BHMS Principal's Update 8/28/24
2024-25 School Year v3
Keeping Up with What is Going on at the Hill!!!
Hi Bulldog Families,
I hope everyone had a restful summer. The opening of school can be overwhelming as there are a lot of nuances happening to start the year. For those of us with multiple children in multiple schools, and with new digital platforms, I recognize the stress this can cause. With this newsletter, I hope to allay some trepidation for the upcoming school year.
By now you should have at least received your child's homeroom. On September 3, please have your child report to their homeroom. 7th and 8th graders will get their locker information at that time.
We are always here to help. Please reach out if you have questions.
Mike D'Ostilio
New and Important Information
- Calendar Dates
- What it Means to be a Bulldog
- New Bell Schedule
- Genesis
- Parent Square
- Drop Off/Safety and Security
- Curriculum Updates
- PTO Support
- Summer Reading
- School Supplies
- Attendance
- School Nutrition Information
- Schoology
- FutureActs Club
- 6th Grade Vaccines
Recurring Information
- Book Smiles
- Social Media Reminders
- Building Better Bulldogs
- Click this Link for More Repeat Information from Week to Week
New and Important Information
September 3, 2024...First Student Day
September 4, 2024...Student Grade Level Code of Conduct Assemblies
September 10, 2024...World Finest Chocolate PTO Fundraiser Kickoff Assembly
September 12, 2024...Picture Day (More Information to Follow)
TBD...3pm...7th and 8th Grade Back to School "PAW"ty
September 19, 2024...3pm..6th Grade Back to School Dance/Party
September 26, 2024...6:30 PM to 8:30 PM...Back to School Night
October 17, 2024...BHMS Make Up Pictures
October 22, 2024...6:30-8:30 PM...BHMS Schoolwide Harvest Dance
For All the Updated Information...
- Don't forget to scroll all the way down on this newsletter for X (formerly Twitter) and Remind Updates
First and Foremost We Believe and Reinforce that a Bulldog is More than a Mascot; It's our Character!!!
Check out the New Bell Schedule
Genesis Portal Replacing PowerSchool
Families, Genesis will become the new Student Information Software for students. From the parent's end, you will be able to access Genesis as well. However, you will not be getting alerts from Parent Square if you did not set up Genesis. Users who are missing / have an incorrect phone number or email can simply email Thank you for your continued patience as we work to transition to this new platform. We are aware that some may have reached out to the genesis help desk. The department is working diligently to field all requests.
Please See the Info Sent by the Registration Office on 8/26/24 via Parent Square
Good Afternoon Washington Township Families,
Schedules and Bus Information are now live in Genesis. Please note that both Schedules and Busing Information are subject to change between now and the beginning of school. You will want to check again shortly before the start of school to ensure you have the most up to date information.
As stated before, you will need to complete the required Annual Information Forms before you are able to view any scheduling information as both a Parent or a Student.
Parent Login Information:
Login Link:
Student Login Information:
Login Link:
Username: Full Student Email (Ex.
Password: Student Number (Ex. 123456)
Scheduling Issues:
For specific scheduling issues you will need to reach out to your student’s respective counselor.
Busing Issues:
You will want to reach out to the Transportation Department at 856-589-9190
Technical Issues and Login Issues:
If you set your account up earlier and have forgotten your password, you may utilize the forgot password button. Note that if you press this multiple times you will need to utilize the last password reset email's information to get in.
If you continue to have issues you may reach out to, Please note that we are receiving a high volume of emails and it may take some time to get back to you.
Note that other applications such as Schoology, ClassLink, Parent Square, etc may take some time to populate the proper classes as we work through the transition.
Parent Square is the way we are engaging in mass communication with parents and families...signing up and verifying your accounts is essential for this. Please click on the Buttons below to set up and start using Parent Square. Remember having Parent Square is a must to stay in touch with all facets of the school district (events, emergencies, updates, etc).
Powerschool is shutting down as of 6/26/24. So you need to make sure all is good on Genesis
Make sure you use all the parent square resources for parents (video overview, getting started guide, parent training video).
School Safety and Security/Drop Off and Pick Up of Students
At BHMS School Safety is paramount. We have outlined some procedures to help ensure students are as safe as possible. Each of our procedures have been vetted with the Washington Township Police Department. Please adhere to these procedures at all times. View the links and images below for assistance.
Drop Off/Pick Up, Bus Info, Walking/Riding Bikes to School, Visiting the School, Picking Your Child Up Early, Need for Identification, and Communication about Security Drills
Click on the Above Photo for Curriculum Updates
Families, this was sent out last month. The newsletter includes: the starting and end times for middle school, new executive functioning course, and a new grading scale. This already came through parent square, but still is a good resource. Please note that accurate grades can only be viewed in Genesis, not Schoology.
PTO Needs Your Support
The BHMS PTO Executive Board and Parent Volunteers are critical to the continuing the magic of BHMS year after year. They work hard to raise money to support school wide events that include recognition assemblies, anti bullying initiatives, and class events. Without their volunteerism and generosity, BHMS does not have the opportunity to provide those opportunities for children. Please take the time to support the PTO through fundraisers, being a paid member, and volunteerism. It means more than you realize. Please read the flyer below regarding our upcoming fundraiser (the biggest of the year) and click on the QR code in the bottom corner to donate. We need support from everyone.
Click the above photo for summer reading requirements
Attendance Matters... Importance of Students' Regular School Attendance
Contacting Attendance When Your Child is Out
REMEMBER...A school is mandated to intervene by policy if a student is absent a significant number of days regardless of excused or unexcused. If you fail to report your child absent, the absent will be considered unexcused. Please adhere to the attendance policy. It is well documented that regular student attendance has a direct correlation on a students academic and emotional success at school.
Students Who Are Not Feeling Well Should See the Nurse Before Calling Home
District Releases Free/Reduced Meal Application
Click here for a letter to parents about the 2024-25 free and reduced meal program. Access the application in English at this link. Access the Spanish language version at this link.
Please Check Your Child's Schoology.
FutureActs is the most philanthropic club at the middle level
The Washington Township middle school FutureActs Clubs are dedicated to the cause of community service, and two of their biggest events take place in November and December.
In November, the clubs provide Thanksgiving meals to around 200 families in the District. In December, they assist with providing holiday gifts.
In order to support our struggling families, FutureActs has created a Microsoft Form in order to gather information of families in need. If you or someone you know is in need for the upcoming holidays, please go to this link so FutureActs can offer there support as needed
Thanks so much!
Recurring Information
Building Better Bulldogs (3Bs) Mission and Vision
This pandemic has created so many questions and concerns for students that are well beyond academics. We are committed to providing a safe environment where students can express themselves as they question the ebb and flow of their world around them. Please see below our affirmations about Buidling Better Bulldogs and the people we as Bulldogs aim to be.
Bunker Hill Middle School: Home of the Bulldogs
Location: 372 Pitman Downer Road, Sewell, NJ, USA
Phone: 856 881 7007
Twitter: @Official_BHMS