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Digestive System
Mini Lesson - Review of Vocabulary
Log on to quizlet.live and enter the code on the screen to play a quick quizlet live together. We will be reviewing the vocabulary that we talked and learned about yesterday.
Click Here to view your groups made by a randomized generator.
1. Digestive System - Label the Parts - Round Table with Ms. West
Materials Needed: Interactive Notebook and Pencil
2. Digestive System BrainPop - Bungee Chairs and Crate Seats
Materials Needed: Computer, Headphones
3. The Science Digest - In a Desk
Materials Needed: The Science Digest, Crossword Puzzle (should be attached), Pencil
Early Finishers--
If you finish a station early, you may log on to Discovery Ed and go into the Digestive System Boardbuilder (remember that this is also linked in BlackBoard). Finish watching the videos and reading the passages.
If you finish stations early and you have watched and read all passages in the Digestive System Boardbuilder, then you may play the Build-A-Body Digestive System game.