News and events
End of Trimester 1 & December Newsletter
A Message from the Principal
Monroe Families,
We have made it through Trimester 1!! Report cards will be available on Tuesday, Nov. 26th in the afternoon. Student's report cards are accessible through the Anoka-Hennepin Website or the ParentVue App and will not be printed. Please see attached directions on how to access your students report cards.
There will be no school next week, Monday, Nov. 25th through Friday, Nov. 29th for Thanksgiving Break.
Upcoming Events Highlighted in this newsletter include:
- Important Dates/ Upcoming Non-School Days
- Updates from the Social Workers
- PTO Fundraiser- CCX Spotlight
- PTO Chuck E Cheese Fundraiser
- Health Service- Dress for the weather
- Volunteer News
- Grade Level Games
- Parent Corner
- Lifetouch Promotion
Keep Being Amazing!
Mrs. Oliver & Mr. Mattis
Mrs. Amy Oliver
Mr. Scott Mattis
Important Dates
Nov. 22nd- End of Trimester 1
Nov. 25-29th- No School (Teacher Professional Dev't and Thanksgiving Break)
Dec. 2nd- Start of Tri 2
Dec. 2nd-19th- Grade Level Games
Dec. 5th- PTO Fundraiser at Chucky Cheese
Dec. 13th- 2nd Grade Sidekick Theater
Dec. 18th- 3rd Grade MIA Field Trip
Dec. 19th- Last day of School
Dec. 20th-Jan. 1st- No School Winter Break
Jan. 2nd- School Resumes
Updates from the Social Worker
Accessing the Gear Shelf
Is your family in need of food or toiletries? If so, you can use our school’s food shelf. It’s easy, fast, and confidential.
Here are some options:
- Reach out to a social worker to set up a time by calling 763-506-3689 or emailing:
- Scan or click the QR code to sign up to shop
Character Trait for December
This month’s focus is Empathy. One way to think about Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships.
THANK YOU for an AMAZING Fundraiser!
Staff Inflatable Warm Up
Mrs. Zins and Ms. Eckoff were great sports in the Pie in the Face Game
Top Fundraisers silly stringing Mr. Mattis
What an AMAZING fundraiser we had! Thank you to all the families, friends, relatives and organizations who donated to support Monroe! Together Monroe raised $26,000!
On Wednesday, students participated in a whole school assembly where they got to see our top fundraisers silly string a staff member, teachers play the Pie in the Face game and see staff in inflatable costumes play a game! It was a great day to celebrate all we accomplished! CCX Media was there to capture the fun event.
Save the Date for Fundraising with Chuck E. Cheese!
Health Service
We are starting to see a lot of illness in students. Please be sure to call the absence line (763-506-3606) if your student will be staying home sick. Students must stay home from school if:
- they have a temperature greater than 100 degrees
- or have thrown up within 24 hours
Students may return to school when vomiting has stopped or their temperature has returned to normal for 24 hours without fever reducing medications.
Winter has also arrived! Please be sure to send your students to school in the appropriate clothing! As the season has changed, please consider the following for your student:
- send in a water bottle for your student so they can stay hydrated
- have lip balm for chapped lips available in backpacks
- small bottle/container of lotion for dry chapped skin
If you have any health related questions, please feel free to contact us @ 763-506-3624!
Volunteer News
Hey Monroe Families,
There are several opportunities to support staff and students at Monroe. Here are a few ways:
1. Workroom Volunteer - On-going
We are looking for extra help in our workroom. If you are interested in cutting, copying or laminating, this opportunity is for you! You can come in to help out at your convenience or take a project home to work on!
2. Chaperones for Field Trips
To be considered as a chaperone, a background check and volunteer forms are mandatory. These can be completed at any time but for sure need to be done 3+ weeks prior to any field trip. Please watch for information from your student's classroom teacher. Please use the links below to complete!
3. Attend a PTO Meeting
Attending a PTO meeting is a great way to get to know Monroe staff and other Monroe families! Childcare is provided for free for children ages preschool and older. PTO meetings are held in the Monroe Media Center and run from 6:30-7:30pm. Here are the upcoming meetings:
December 3rd, 2024 - 6:30pm-7:30pm
February 4th, 2025 - 6:30pm-7:30pm
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Wendy Brown
December Grade Level Games
In December we will start Grade Level Games! Each grade level will be learning a game and having some sort of friendly competition. Games by grade level are:
- Kindergarten- Pop-It Dice Game
- 1st Grade- Otrio
- 2nd Grade- Checkers
- 3rd Grade- Farkle
- 4th Grade- Chess
- 5th Grade- Cribbage
Ask your student(s) about the games they are playing and maybe even challenge them to play with you. Games are a great way to teach: taking turns, strategy and good sportsmanship.
Parent Corner
Lifetouch Promotion for Families
As a token of appreciation, Lifetouch is offering discounts on school photography!
- 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code USNOV50
- 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code USNOV40
- 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code USNOV30
Valid through 12/1/24
To order, log in to your account on or create an online account. Don't forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
General School Information
Dismissal Line: Please use this line to make any changes to your student's transportation for the afternoon. Any changes need to be made prior to 3pm. The number is 763-506-3614.
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up: Please be sure that you wait in the line along the south side of Brookdale Drive until you are directed to enter the front parking lot. This ensures safety for our students as they arrive and leave Monroe. Students should have everything ready to get right out of the car in the morning and should get out on the school side.
Lunch Schedule: If you plan to come to lunch, please call the office at 763-506-3600 ahead of time, so we can see if there is space. Here is a reminder of the lunch times!
- 11:00-11:25- Kindergarten
- 11:30-11:55- 2nd Grade
- 12:00 -12:25 - Grade 1
- 12:30-12:55 - Grade 4
- 1:00-1:25 - Grade 3
- 1:30-1:55- Grade 5
Attendance Information: Please be sure to call the attendance line if your student is sick, will be out of town or has a doctor's appointment. Absence number is: 763-506-3606.
This e-newsletter is published by Monroe Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.