Walden PTO Weekly
August 30, 2024
We heard and we feel you--our mailboxes are flooded with newsletters on Fridays. Going forward, we will be sending out our PTO newsletter on Wednesdays. We hope this lightens your load (or your inbox) a little bit.
One of the great ways to stay up to date on all things PTO is by joining our Facebook page-Walden Elementary Family Network (https://www.facebook.com/share/g/tdiPGxdSnn2epmnv/) or by following us on Instagram @walden109pto. We will share upcoming events, pictures from current ones and please tag us in your posts or share any of ours!
If you have not done so already, please go to our Walden PTO website and either update your profile with your child's teacher's name or create a new profile. Directions on how to do this are below. If you have not already purchased membership, you will be able to purchase that as well as all of the events and fundraising items listed in this newsletter by clicking here!
Please see below on how to create your PTO account:
Hello Walden Families! The PTO is looking for volunteers! We are excited to invite you to join the Wildcat Spirit Squad, our spirited parent volunteer group dedicated to bringing extra cheer to our school events this year. If you’ve ever wanted to be part of the action and spread some joy, laughter, and smiles, this is your chance! Dress up as our Walden Wildcat mascot and participate in school events throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Whether you can commit to just one event or more, your enthusiasm and energy will make a big difference in our students' experiences. Sign up today and help us create unforgettable moments for our Walden Wildcats! Volunteer online at: https://forms.gle/izSBkEmVbzskHyWB7 For more information, contact Jennifer Luttig at 847-971-0627 or jennifer@luttig.com
Sweet Treats are delivered once per month to the school for kids to enjoy during lunch. Sweet Treats come from a variety of local businesses. It is a huge fundraising opportunity for our PTO, helping to fund many of our programming and supplies for our students and teachers.
Use this link to purchase all of your child's Sweet Treats for the year. Please note—You can only place one order for each month, so please be prepared to order for all of your children at the same time.
Get excited to shop our fall spirit wear options from Walden Wear! Sales will be open online from August 19 - September 6. All orders will be delivered to the school by the end of September.
Walden Wear will be selling select grab & go items at the Back to School Bash and Ice Cream Social. Walden magnets and stickers are on sale now. Click here to purchase!
NEW THIS YEAR! We have switched vendors to Lunch Solutions as they are willing to donate double the amount of proceeds back to the PTO. You will be happy to find many of the same vendors as years past and new local vendors as well.
Instructions for ordering lunch are below. To order lunch please go to https://ptgms.com/lunchsolutions/walden
LUNCH ORDERING begins Wednesday, August 7
LUNCH SERVICE begins Wednesday, August 21
Our incredible 5th graders host the entire school at a FREE ice cream & popsicle party on the blacktop of the Walden playground.
Come and visit with friends and mingle with some Walden Staff as you enjoy a cool treat. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other Walden families and purchase Walden Wear, Bricks, and Deerfield Discount Cards.
Purchase a Deerfield Discount Card to help support Deerfield Schools and our community. We have 36 left to sell and 50% of the price of the card goes directly back to our PTO! The card gives a variety of discounts to local Deerfield businesses. You can purchase the card here https://waldenpto.membershiptoolkit.com/form/m/295055 and you can pick it up at Ice Cream Social. Otherwise, it will be delivered to your child's classroom.
Questions? Email PTOWalden@gmail.com
Please see the flyer below for the upcoming Eat & Earn at Portillos!
NEW THIS YEAR! Walden Movie Night is moving to Wayfarer Theaters in Highland Park. Come watch a movie to be chosen by the 5th grade, enjoy snacks and hang out with fellow Wildcats. THIS IS NOT A DROP-OFF EVENT. One adult per every four children is required to attend. Tickets include a small popcorn and bottle of water. Other concessions will also be available. Online ticket sales end 10/13 at 10:00 p.m. Ticket price increases to $15 at the door.
Following the movie, grab dinner across the street at Michael's for an Eat & Earn event. 10% of proceeds at Michael's will go directly back to the Walden PTO.
Questions? Email Alexa at alexaschwartz@gmail.comSAVE THE DATE - CHICAGO WOLVES FAMILY DAY
Save the date for a Walden Family Day with the Chicago Wolves on Sunday November 17th at 3pm. Tickets will be available for purchase on the PTO website starting September 4th. Got any questions? Reach out to Sarah at sarahschwartz51@gmail.com.
Please see flyer below for all the details!
Looking for a fun way to celebrate your child at school?
Make a donation to the Walden Library for a book that will remain at school and honor your child's birthday or special event. A name plate will be put inside the book to commemorate the special event for your child. Your child will get to be the first one to check out their special book. The book will be returned to the library so that future children or siblings will get to enjoy it.
Questions? Email Jessica at Raskin.Jessica@gmail.com.
Celebrate your Walden Wildcat by decorating your lawn with a festive birthday sign! Birthday signs will be delivered the night before your child's birthday. If your student's birthday is during winter break, spring break or summer, please e-mail Lindsay.Mcfarlane27@gmail.com to coordinate any alternate dates. Delivery begins August 19.
All meetings are held in the Walden Conference Room except for the first and last meetings of the year which will be held in the MPR.
- Monday, September 23, 2024 - 10AM
- Monday, October 28, 2024 - 1:30PM
- Monday, December 2, 2024 - 10AM
- Monday, January 13, 2025 - 1:30PM
- Monday, February 10, 2025 - 10AM
- Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - 1:30PM
- Monday, April 21, 2025 - 10AM
- Monday, May 19, 2025 - 6PM
We are always looking for volunteers and open to new ideas! Please contact PTOWalden@gmail.com if you are interested in getting involved.
Mon. Sept 2 - No School (Labor Day)
Thurs. Sept 12 - Picture Day
Thurs. Sept 12 - Portillo's Eat & Earn
Thurs. Oct 3 - No School (Rosh Hashanah)
Mon. Oct 14 - No School (Columbus Day)
Mon. Oct 14 - Movie "Night" 3:00 PM
Tues - Thurs. Oct 15-17 - Book Fair
Thurs. Oct 24 - Students in Session ½ Day (PM Conferences)
Fri. Oct 25 - No School for Students (AM Conferences)
Sun. Nov 17 - Walden Family Day at Chicago Wolves
Easily download and subscribe to our PTO calendar so you can stay up to date on upcoming events by clicking here!
Email: PTOWalden@gmail.com
Website: WaldenPTO.com
Location: 630 Essex Court, Deerfield, IL, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1540010313062786
Instagram: @walden109pto