The Double Creek Courier
Meet the Teacher Edition
A letter from the Principal
We're ready for you!
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM
(512) 746-4852
Welcome back to school, Cougars!
Meet the Teacher night will be on Monday, August 12th from 5:00 - 6:30 PM. This is a come-and-go event. Your child's homeroom class will be posted on the cafeteria windows starting the evening of Friday, August 9th. If your child is not on that list, it will be updated by Monday at 2:30 PM. Feel free to go straight to your teacher's classroom! You can:
- Drop off supplies
- Provide the teacher your contact information
- Meet partner teachers (if applicable)
- Sign up for class events
- Tell us how your child goes home
- Tour the building
- Speak to district departments such as Transportation and Food Services
- Sign up to be a substitute teacher
- Sign up for our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
We will wait to have our parent and family meeting and presentation for the Open House event.
Together We Grow! ¡Juntos Crecemos!
La noche para conocer al maestro será el lunes 12 de agosto de 5:00 a 6:30 p.m. Este es un evento de ida y vuelta. La clase principal de su hijo se publicará en las ventanas de la cafetería a partir de la tarde del viernes 9 de agosto. Si su hijo no está en esa lista, se actualizará el lunes a las 2:30 p.m. ¡Siéntete libre de ir directamente al aula de tu profesor! Puede:
- Dejar suministros
- Proporciona al profesor tu información de contacto
- Conozca a los profesores asociados (si corresponde)
- Regístrate para eventos de clase
- Cuéntanos cómo llega tu hijo a casa
- Recorre el edificio
- Hable con departamentos del distrito como Transporte y Servicios de Alimentos
- Regístrate para ser profesor sustituto
- Regístrese en nuestra Organización de Padres y Maestros (PTO)
Esperaremos a tener nuestra reunión y presentación de padres y familiares para el evento de puertas abiertas. ¡Juntos crecemos! Together We Grow!
Dr. Craig Wilson, Principal
Amie Von Stosch, Assistant Principal
Mahaley Walker, Assistant Principal
We all want things to go perfectly the first week of school. And that's our goal! However, we ask you to be patient with us if buses arrive late, car lines are long, the office gets busy, or phone calls aren't answered quickly. Everything will smooth out over time.
Your child's safety is our primary concern! This may be the reason we are slow on releasing buses, checking identification for car riders, or asking parents to wait in the front office. It's also the reason we ask parents to give us just a little more time during the beginning of the year to set things right. We are parents too!
Todos queremos que todo salga perfecto la primera semana de clases. ¡Y ese es nuestro objetivo! Sin embargo, le pedimos que tenga paciencia con nosotros si los autobuses llegan tarde, las filas de automóviles son largas, la oficina se llena o las llamadas telefónicas no se responden rápidamente. Todo se arreglará con el tiempo.
¡La seguridad de su hijo es nuestra principal preocupación! Esta puede ser la razón por la que tardamos en liberar los autobuses, verificar la identificación de los que viajan en automóvil o pedir a los padres que esperen en la oficina principal. También es la razón por la que les pedimos a los padres que nos den un poco más de tiempo durante el comienzo del año para arreglar las cosas. ¡Nosotros también somos padres!
- You can walk your child to their classroom on the first day of school. After that, we must secure the building and will ask parents to leave their children at the front door with us.
- The best way for you to know where your child is on the bus is by using SmartTag? Click Here for more information.
- The speed limit on County Road 307 in front of the school is 20 MPH. Don't pass buses. Stop for flashing lights.
- Your child has been very carefully selected to be in certain classes. We cannot honor requests to change classes or teachers at this time.
- You can add money onto your child's online account. Click Here for more information.
- Yes, you can eat lunch with your child! Just check in to the front office.
- We will release students at 3:00 PM each day, including the first day. Please help us by remaining in your car and keeping the office clear for everyone's safety.
8: Self-Contained Special Education Meet the Teacher (5:00 PM)
12: Meet the Teacher (5:00 PM)
14: First Day of School
School Theme: Together We Grow! ¡Juntos crecemos!
This year's theme is "Together We Grow!" or "¡Juntos crecemos!" We can all grow in academic achievement, socio-emotional learning, personal development, community development, parent and family relationships, communication, and behavioral expectations. You will see this theme weaved throughout everything that we do this year. We hope you enjoy watching us all grow together!
Our Attendance Policy! Please Read!
Our attendance bell this year will ring at 9:20 AM. Any student not physically on campus at that time will be considered absent. If you leave before that time, or arrive after that time, you will need to bring a doctor's note or parent note for the absence to be considered excused.
We can only accept notes (parent or doctor) to excuse the absence up to 3 days after your child returns to school. After 3 days, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Parent notes cannot exceed three days. Only 3 parent notes can be accepted per semester. After that, the absences will be considered unexcused.
If your child misses more than 15 days unexcused for the school year, they will not be able to attend the grade level field trip or field day events.
If your child is not in attendance for at least 90% of the year, they may not receive credit and/or may be retained in the current grade level.
For every 3 tardies, a child will receive a mark.
3 Marks will be one day of after school detention (9 tardies)
6 Marks will be 2 days of after school detention (18 tardies)
9 Marks will be 2 days of after school detention, a conference with administration and form an action plan to prevent future tardies. (27 tardies)
Nuestro timbre de asistencia este año sonará a las 9:20 a. m. Cualquier estudiante que no esté físicamente en el campus en ese momento se considerará ausente. Si sale antes de esa hora o llega después de esa hora, deberá traer una nota del médico o una nota de los padres para que la ausencia se considere justificada.
Solo podemos aceptar notas (de los padres o del médico) para justificar la ausencia hasta 3 días después de que su hijo regrese a la escuela. Después de 3 días, la ausencia se considerará injustificada.
Las notas de los padres no pueden exceder los tres días. Sólo se pueden aceptar 3 notas de los padres por semestre. Posteriormente, las ausencias se considerarán injustificadas.
Si su hijo falta más de 15 días injustificados durante el año escolar, no podrá asistir a la excursión de nivel de grado ni a los eventos del día de campo.
Por cada 3 tardanzas, un niño recibirá una nota.
- 3 marcas serán un día de detención después de la escuela (9 tardanzas)
- 6 Las marcas serán 2 días de detención después de la escuela (18 tardanzas)
- 9 Las marcas serán 2 días de detención después de la escuela, una conferencia con la administración y la formación de un plan de acción para evitar futuras tardanzas. (27 tardanzas)
For more information, please see the approved JISD Student Handbook, The DCES Student Handbook addendum, and Board Policy posted on our website.
Meet ParentSquare - our New Family Communication Tool
We have an exciting new tool for teachers and parents to connect! It's called ParentSquare. This will replace ClassTag that we used last year. By this point, you should have received an invitation to download the app onto your phone or connect on your computer. But don't worry if you haven't received it yet! Your homeroom teacher will be sending you an invitation to join his or her class as well.
ParentSquare allows you and the teacher to communicate effectively. You will receive newsletters, photos, and messages about your child. You can also use ParentSquare to send a direct message and attach files and photos to the teacher. Our teachers have been directed to use ParentSquare, not their Jarrell ISD email address, to communicate with you.
CLICK HERE to learn more about ParentSquare!
From the DCES PTO...
Our PTO is small but mighty! Please help us grow this important part of our school community. There is no cost to join. The PTO supports the school with fundraising, events planning, and advice for educational planning.
We meet once a month in the evenings for about an hour. More to come with specific dates and times!
Attendance Matters!
Our goal this year is to have at least a 96% Student Attendance Average. But this can only happen with your support!
Please read the following information regarding our attendance policy. More information is also available in the Jarrell Independent School District Parent and Student Handbook under Absences/Attendance.
Regular school attendance is essential for a student to make the most of his or her education to benefit from teacher led and school activities, to build each day's learning on the previous day's, and to grow as an individual.
When a student is absent, the student must bring a note to the attendance office within three days of the absence. After three days, parent notes may not be accepted and the absences will be considered unexcused. A maximum of three (3) parent notes per semester will be accepted as excused.
More info about attendance!
Attendance Works Informational Flyers - Click HERE
ENGLISH VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/101425388
SPANISH VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/130556839
Daily Deadlines
In order for our systems to run smoothly and safely, please observe the following daily deadlines times.
7:30 a.m. Tardy Bell. PLEASE DO NOT DROP-OFF STUDENTS AFTER 7:30. You will need walk your child into the building. They must be signed in by a parent or guardian.
9:20 a.m. Attendance Bell. Any child leaving before - or arriving after - 9:20 a.m. will be considered an unexcused absence for the day without a parent note. If your child is at a doctor or dentist appointment, bring in a note and the absence will be considered excused.
1:00 p.m. ALL transportation changes must be made by 1:00 by emailing or calling Carina Rodriguez at (512)-746-4852 or carina.rodriguez@jarrellisd.org. No changes can be made after this time for the safety of all students and staff.
2:30 p.m. Any student checking out early for an appointment, must be picked up prior to 2:30.