Cedar Crest Intermediate
September 6, 2024
Message from Mrs. Williams
CCI Families,
We have had a fantastic week at school! Here are some important updates and reminders:
Grandparent's Day Celebration:
- A heartfelt thank you to our Grandparent's Day Committee and Café staff for organizing a wonderful event!
Forms Due on Monday, September 9:
- Robotics Application
- Cedar Leaders Application
- Student Council Form
- Ranger Choir forms are attached for students interested.
K-Kids Meeting:
- Our first K-Kids meeting, led by Mrs. Peggy Huff, took place this week. Exciting leadership opportunities for our students! It's not too late to sign up!
Tardiness Reminder:
- School starts promptly at 7:50 AM.
- Arrivals after that time will be marked as tardy (unexcused) unless there is an appointment.
- Timely arrival is crucial for instructional time.
Thank You for Ranger Gear Purchases:
- Your support funds activities and resources through our PTO!
Picture Day:
- Scheduled for Thursday, September 26.
- Order online at inter-state.com using the code 87719GF.
Cheer Team Fundraiser:
- Support our cheerleaders by purchasing Pepsi products!
Lady Rangers Basketball Team:
- Offering a Fall Camp and League—more information is included below.
Thank you for your continued support! Let’s have another amazing week together!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to reach out! cassie.williams@sedubois.k12.in.us
Every moment matters,
Mrs. Williams
Ranger Ready Skills
Cedar Crest Fall Vaccine Clinic September 19th 2024
As a reminder the Dubois County Health Department will be hosting the Cedar Crest
Fall Vaccine Clinic here at school on September 19th 2024. They will be offering MCV4,
TDAP, and HPV vaccines to students in need of vaccination. Both the MCV4 and TDAP
vaccines are required prior to the start of 6th grade, and this is a great opportunity for
students to get up to date!
Please click the link below for more information on the vaccines offered, and to register
your child for the clinic should you desire to do so.
New Visitor Check-In Process at SED
¡Celebremos el Día de los Abuelos!
¡Celebremos el Día de los Abuelos!
SEPTIEMBRE 6, 2024 1:15-2:15 PM
Los estudiantes que deseen irse con sus abuelos deberán entregar el formulario a continuación.
Por favor considere el transporte compartido, ya que el estacionamiento es limitado.
Anuncio de la Sra. Emily Hauser
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo al año escolar 2024-2025! Estamos muy felices de verlos a todos. Me gustaría aprovechar este momento para presentarles a la Sra. Tara Uebelhor como la nueva maestra de ENL en Forest Park y a la Sra. Alyssa Merkely en Pine Ridge. Actualmente están trabajando con los estudiantes para fortalecer sus habilidades en el idioma inglés. Los estudiantes tienen suerte de contar con un maestro tan dedicado que los guíe durante este año escolar. La Sra. Emily Hauser continuará trabajando con los estudiantes de la Primaria Ferdinand y la Intermedia Cedar Crest.
Algunos recordatorios:
-Cuando su hijo esté enfermo o ausente de la escuela, llame a la oficina al 812-817-0900 o a la Sra. Emily Hauser al 812-639-1653. Puedes dejar un mensaje o enviar un mensaje de texto. La oficina necesita recibir la información de un padre o tutor.
-Asegúrese de haber registrado a su hijo o hija en Harmony. Si necesita ayuda, pregúntele a la Sra. Emily Hauser.
-Si tiene alguna otra pregunta, llame a la Sra. Hauser al 812-639-1653.
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so happy to see everyone. I would like to take this time to introduce Mrs. Tara Uebelhor as the new ENL teacher at Forest Park and Mrs. Alyssa Merkely at Pine Ridge. They are currently working with students to strengthen their English language skills. The students are lucky to have such a dedicated teacher to guide them through this school year. Mrs. Emily Hauser will continue to work with students at Ferdinand Elementary and Cedar Crest Intermediate.
A few reminders:
-When your child is sick or absent from school, please call the office at 812-817-0900 or Mrs. Emily Hauser at 812-639-1653. You can leave a message or send a text. The office needs to receive the information from a parent or guardian.
-Please make sure you have registered your son or daughter on Harmony. If you need assistance, please ask Mrs. Emily Hauser.
-If you have any other questions, please call Mrs. Hauser at 812-639-1653.
5th Grade Newsletter
6th Grade Newsletter
📸 School Pictures 📸
CCI Cheer Fundraiser: PEPSI
Bus Information
For information about your child's bus route, please contact SED Transportation Director, Mr. Ryan Haas. Please call 812-817-0900 extension 4 or email ryan.haas@sedubois.k12.in.us.
Need Help with Harmony? Click the button below.
Mrs. Lueken
Mrs. Rogier
Ms. Sitzman
Ms. Schroeder
Mrs. Steczyk
Mrs. Welp
Mr. Atkins
September Lunch Menu
Forest Park Cheer Clinic
Volunteer Information
School Calendar
- September 18: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- September 26: CCI School Pictures
- October 1 and 3: CCI Parent Teacher Conferences
- October 11: End of Qtr 1; CCI Walk-A-Thon
- October 14-18: SED Fall Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- November 1: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- November 11: Veteran's Day Celebration (Please let your family Veterans know)
- November 27-29: SED Thanksgiving Break
- December 23-January 3: SED Holiday Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- February 5: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- February 13: Fine Arts Night/Talent Show
- March 24-28: SED Spring Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- April 18: NO SCHOOL Good Friday
- May 9: 6th Grade Dance
- May 23: Last day of School
- May 24: SED Graduation
Community Resources
Ferdinand Library
Dubois County CARES
Dubois County Health Department
Info for 6th Graders:
Pickleball Tourney
Heartland Kids Fun Run
The Heartland Half Marathon Weekend is almost here!
Join us Friday, September 20th for the Kids Fun Run and Tailgate. Festivities will take place on the square in Downtown Jasper. Children ages 4-14 can register for the 1.1 Mile Kids Fun Run online by visiting the event website at heartlandhalfmarathon.com. A procession led by the JHS Band and Dance Team will travel from the Kids Fun Run to the Jasper Home Football Game in time for kickoff! Don't miss out on this exciting event.
Complete the Kids Run Challenge by participating in the 12-mile challenge over the course of the next few weeks. Participants can print the Running Log below and track 12 miles prior to September 20th. Participants will be entered to win cool prizes! The Heartland Kids Fun Run and Tailgate kicks off the fun-filled, family weekend of events with the Heartland Half Marathon, 5k, and Team Challenge taking place the next morning, Saturday, September 21st. To register or for more information visit www.hearlandhalfmarathon.com.