August 23rd

September 6th
Important Dates
September 12th - Picture Day
September 12th - First day of Cross Country Practice
September 19th - Curriculum Night 6:00pm-7:30pm
September 26th - Cross Country Meet @ Memorial Park
September 27th - No School Staff Development Day
Students Served by Special Education
Parents and Guardians of Students Served by Special Education
If your student receives Special Education services, we encourage you to join our Student Services communication list. Sign up using this link and select "WLWV Special Education."
We also invite you to participate in our Parent Collaboration Group. Your perspectives as parents and guardians are valuable to us. By sharing your insights and long-term goals for your students, you can help shape our vision and improve our educational practices.
Join us for our Parent Collaboration Group, for families of students served by special education, on Tuesday, October 29, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM at the District Office Board Room, 22210 SW Stafford Road, Tualatin, OR. For more information, view our Flyer.
I hope the first week is going great for everyone. Curriculum night is quickly approaching and we want to show our teachers some love by restocking their break room and feeding them prior to curriculum night. Please see details below as well as the link to sign up for each one through sign up genius.
Curriculum Night - Thursday September 19th
Please help us show the teachers and staff our appreciation with a curriculum night Mexican themed dinner. Sign up to bring a dish (or two). Bring your goodies to the school on Thursday, September 19th by 3:15pm. Some of our teachers have food allergies/sensitivities. Please print out/write down your ingredient list for any homemade food items you bring. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050F4DADAC28A5FD0-51010936-curriculum
Stock the Break Room - Week of 9/16
Help our teachers get ready for the start of a new school year! Sign up to stock the staff break room the week of September 16th. Deliver your goodies to the main office during school hours any time that week when it works for your schedule. If you are unable to deliver your items to the school during business hours you are welcome to drop them off at my house prior to September 19th. If you want to help but don't feel you have the time to get the items and deliver them, you are also welcome to venmo me towards an item you sign up for and I can purchase it to deliver on September 19th when I am at the school (reach out directly for venmo information). Thank you for supporting our Athey staff and teachers!! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050F4DADAC28A5FD0-51009024-stockKatie Weigel
Athey Creek Volunteer Opportunities
If you would like to volunteer at Athey Creek then please visit https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/volunteer
The process can get lengthy, doing this ahead of time will ensure no opportunities will get missed.
If you have any questions about volunteering or if you want to check to see if you are on our list please reach out to Ashley Johnson. 503.673.7404, JohnsoA2@wlwv.k12.or.us
First Volunteer Opportunity is:
September 12th - picture day - signup Here
Picture Day September 12th
Our picture day is September 12th. Order forms will be going out with students soon.
Just a friendly reminder, these order forms are just for individual pictures of your student. Yearbooks will be ordered later in the year.