Tech Update: Safari EdVenture
Details About Virtual Safari Trip Day October 9, 2020
All K-5 Classrooms, My School Remote Students, and Families are Invited
We're excited to share more details about the Virtual Safari EdVenture happening on Friday, October 9.
- Details and description sessions can be found at the official website -https://sites.google.com/view/virtualsafariedventure2020/home
- 5 different 30-minute virtual learning sessions have been created for K-1, 2-3, and 4-5 grade bands.
- Sessions support NGSS and Social Studies standards.
- With several learning opportunities available, teachers can determine which sessions work best for their schedules.
How to Join a Session
All Face-to-Face Classrooms
- Scroll down on the website to find the direct links to your grade band sessions.
- Using your classroom projector, the entire class joins the virtual field trip session.
- Teachers poll students for questions/comments to share in the Microsoft Teams LIVE Event chat.
PRIMARY My School Remote Students and Families
- Teachers go to the website and scroll down to their grade band session links.
- Teachers identify which session(s) they would like students to experience.
- Teachers RIGHT CLICK on the session link to COPY the URL. This is the direct link to the Microsoft Teams Live Event.
- Teachers paste the URL in Seesaw or in their Daily Agenda so students know when to connect.
- Students will need to leave any current meetings with teachers and then join the virtual event.
- Students will not have the ability to share their videos or audio in the event. These are LIVE events meaning that students only have chat. Primary students might need a grown up to share in the learning experience.
GRADES 3-5 My School Remote Students and Families
- Teachers go to the website and scroll down to their grade band session links.
- Teachers identify which session(s) they would like students to experience.
- Teachers RIGHT CLICK on the session link to COPY the URL. This is the direct link to the Microsoft Teams Live Event.
- Teachers paste the link into Teams either as an announcement or if you wish to create a reflection activity along with the experience, you can share the link as a resource to the assignment.