3rd Grade News
February 7 - March 7
Important Dates
- 2/11 District Opinion Writing Assessment
- 2/13 Parent Teacher Conferences, 12:05pm dismissal
- 2/14 Class Valentine’s Celebrations
- 2/14 Half Day, 12:05pm dismissal
- 2/17 No School - Presidents’ Day
- 2/19 Spring Picture Day
- 2/21 Early Release, 2pm dismissal
- 2/26 Panda Express Fundraiser
- 2/27 Field Day (More information to come)
- 2/28 Early Release, 2pm dismissal
- 3/7 Early Release, 2pm dismissal
What are we learning?
Reading & Writing
Module 7: Make a Difference - How can one person make a difference in their local and global community?
Cycle 1
Foundational Skills:
- Decoding & Spelling: Compound Words with Abbreviations
- Fluency: Phrasing
- Generative Vocabulary: Suffix -ion
- Strategy: Analogies
- scarce, pollution, factories, vats, crowded, greenhouses, vertical
- "The Eco-Troubadour"
- "Let's Build a Park!"
- "Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table"
- Focus Skills: Author’s Purpose, Make and Confirm Predictions, Author’s Purpose, Text Structure, Point of View
Cycle 2
Foundational Skills:
- Decoding & Spelling: Irregular Plurals
- Fluency: Intonation
- Generative Vocabulary: Suffixes -ness and -able
- Strategy: Analogies
- confesses, forage, recycled, cable, environmental, renewable, converted, resources, willing
- "One Plastic Bag"
- "Energy Island"
- Focus Skills: Make Inferences, Text Structure, Point of View, Text and Graphic Features
Cycle 3
Foundational Skills:
- Decoding & Spelling: Words with /oo/ as in cool and /oo/ as in book
- Fluency: Accuracy and Self-Correction
- Generative Vocabulary: Compound Words
- Strategy: Reference Sources: Thesaurus
- slender, gallant, chimed, preparations, flickered, concluded
- "The Storyteller's Candle"
- Focus Skills: Synthesize, Literary Elements, Text and Graphic Features, Figurative Language
Opinion Writing
- Writing Process: Brainstorming, Prewriting, Rough Draft, Revise/Edit, Final Draft
- Writing 5-paragraph essay with a hook, thesis, body paragraph topic sentences, concluding sentences, and conclusion paragraph
Unit 4
Lesson 22 - Family Letter
- Understand what equivalent fractions are.
- Use fraction models to show equivalent fractions.
- Use number lines to show equivalent fractions.
Lesson 23 - Family Letter
- Find equivalent fractions.
- Write a whole number as a fraction.
Lesson 24 - Family Letter
- Compare fractions with the same denominator.
- Compare fractions with the same numerator.
- Understand why one fraction is greater than or less than another fraction.
Lesson 25 - Family Letter
- Use the symbols <, >, and = to compare fractions.
- Use models or number lines to help compare fractions.
Lesson 26 - Family Letter
- Measure length to the nearest 1/2 inch.
- Measure length to the nearest 1/4 inch.
- Make a line plot to show length data.
Unit 5: Structure and Function of Organisms
Essential Questions
- Why are there different seed structures?
- Why are seeds dispersed?
- How does pollination serve a function for plants/animals?
- How do animal structures help them to survive?
Social Studies
Black History Month Projects
Mallory Foster
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