Emerson's November Newsletter
27 Rhododendron Road, Fitzwilliam, NH 03447
Dates to Remember
11/4 - Grades 1/2 Showcase
11/5 - No School - District Workshop
11/11 - No School - Veteran's Day
11/12 - Picture Retake Day
11/14 - Thanksgiving Luncheon
11/27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
Please note that Emerson will be putting most of the flyers in this newsletter instead of printing off hard copies to send home with students. Please be sure to look through the whole newsletter for important upcoming events. Thank you
Important Reminder
Always call or email ppoole@mrsd.org if your child is going to be tardy, absent or dismissed from school. It is very important that we know that your child is safe with you when not in school. Thank you for your cooperation with this safety issue. Ms. Poole
From Mrs. Stevens
Hello Emerson Families,
Where has the time gone?!? We have had a great couple of months back at school and are looking forward to all the fun that November and December will bring!
I have exciting construction news to share!! Construction will be starting next week. The first stage of construction will consist of the new front including a secure entry way. A lot of this first stage will take place outside of the building. In December, some classrooms will move to different rooms in the building as they begin working on lowering ceilings and placing new floors in our old classrooms over the holiday break. As we know, construction will not always stay on schedule but for now it is looking like everything will be complete by the start of next school year! That means we only have distractions for a short time. Thank you for understanding and supporting us during this exciting time!!
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me.
Happy November!
Mrs. Stevens
From Beyond the Bell
Hello Emerson Families,
In Beyond the Bell, this session, we have been working on Spooky snacks, holiday crafts, and going outside when the weather is not too cold. We will continue to craft our hearts out, make some slime, and cook in the cauldron to make some Spooky snacks. Every day we have so many memorable moments. The amount of laughter staff hear and smiles we see is incredible. We are so excited to make many more memories.
Just a few reminders to send Ema Perkins and Pat Poole an email if your student can not attend Beyond the Bell. Please make sure you are sending your student with warm clothes because we go outside every day and as the weather is getting colder they need to be dressing warmer. We will not have Beyond the Bell on November 5th, 11th, 27th, 28th, and 29th.
Beyond the Bell is running a fundraiser for a Thanksgiving basket. There will be raffle tickets handed out to the students very soon. The money raised goes to the Beyond the Bell program and keeps the program free.
Ema Perkins
Emerson, Site Coordinator