Fitzy's Flyer
February 7, 2025
Principal Update
Greetings FitzGerald Families!
We have reached the 100 day mark for the school year! We had a lot of fun at FitzGerald enjoying in activities that celebrate in the number 100. It was also the 1,000th day for fifth graders! Around the school, staff members hid Jiji penguin cards (the ST Math main character) and the students were tasked with seeing if they could find all 100. We had a lot of fun with this whole school activity! Thanks to Dr. Flynn, FItzGerald Math Coach, for organizing this activity for us!
FitzGerald After School Enrichment Program- The FitzGerald After School Enrichment Program begins this coming Monday, February 10th. We have 182 students participating! If you have not received an email regarding your child’s program, please contact Miss Grimes at amandagrimes@walthampublicschools.org.
K-1 Report Cards- Kindergarten and first grade report cards went home in student backpacks today.
Thank you for your partnership and collaboration!
Mrs. Santillo, Principal- jennifersantillo@walthampublicschools.org
Mrs. Lamoly, Assistant Principal- julielamoly@walthampublicschools.org
Specialist Spotlight: Visual Arts with Ms. Walsh!
Hi FitzGerald Families!
In December the students worked on creating beautiful decorations for the winter concert. The Fifth graders created 3D snowflakes and the fourth created 2D snowflakes. Third graders created the paper wreaths and second graders created realistic evergreen branches that became our winter trees. The First graders created paper snowpeople and the Kindergarteners used their fine motor skills to create a patterned paper chain.
It's almost Square1 art time! Students have been hard at work drawing their ideas onto their Square 1 Art paper which will be sent out to Square 1 Art in March. This company sends back their original art once it's been scanned into their database. Families will have the opportunity to order items with their child's own artwork on it. Coffee Mugs seem to be a very popular choice, however other items they sell are sketchbooks, Christmas ornaments, pillow cases, note cards that can be personalized and so much more. This is the website if you would like to see what they have to offer: www.square1art.com
Over the Winter break students in grades 3-5 students drew up sketches at home for their Square 1 art project. This was for the students to start getting ideas down on paper. Their ideas only needed to be a contour drawing, not a full color image. Grades 3-5 have the ability to choose what they would like to do for their Square 1 Art project. However, it could not be copyright images or traced images. Students could look at a picture and draw from it. They could have used Art Hub for Kids too. Kindergarten, first and second graders will be doing a directive art lesson in the classroom with me during their art class. The students look forward every year to doing Square 1 Art. This is a fundraiser for our school and order forms will be sent home some time in the early Spring. All orders placed will be sent directly to your home. If you have a former graduate from FitzGerald that would like to do Square 1 Art at home, please have them or yourself contact me. I can be contacted at: Sandrawalsh@walthampublicschools.org.
Mrs. Walsh
Visual Art Specialist
Spring 2025 MCAS Dates
Students in Grades 3, 4, and 5 will be taking the MCAS tests this spring.
- Grades 3 and 4 will take 2 English Language Arts (ELA) tests and 2 Math tests.
- Students in Grade 5 will take 2 ELA tests, 2 Math tests, and 2 Science/Technology/Engineering (STE) tests.
Please see the dates for each MCAS test below. Please plan ahead to try to avoid appointments/vacations on these days, so that students arrive to school on time and are at school for the entire school day. Thank you for your help with this! More information will be sent home closer to the MCAS tests.
Grade 3:
ELA 1- April 3rd
ELA 2- April 10th
Math 1- May 8th
Math 2- May 15th
Grade 4:
ELA 1- April 2nd
ELA 2- April 7th
Math 1- May 7th
Math 2- May 14th
Grade 5:
ELA 1- April 1st
ELA 2- April 8th
Math 1- May 6th
Math 2- May 13th
STE 1- May 19th
STE 2- May 20th
Principal Coffee Talks
What are Principal Coffee Talks?
Principal Coffee Talk times have traditionally been offered once monthly for the last several years at FitzGerald. This is an informal conversation time where family members can connect with Mrs. Santillo and/or Mrs. Lamoly and ask any questions about FitzGerald School that they may have. This year, we are going to try to hold these monthly informal conversation times at different times of day, so that there are more options available for those that would like to join.
Next Coffee Talk Time:
Date: Monday March 3, 2025 (date change)
Time: 8:45am
Location: Cafeteria (a link will also be sent out for anyone that would like to join virtually)
PTO News
A huge thank you to the volunteers at the Harlem Wizards game and Bingo Night.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming events!!!!
❤️ February Celebration Party ❤️- Friday February 28th! A Valentine themed party with DJ, Arts and Crafts, Face painting, raffles and so much more…
The flyer will be sent home with your child in the next week for ordering tickets! Let the PTO know if you are interested in volunteering, donating or making a basket to be raffled.
Spring events: Pickleball Tourney (April); Fitzy Fun Run (May), Field day (June)
If you are interested in volunteering please contact the FitzGeraldPTO@gmail.com or FrancescaRpto@gmail.com
💲Help us raise $650 for FitzGerald’s amazing music teacher, Mr. Irwin! He needs new instruments in the classroom and we are here to help make it happen. Venmo @FitzGerald-PTO and tag it to “music” for your donation to support this cause - every contribution makes a difference in reaching this goal!
🍴Restaurant Night - We hope to see you Wed, Feb 12th at Fiorella’s in Newton for our next restaurant night! Mention FitzGerald 🐾whether you dine in or take out to participate in this fundraiser.
Up Next…
Mar 11th - City Streets
Apr 15th - Jake N JOES
👟Fitzy 5k Fundraising - Believe it or not, we’re already lining up sponsors for our May Fun Run! Do you work for a company that might be interested in being a sponsor? Many businesses will only sponsor if an employee asks. Reach out to us for a sponsor letter and all the details at FitzGeraldPTO@gmail.com - Let’s make this event a success together!
Ongoing Fundraisers
👕Fitzy Gear
🪪Raise Right - use FitzGerald’s Enrollment Code - 1B5L864C89184:
Fitzy Drinkware - from Crafted by Dee
Parent Directory is available if you'd like to contact classmates! Be sure to submit your own information so that others may reach you too. (Contact information is only available for families who have provided it)
If you participated in the recent 5th Grade fundraiser, please stay tuned for an announcement of winners this Sunday on social media. Thank you to all who participated.
*Reminder* Message from 5th grade teachers:
Don't forget to ask your student to see their Weekly Memo each Friday so you can read and hear about the hard work they've been up to! You will also find in their backpack a "My Weekend Memo" where students are encouraged to write or draw about what they did over the weekend. The Weekend Memos are then added to an album that lives in the fifth grade hallway so students can learn more about their peers' interests and families.These communications help to strengthen the home to school connection, as well as connections amongst peers.
We are searching for a vendor to help us pull together the yearbook. If you know someone, please pass along their contact information.
Thank you to everyone who has submitted their photo consent form. We still have a couple we need returned back. If you have not submitted your photo consent form (English/Spanish), please do so as soon as possible. This is essential for the creation of the 5th grade yearbook. We are also beginning to collect photos of our 5th grade students for the yearbook. If you have any photos from previous years (Kindergarten, 1st grade, etc.) or recent events that you would like to see included, please email them to FifthGradeFitzPTO@gmail.com.
The 5th grade committee will continue to fundraise for the next several months to help with end-of-the-year activities costs. Please continue to check social media for updates or send an email to FifthGradeFitzPTO@gmail.com.
Thank you for helping us make this year memorable for our 5th graders! Please reach out to us with any questions you may have.
Ann Tierney & Diana Lehmann
FitzGerald School Site Council
The FitzGerald School Council is an advisory group for the Principal that includes parent, staff, and community representatives. The council discusses items such as budget, School Improvement Plan, etc. Approved meeting minutes are posted in the Fitzy's Flyer office communication.
Please see below for the agenda from January 9th's School Council Meeting and the approved meeting minutes from the last school meeting in November.
Next Virtual Meeting*: February- Date TBD
Time: TBD
*Please reach out to Mrs. Santillo if you would like the meeting link.
School Lunch Information
*Breakfast and Lunch are available for free for all students this school year!
** All students should bring one snack and a water bottle to school each day.
FitzGerald School Vision, Mission, and Core Values
"Fitzy Fridays" at FitzGerald!
Every Friday is "Fitzy Friday" at FitzGerald! Everyone is invited to wear Fitzy Spirit Wear or the colors blue and/or yellow to school, if they would like to!
2024-2025 District Calendars
Upcoming Dates
February 17th- February 21st- February Vacation
Friday February 28th- PTO Valentine's Day Event- More info to come soon!
Monday March 3rd- Principal Coffee Talk, 8:45am
Wednesday March 5th- PTO Meeting, 6:30pm, Cafeteria
WPS Elementary School Handbooks 2024-2025
Information About the Clever App
Clever is an app we use at school that makes it easy for students to access many online learning programs and resources with their Waltham Public Schools Google account. Students can also access Clever at home on a personal device. Click HERE for directions.
Sign Up Information for the Waltham Public Schools App
James FitzGerald Elementary School
Email: jennifersantillo@walthampublicschools.org
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/fitzgerald
Location: 138 Beal Road, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: 781-314-5680