
The new playground equipment in the front of the building is now open! It is designed for younger students (K-2). Students are not allowed to play on the playground before school. After school, they must have an adult with them. We ask that 3-5 students not play on the equipment because it is not designed for students of their size. Thanks for your help in keeping our playground safe and operational!
Although we love dogs at Westgate, they are not allowed on school property. If you walk to and from school with furry friends, please be sure to stay on the easement or sidewalks around the school. Thank you!
Halloween Fun at Westgate
Thank you to all our volunteers who made it possible!
RESPECT- Our Focus for the Month of November!
Students will be focusing on demonstrating Respect this November at Westgate. This will be the focus for when giving out West Great tickets as the character trait of the month. Please review with your students how they can show respect at school.
LMC Book Fair
The Book Fair is here!! We hope you will stop in to the LMC during conferences to grab some amazing new books. You can get a sneak peak at titles or even shop online using this link (abcfairs.com). Your support will help us grow our collection and allow us to bring in celebrated authors and illustrators for FREE! Thank you so much for continuing to support the Westgate Library!
Join us for a fun-filled social event and dine-out fundraiser on Friday, November 15th, from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM!
Event located at Get Air Des Plaines - 723 W Golf Rd, Des Plaines, IL 60016
(Located about 12 mins from Westgate Elementary)
Cost: $25 per jumper which includes pizza and soda (socks not included).
Guests can enjoy a full 2 hours of jump time as long as they arrive during the event. Pizza and soda will be served around 5:15 PM and again at 6:00 PM.
Best of all, $5 from each jumper (20% of the cost) will be donated to the Westgate PTA!
Please remember to bring the attached flyer to ensure the funds are allocated to our school. (There will be PTA members there with extra flyers as well)
We can’t wait to see you there!
Any questions can be directed to Becky Jehl (847 340 4595)
Westgate Spirit Days!
November 22nd - College Wear of Favorite Sports Team
January 31st - Favorite Winter Animal
February 28th - Pajama Day
March 21st - Westgate Spirit Wear
April 25th - Crazy Wear (Hats, Socks, Mismatch, etc.)
Upcoming Important Dates
11/4-Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/5-Election Day-No School
11/6-Picture Retake Day
11/6-1st Grade Family Night from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
11/22-Report Cards are sent home via email
11/22-Spirit Day- College Wear/Sports Team