Classroom Volunteers Needed
Literacy Week Support Needed October 23-31st
It's almost time for College Heights's annual Read to Me A-Thon, Literacy Week and Book Fair! It is certain to be the most wonderful event! The theme this year is "Super Readers", and the week is full of events, theme days and fun. The parent packets with the week's events will be sent home next Thursday, October 17. Included, will be the week at a glance flyer for each grade level. In the meantime, we need your help with a few items. There are several volunteer opportunities for parents.or caregivers during this fundraiser.
1. Ms. Collins needs help in the library during the Book Fair in a variety of positions. Please click on this link for more information and available slots:
Book Fair Volunteers
2. Parent/caregiver volunteers are needed Tuesday, October 28 for College Heights's "Love to Garden, Love to Read" day. Loved ones are needed to read to the students outside in the garden. The theme is all things outside, so volunteers can bring their own book to share or borrow one from the library. Feel free to dress like your favorite nature super hero! Please see the link for more information and available slots.
Garden Day Readers
Alright, Super Readers, let's get out there and READ, READ, READ!! Please don't hesitate to let us know about questions and concerns.
Literacy Week Chairs: Becky Aemmer, India Epps and Ericka Van Hoosear