Gifted & Talented Program Update
Tahlequah Public Schools -- August/September 2022
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year!
Click the 'Follow Kristy Ward' button to the right to get email updates or look for our newsletter every month on our Tahlequah Gifted & Talented Facebook page. Speaking of our Facebook page...We would love for you to visit and follow us for even more information and sometimes funnies about gifted education, being gifted, and parenting the gifted.
If you have questions or comments feel free to contact Libby Osburn at, or Kristy Ward at
Vision Statement
Tahlequah Public Schools Gifted and Talented Education Program is committed to providing creative, challenging, and engaging coursework to students who have been identified through inclusive and culturally sensitive assessments. We feel all gifted students deserve to be recognized and encouraged to develop their talents and abilities for both personal fulfillment as well as significant contributions to our ever-changing society.
To this end, our gifted students will:
Reflect the diverse population of our district
Engage in differentiated learning designed to meet students’ unique needs
Receive instruction from highly trained educators
Engage in guidance to meet students’ social and emotional needs
Benefit from a collaborative education that includes students, teachers, administrators, parents and the community
The mission of the Tahlequah Public Schools District Gifted and Talented Education Program is to systematically and continuously identify and monitor students as well as provide instruction and opportunities for students who display evidence of high performance capabilities. Giftedness exists within all cultural, ethnic, linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds and students may demonstrate both gifts and disabilities. Continuous attempts to refine the process in the Tahlequah School District will be made so that children identified as gifted reflect the diversity of the local community in terms of gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. The goal is for every parent, teacher, peer, community member, and student to have opportunity to nominate students for GT services if they see the need.
Definition of Gifted and Talented
"Gifted and talented children" means those children identified at the preschool, elementary and secondary level as having demonstrated potential abilities of high performance capability and needing differentiated or accelerated education or services.
Gifted and talented children represent all cultural, ethnic, linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds and may demonstrate both gifts and disabilities. Giftedness is multidimensional and students are capable of high performance, exceptional production, or exceptional learning behaviors by virtue of any of a combinations of these areas of giftedness:
General Intellectual Ability: Demonstrated excellence in most academic areas
Intellectually gifted children exhibit early and rapid development of language ability, strong powers of reasoning and advanced ability in critical thinking and problem solving in multiple areas. They may manipulate information in divergent ways when challenged by complex issues. Typically these children are noted for being several years beyond their peers in their cognitive ability.
Specific Academic Aptitude: Exceptional ability and performance in a single academic area
Academically able students have unusual/advanced ability or capability in a single academic area. These students often make connections within a discipline that transcends the obvious. They quickly grasp relationships among facts, and see facts as parts of a more complex whole.
Creative Thinking Ability: Exceptional ability to use unconventional thinking to arrive at creative and unusual ideas or solutions to problems
Creativity may cross all areas or may manifest itself in one specific area. Highly creative students tend to develop original ideas and products and frequently are strongly independent and often resist conformity. They are flexible and original in their thinking, tending to reject one-answer solutions. Creativity is characterized by originality of thought, human behavior, and product.
Leadership Ability: Exceptional ability to relate to and motivate others
Students gifted in leadership usually have the ability to convince people to act or not act in specific ways. Leaders are often self-confident and comfortable with their peers. Characteristics may include influencing peers, being sought out by others to accomplish a task, addressing a need, holding high expectations for self and others, demonstrating or delegating responsibility, and internalizing concepts of right and wrong.
Visual & Performing Arts Ability: Exceptional capabilities or potential in talent areas (e.g., art, drama, music, dance)
Students can demonstrate unusual adeptness or skill in the fields of music, visual art, drama, or dance. Since this is a performance-based talent, identification centers around nominations, portfolios and expert assessment.
Opportunities are provided for students to be considered throughout their school experience. If you would like for your child to be considered for identification and possible inclusion in gifted and talented education, please contact your child’s school leadership team for information on how to proceed. We've also included a link to a referral form if you'd like to nominate your child for the GT program.
The Tahlequah Public Schools District identifies and serves students in grades PK-12 and utilizes a three-phase placing process:
1. Nomination/Referral
2. Screening/Documentation/Evidence Collection
3. Placement
Is my child gifted?
All children are special and have their own areas of strength. However, some children have unusually advanced abilities that require special adjustments at home and school to help them grow and learn. As you watch your child grow and develop, you may notice skills or characteristics that are quite different from those of other children the same age.
For example, your child may:
Be unusually curious and observant
Use adult-sounding words and reasoning
Think of many unusual ideas
Recognize complex patterns or relationships
Come to surprising solutions to problems
Show a strong memory
Ask unusual questions
Demonstrate advanced talent in a certain area (such as mathematics, science, writing, art, music, or drama)
Learn letters or numbers early and read before being formally taught
Possess a keen sense of humor
Show unusual independence for age
Be creative & imaginative beyond age mates
Tend to be a perfectionist
Sustain interest in one or more fields of knowledge over years
Have self-directed interests
Be interested in and concerned about community/world problems
Often be self-critical and overly sensitive
Continually question the status quo
Apply learning from one situation to another
Solve problems in a unique manner
Have different behavior style
Enjoy reading about a wide range of topics
Reason abstractly
How does TPS serve gifted and talented students?
RISE students are students who have scored in the top three percent (3%) on a national standardized test of intellectual ability. STAR students are students who have been recognized in the talent area(s) of music, art, leadership, specific academic aptitude, dance, theater, and/or creativity.
In grades 3-6, RISE students are pulled out once a week for an enrichment class as well as an annual field trip. STAR students are served through specials as well as offered an enrichment opportunity within their talent area sometime this school year--TBD.
In grades 7-12, RISE students are offered advanced placement classes and opportunities to participate in Student Enrichment Experience (SEE) Seminars. STAR students are served through electives.
The Yo-Yo Mo Show: An Evening of Musical Doodling Featuring Yo-Yo Ma and Mo Willems
The Kid Should See This--Smart videos for curious minds of all ages
NAGC Parent TIP Sheet--Making Friends
>>>>If at any time you are facing a challenge that you need help with, please reach out to your child's teacher, counselor, administrator, or one of us.
Gifted & Talented Resources
Oklahoma Dept. of Education (OSDE)
Oklahoma Association for Gifted, Creative, and Talented (OAGCT)
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
Gifted and Talented Staff
Libby Osburn
Kristy Ward
The GT Team! 🤩
TPS Gifted & Talented
Location: 400 East Ross Street, Tahlequah, OK, USA
Phone: 9184584178