UMHS News & Updates

Students should be in the classroom and ready to work at 7:45 AM
Email Attendance Notes & Early Dismissals to hsattendance@umtsd.org
Nurse Emails to hsnurse@umtsd.org
March 10, 2025
Important Dates:
March 10: Post Prom Meeting, @ 7:00 PM
March 13: 13th Annual MiniTHON
March 14: No School (Staff Development)
March 27, 28, 29: Drama Company Presents "The Little Mermaid", see flyer below
April 2: Senior Trip, Luggage Drop Off @ 6:45 AM - 8:00 AM
April 3-6: Senior Trip to Florida
April 4: Marking Period 3 Ends
April 7-11: Class of 2026 Senior Portraits
April 14-16: Early Dismissal @ 11:00 AM: Parent Teacher Spring Conferences
April 17: No School (Students/Teachers)
April 18: No School (District Closed)
April 21: No School (Students/Teachers)
Junior Prom Tickets
This year’s Junior Prom will take place on Friday, April 25, 2025
Junior Prom will take place from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Tickets will be on sale from February 18 - March 24 for a price of $73 each.
Tickets will only be available through the Hs Online Payment Center beginning February 18th (click on High School and select Jr. Prom tickets)
No tickets will be sold after March 25
Only Juniors can purchase tickets and each Junior is limited to 2 tickets.
All guests from out of district must complete this GUEST FORM and return it for Principal’s approval. Copies are available in the office.
Send a detailed email to Mrs. Jones (Alysonjones@umtsd.org) with any dietary restrictions or allergies by March 21
Senior Prom Tickets
This year’s Senior Prom will take place on Friday, May 16, 2025.
Please read details below and contact Mrs. Purcell with any questions.
Senior Prom will take place from 6:30pm to 10:00 pm
Tickets will be on sale from March 3 to April 18 for a price of $75 each.
Tickets will only be available through the Hs Online Payment Center beginning March 3 (click on High School and select Senior Prom tickets).
No tickets will be sold after April 18.
Only Seniors can purchase tickets and each Senior is limited to 2 tickets.
All guests from out of district must complete this GUEST FORM and return it for Principal’s approval. Copies are available in the office.
Send a detailed email to Mrs. Purcell (apurcell@umtsd.org) with any dietary restrictions or allergies by April 18.
Dear Students and Families of 11th and 12th grade,
Please see the attached flyers regarding information about a safety and wellness program from the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services. Students who successfully complete the program have the opportunity to win a free prom ticket. Registration is required and is found in the attached information.
Mr. Levinson
Program Date: Tuesday, March 11, 7 - 8:30 PM
Class of 2026 Senior Portraits
When: Monday - Friday, April 7 - 11
Where: Auditorium
To schedule your appointment click here or scan QR code above.
It is important that you arrive on time for your scheduled appointment. No walk-ins permitted.
Information regarding your sitting:
- Sitting will include head & shoulder poses in your own dress shirt & tie/drape, cap/gown & one casual outfit of your choice.
- The drapes, caps & gowns will be provided. Please bring a tank top to wear under the drape and a dress shirt & tie to wear under the cap/gown.
- There is no charge to be photographed or to appear in the yearbook.
- Your proofs will be available online 7-10 days after you are photographed. Please look for an email with the information to access them.
For support: 1-800-687-9327
Appointments are limited. Don't miss your chance to be photographed for the 2026 yearbook!
UMHS Drama Co Presents - The Little Mermaid
The Upper Moreland High School Drama Company Presents: The Little Mermaid
March 27- 29:
- Thursday & Friday @ 7:00 PM
- Saturday @ 1:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Ticket prices:
- Students & Seniors: $5
- Adults: $10
Register to be a Dancer at Mini-Thon 2025!
Join us to have a fun night of food, games, and dancing on THURSDAY MARCH 13. Participating in this event is a great way to support a worthy cause and have fun with your friends. All of the money gets donated to help the families of children with pediatric cancer. Plus,all participants will get a pass to skip fourth period on the day of the event. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity—sign up today!
All that you have to do to sign up is raise $50 on Donor Drive (https://fourdiamonds.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=4315) and register yourself through a google form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoyJSw2NNwtpGXjYW2VkFVetYVFun-KWQp84i7islVEwxV0Q/viewform?usp=sf_link ).
With any questions, reach out to our Mini Overalls Addi Hurley, Kaylei Rossel, or Mickie Werthman!
Thank you,
UMHS Mini-THON Committee
Want to help our dancer with a food or drink donation?
Get Your Upper Moreland Graduation Lawn Sign Today!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The UMHS-HSA is once again partnering with the UPS store in Hatboro to bring you high quality lawn signs to celebrate your graduating senior. All orders are done online.
All yard signs are 24x18 in size, double-sided & material is 4mm Coroplast.
Congratulations to the Class of 2025!!! Thank you for supporting our fundraiser!
UMHS-HSA Executive Board
Review & Provide Feedback on 2025-28 Draft Comprehensive Plan
We invite members of our Upper Moreland Township School District community to review the proposed plan and provide feedback before the Board votes on the proposed plan at the March legislative meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Please provide feedback by emailing compfeedback@umtsd.org.
Please provide any feedback before Friday, March 14th.
Athletics & Activities
Be sure to check our website for the full calendar of athletics & activities events.
School Counseling Department
School Counselors
Noelle Baratta (nbaratta@umtsd.org) Student Last Names A-D
Amy Purcell (apurcell@umtsd.org) Student Last Names E-La
Lisa Vesper (lvesper@umtsd.org) Student Last Names Lb-Q
Susan Carney (scarney@umtsd.org) Student Last Names R-Z
The UMHS Counseling Department had to cancel their College Planning presentation on February 6th due to a SNOW DAY. The counselors recorded a 30 minute video COLLEGE PLANNING PRESENTATION with information pertaining to the college search process as well as testing and entrance requirements at various types of colleges. This program is highly recommended for parents of Juniors who are planning to apply to 4 year colleges.
If you have questions, please reach out to your student’s school counselor.
If your student took the SATs on March 8th, they can access their scores via their CollegeBoard account cb.org on March 21. UMHS will host the SATs again on May 3rd. Students should register by April 18 for the May SAT.
2+1+2 Program
Attention 10th grade students and parents: If you are pursuing the 2+1+2 program; Please submit the 2+1+2 application to your school counselor by March 17th. A campus tour of Montgomery County Community College will take place on April 9 Please complete the Field Trip permission form and return to the Guidance office.
WEBINAR: Understanding and Comparing Financial Aid Offers
The PHEAA Access Partners will present information on the steps students should take after completing the FAFSA. They will discuss the financial aid process, strategies to review and understand financial aid offers from colleges, and how to compare different types of financial aid.
Date: March 19, 2025
Time: 6-7pm
Register HERE prior to the webinar and then you'll receive an invitation from PHEAA to join the webinar.
Navigating Financial Aid Offers-
After being accepted to college, your students will receive a financial aid offer that outlines their financial aid eligibility at that specific school. Each financial aid offer will contain similar overall information but, since there’s no standard format, they can be difficult to interpret. Join a webinar to learn how to decipher each financial aid offer so students can confidently determine which college is the best financial fit for them.
Navigating Financial Aid Offers- Wednesday, March 12th at 7 pm ET
Unable to attend?
Go ahead and register anyway, and we’ll send you a link to the recording so that you don’t miss this valuable information.
Spring is a great time to explore colleges via college fairs! Students can access this document to see the various upcoming College Fair Opportunities
Parent Programs
Here is a link to all the PARENT PROGRAMS we will be hosting this year.
College Prep Night
Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 13th at 7:00 PM and join us at the Simmons Elementary School in Hatboro-Horsham School District for a special College Prep Night event.
This informative evening is jointly sponsored by State Rep. Nancy Guenst, State Rep. Melissa Cerrato, and PA Senator Maria Collett.
The event will feature a Q&A-style presentation with representatives from PHEAA and the Department of Treasury answering questions about:
- PA 529 Plans
- Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- FAFSA Applications & Deadlines
- Finding the Right Fit for Your Child
This is an excellent opportunity for families to gain valuable insights into planning for their child’s higher education. Don’t miss it!
Crisis Services
Anyone who needs mental health-related crisis support, or who has a loved one in crisis, can connect with a trained counselor by calling or texting 988.
Peer Support: The teen Talk Lines are warm lines where teens and adults can speak or text anonymously with a peer about any issues or problems they are facing without fear of judgment.
Hours of Operation: Weekdays 1 PM-9 PM
Call: 866-825-5856 Text: 215-703-8411 Email: Teentalkline@accessservices.org
Crisis Services: Montgomery County Mobile Crisis
Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-855-634-HOPE (4673). This service is available to anyone in Montgomery County including children, teens, adults, and families. Here for more info
Post Prom 2025
Dear UMHS Community,
We are quickly moving through this year and Prom 2025 is quickly approaching. We have a meeting Monday February 10 at 7:00 PM ! We are looking for more help to make this year's theme and party unforgettable ! Your student doesn't need to be a Senior to help!
- March 10th - 7:00 PM
- April 7th - 7:00 PM
- May 7th - 7:00 PM (Final meeting before the big week)
Fundraising is also in full swing. Please let us know if you can donate or know of a business who would support the Post Prom.
We also need GROUP pictures of the class of 2025! Please email them to 2025umpostprom@gmail.com
The UMHS POST PROM Committee is Selling...
WAWA Shorti Hoagie coupons @ $5 Each
Contact Renee Bates at 2025UMPostProm@gmail.com or (215)647-3801 to purchase coupons.
*2025 is the last year Wawa is offering fundraiser
Payments: Cash or Venmo @Renee-Bates-3 or call Renee at 215-647-3801
Post Prom Dine and Donate
Post Prom is hosting a Dine and Donate at Old School Burgers & Ritas Water Ice.
When: April 10th 9 AM - 8PM
Where: 1135 York Road, Willow Grove PA 1909
Please mention UM Post Prom when ordering!
20% of sales for the day go directly to the Post Prom Party! Thank you!
Information from Nurse Bishop
Vaccination Requirements
Immunization requirements:
Click HERE to access Medical Forms
- Email: hsnurse@umtsd.org
- Fax: 215-830-1581
- Mail: Upper Moreland HS, 3000 Terwood Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090.
Food Services
Volunteers Needed for UMHS HSA
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The UMHS Home and School Association (HSA) is in search of a few volunteers looking to get more involved in the school and hold a position on the UMHS-HSA Executive Board next year (2025-2026). All but one member of our current board will be leaving this year, as they have graduating seniors. We are specifically looking for a treasurer, secretary, and co-president. It would be wonderful to find parents/guardians of incoming 9th graders or 10th graders, so you could potentially keep the position for a few years.
The HSA at the high school level has less of a time commitment compared to the lower schools. We only have three meetings per year (October, February, and May). Our main mission is to support the teachers through mini-grants, the students through Senior Scholarships, and support various community events through fundraising efforts.
If you would like more information about what the UMHS-HSA does, or what your role would require on the executive board if you joined, please reach out to us at UMHighschoolHSA@gmail.com.
We would greatly appreciate your support and would love to see some new faces join us.
Thank you for your consideration.
Danielle Hendrickson- Co-President
Chris Purich- Co-President
Jessica Mason- Treasurer
Alison Jones- Secretary
Looking to purchase your 2025 Yearbook? Maybe a Class Ring? 2025 Swag? How about items for Underclassmen! Our Josten's store has it all! Click the buttons below to get yours now!
We're excited to announce that we have transitioned to a new platform for processing applications and renewals.
If you have already been approved and are in our system, no action is required. The change only applies to new applicants and those renewing their applications.
For assistance with the online volunteer registration, please refer to the Volunteer Guide for an overview, or contact Human Resources Specialist, Matthew Mastrogiovanni, at mmastrogiovanni@umtsd.org for support.
UMEF Dine & Donate @ Tony Roni's
Support the Upper Moreland Education Foundation while enjoying delicious pizza! Join us for a Dine & Donate event at Tony Roni’s Pizza in Willow Grove on select Fridays from 11 AM - 9 PM.
- March 21
- March 28
Mention Upper Moreland Education Foundation when you order, and 15% of your purchase will support education initiatives in our district (20% on orders over $1,000!). Valid for pick-up, dine-in, and delivery—so spread the word!
📍 Tony Roni’s Pizza
1107 Easton Road, Willow Grove
📞 (215) 657-7664
Thank you for your support!
If you would no longer like to receive weekly email updates from Upper Moreland School District and wish to opt out from further communications, please email mmarass@umtsd.org.