From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
February 12, 2019
Getting Students to Take Control
Teach Kids When They’re Ready
The Gift of Boredom
TEACHERS: What's Going On In the Brain Of A Child Who Has Experienced Trauma
TEACHERS: The Importance of Teaching the Behaviors You Want to See
TEACHERS: What's Going On Inside the Brain When We Play Music?
TEACHERS: Want Students to Remember What They Learn? Have Them Teach It.
TEACHERS: Ways to Encourage Good Behavior, Without Junky Prizes or Sugary Treats
TEACHERS: Student-Made E-Books
TEACHERS: A New Kind of Student: Learning Attributes of the Digital Generations
TEACHERS: Elevating Student Voice Through Senior Talks
PARENTS: What Teachers Want Parents to Know
Teachers have an immense responsibility to teach and prepare other people’s children for future success in a caring, safe environment.
Over the years, I’ve met, worked beside, and learned from teachers of all ages and from all types of schools. Despite the differences between teachers of all ages and from all types schools there is common ground on what teachers want parents to know about them..
PARENTS: What's Going On In Your Child's Brain When You Read Them A Story?
A newly published guide gives some insight into what may be happening inside young children's brains when they were presented with stories in three conditions: audio only; the illustrated pages of a storybook with an audio voiceover; and an animated cartoon. And, says lead author Dr. John Hutton, there is an apparent "Goldilocks effect" — some kinds of storytelling may be "too cold" for children, while others are "too hot." And, of course, some are "just right."
PARENTS: Reading the Same Books to Your Child Over and Over Makes Them Smarter
Did you know that every night, when you snuggle up with your preschooler and they select that favorite book (you know the one I'm talking about…you've read it 300 times), you're actually preparing them for academic success and test taking? You might either be intrigued or infuriated, but hear me out. Something really magical is going on that is vital to their future school success.
LEADERS: Video Series - How Learning Happens
This video series from Edutopia was created to support educators as they explore ways to help all students become productive and engaged learners. There are 22 videos in the series and a number of them have been featured in past issues of C-CUE. The videos cover a variety of topics and could serve as a catalyst for discussions among teachers.
LEADERS: A Guide to Meeting the Performance Expectations of the NGSS
- A detailed explanation of the standards and insights as to what it takes to support educators with NGSS implementation
- Instructional strategies to help students apply their knowledge and achieve the performance expectations of the NGSS
- Curriculum resources to help educators align curriculum to NGSS
LEADERS: Why We Must Teach Our Students Empathy
LEADERS: Why a Liberal Arts Education Is a Game-Changer for Scientific Leadership
LEADERS: How Ending Behavior Rewards Helped One School Focus on Student Motivation and Character
But a substantial body of social science research going back decades has concluded that giving rewards for certain types of behavior is not only futile but harmful. When it comes to promoting good behavior, extrinsic rewards are “the worst ineffective character education practice used by educators,” Berkowitz writes, a professor of education at University of Missouri-St. Louis.
What Kids are Reading (and Not Reading) in 2019: New Insights for Education Leaders
Thursday, February 7, 4:00 PM EST
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Young Children: Driving Change in Early Education
Thursday, February 7, 3:00 PM EST
Leading Learning Through Observation and Feedback
Monday, February 11, 6:30 PM EST
Online Assessment: An Evolving Landscape and New Opportunities
Monday, February 11, 5:00 PM EST
Learning About Robotics: Examples and Discussions for K–8 and Beyond
Thursday, February 14, 5:00 PM EST
Including Students on the Spectrum: 5 Powerful Strategies
Tuesday, February 19, 3:00 PM EST
Fractions in the Real World: Sharing and Scaling
Wednesday, February 20, 4:00 PM EST
Making Sense of Learning Transfer
Monday, February 25, 6:30 PM EST
Thursday, February 28, 3:00 PM EST
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Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
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