SMK Newsletter
December 6, 2024

"Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy." - Jefferson Bethke
Staff Spotlight
Mrs. Iwasinski, Principal
Be sure to say "HI" to Mrs. Iwasinski, the terrific principal, when you see her. At the end of the year, she looks forward to Holiday Sweater Day!! I wonder what she'll wear this year?
Ms. Crepeau
Meet caring Ms. Crepeau who has been a paraprofessional in many classrooms over the years. She loves to drive around looking at all the Christmas lights at this time of year.
Mrs. Horn
This is Mrs. Horn, one of our fabulous kindergarten teachers. She looks forward to family time doing all sorts of holiday activities during this time of year.
Ms. Masse
Ms. Masse is one of our great special education teachers. She works with our kindergarten friends. At this time of year, Ms. Masse likes to cuddle with her dog while watching Christmas movies and enjoying the lights on her tree.
Mrs. Orszulak
Meet Mrs. Orszulak, one of the awesome second grade teachers, who is standing with her daughter, Hannah. Mrs. O likes to look at all the Christmas lights around town during this time of year.
Mrs. Russell
You can thank Mrs. Russell for all the wonderful holiday music heard around the school. She works hard at this time of year to get all the students ready for their concerts. When she is not busy at school, Mrs. Russell likes to drive around with her family and look at all the pretty Christmas lights.
Look What's Hanging Around the School
This bulletin board is a great reminder about ways to "Keep Your Cool" when things get tough.
Third graders are working on multiplication facts. Let's add a little Christmas spirit to their learning.
Gingerbread and subtraction - that's a great way to learn (and a yummy one, too)!
November Character Award Winners: CARING
November Reading Challenge
Congratulations to all of our November Reading Challenge participants!! We beat our October record with 173 students participating this month!! Way to go!
Spotlight on Students
What is your favorite part of the end of the year?
I like when my mom does my hair. - Alanna
I like to watch Christmas movies and eat popcorn. - Zachary
I like to look at the Christmas lights and the big tree in the center of town. - Karver
I look forward to the first snowfall. - Hailey