Hembree Highlights
December 8, 2023
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Message from Ms. Davies
Hello Hawks!
We’ve had another busy, but productive week at Hembree Springs! Our Hawks are working hard every day as we get closer to Winter Break. This week we began our mid-year iReady assessments in Reading and Math. It’s always nice to see the progress students are making in the classrooms on a day-to-day basis, but also great to see it represented in the data as well. We see the work students put in academically and socially in order to be the best they can be. This wouldn’t be possible without the work of the teachers, staff, and families – it definitely takes a team!
This week we also had our Chorus Winter Concert – which included an evening program and a daytime assembly for our students. It’s such a wonderful way to move into the holiday season and winter break.
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Lani Davies
Instructional Support Teacher (IST)
Important Dates
12/12 Title I/ PTA Language Exchange and Holiday Coffee
12/18 Night Out with the Atlanta Hawks @7:30pm
12/18-1/2 Winter Break
1/3 First Day of Second Semester
1/9 Title I Transitions Workshop for Future Elkins Parents @7:40am (Media Center)
1/19 STEM and Star Night @6:00pm
Congrats to our Best of the Nest winners for November! Way to go, Hawks!
Sock Drive
The holiday season is a wonderful time to show compassion. Our student Hawks Ambassadors are hosting a sock drive starting on Monday, December 11th - Friday, December 15th ! This means that we are taking donations for socks!
Across the country, roughly half a million people are homeless on any given night. One of the most requested items in shelters is new socks! So, the week of December 11th, our students are being asked to wear a crazy pair of socks and bring a pair to donate as well! All donations will go to a nearby shelter. Thank you for your support!
Help Us Celebrate Our Wonderful Teachers and Staff!
Winter Parties
We are super excited for our winter parties! Each grade will host their party on Friday, December 15th. All parents are invited. Due to space issues, it’s best if younger siblings do not attend the parties. Hembree students will also not be allowed to attend a sibling’s party in another grade level. We are so sorry for the inconvenience, but we greatly appreciate your understanding and support. Here’s a list of each grade and their party time:
Friday, December 15th:
PreK: 10:30-11:15
Kindergarten: 10:15-11:05
1st grade: 11:10-12:10
2nd grade: 11:45-12:45
3rd grade: 12:00-1:00
4th grade: 12:35-1:35
5th grade: 8:40-9:40
Winter Party Procedures:
● Parents/Guardians are allowed to attend. Please remain in your child's classroom for the duration of the celebration.
● Due to space and materials, school-aged siblings may only attend their classroom party.
● Each parent will be required to sign in when they arrive and receive a grade level sticker.
● All visitors must enter and exit through the front doors. The door alarms are active.
● If you are checking out your child after the party, you will get a ticket from your child's teacher and turn it in at the front desk. Your student will not be marked absent if they are checked out early on 12/15/2023.
From the Media Center
Thank you so much for your generous support of our book fair! It was a tremendous success and enjoyed by all! We appreciate the many parent volunteers who donated their time to help out. THANK YOU!
Hembree's Got Talent!
It’s time! The time has arrived for your child to decide if he/she wants to participate in our 5th Annual Hembree’s Got Talent! The talent show is scheduled to take place on March 21st. If your child would like to participate, please either print the attached consent form, or have them stop by the Media Center to pick up a paper copy. Details about rehearsal dates can be found on the consent form. This year, rehearsals will be broken down by category to provide more feedback and support. Don’t delay! Audition videos are due January 12th! If you have any questions regarding the talent show, please email Ms. Tejada tejada@fultonschools.org and Mrs. Soberanis soberanis@fultonschools.org.
Talent Show Consent Form 2024- English and Spanish (002).pdf
Book Club for 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade
Parents of third, fourth, & fifth graders! If you'd like your child to participate in book club, please fill out this form:
Books will be distributed the week of December 11th, and we'll discuss them the last week of January. Questions? Email sfuchs@gmail.com or text/call 404/680-8437.
Read-a-Thon Is Coming
Parents! Read-a-thon is coming! Keep an eye in your child's backpack for the read-a-thon packet containing instructions and a tracking sheet. Students will track their reading for three weeks - December 18th through January 5th. The class in each grade with the highest combined total of reading minutes will win a popcorn party! Three lucky winners chosen in a drawing will win a prize, including a Kindle Kids. Tracking sheets are due the week of January 8th. You must submit a tracking sheet in order to be included in the drawing! This is a great way to get your kids to read over winter break, and to establish a habit of reading on a daily basis. Reading 20 minutes a day exposes your child to a vast quantity of words, improves writing skills, and enhances your child's imagination. We hope you'll participate!
From Title I
Join us on December 12th, for our PTA/Title I Holiday Coffee. The event will be social and fun, with games, prizes and more! You'll learn how to play educational math games that you may borrow for the winter break. We'll also have the opportunity for our ESOL families to practice their English and more. Come and spend an hour with us and feel free to bring a fun treat to share!
North Fulton Reflections Reception
Don’t forget to stop by and visit the North Fulton county winners of the PTA Reflections competition. All students & families are invited to attend.
Several of our very own Hembree Hawks projects are on display! Winners from the schools advance at each phase of the contest.
The winners from the North Fulton PTA group will move on to the state completion.
2023 North Fulton PTA Reflections Exhibition
Tuesday, 12/12 - museum is open from 5pm-8pm
Teaching Museum North, Roswell, GA
Join Us For Cocoa, Crafts, and To Learn More About Girl Scouts!
A Night Out With ATL Hawks!
Join us on December 18th for a night out with ATL Hawks. See link below for more details.
You may want to purchase parking through Ticketmaster or ParkMobile in advance. You can also pay for parking when you get there.
Give the Gift of Giving!
Hembree Community, we are once again asking for donations to restock out Giving Closet during this holiday season. Through your generous support we can provide emergency clothing for ALL of our students. From syrup accidents in the cafeteria to muddy falls on the playground- your donations allow us to quickly solve these issues without needing to call parents for a new set of clothes. Additionally, we are able to support our students who may need a little extra, in order that they can come to school ready to learn. We cannot do this without you- our community! There are several ways to support us- below is a list of our needs, you may also order directly from Walmart https://www.walmart.com/registry/RR/b693e222-69fd-4e7f-962a-63c08a81ddb4 or simply donate at https://hembreespringselementary.memberhub.com/store/items/873436. These funds are used exclusively to support our giving closet to stock personal items, clothing and school supplies. See the flyer for more details.
Aurora Cineplex Holiday Hours and Movies
Happy Holidays to everyone from Aurora Cineplex, a Hembree Springs Elementary business partner. Movies and mini golf will be open extended hours during the holiday break.
OPEN 10am-10pm daily Dec 15th-Jan 1st
Christmas Eve (Sun Dec 24th)—10am-8pm
Christmas Day ( Mon Dec 25th—12pm-10pm
PLAYING—WONKA, Aquaman, The Color Purple and more.
Also, winter family flicks will be available for $3.
From PTA
The PTA is so appreciative of all our parent volunteers! Kids love seeing you at school as you model that spirit of public service and citizenship. And giving your time is what you make of it -- we have stay-at-home and working parents who contribute as they are able, and there is no pressure to put more effort than you can provide. While our board is mostly full, we are currently looking for a Vice President of Business Partners. Don't be intimidated by the title -- this person helps make connections from local stores and companies to our school. Oftentimes, businesses are willing to support and they just need outreach from us. You could be that link to helping our school fund important programs and projects! Maybe you have some already established connections? It could be anything from a kids play place to a dentist to a restaurant or even a Fortune 500 company that can take advantage of that tax writeoff. We have a flyer to give local businesses that explains the tiers of sponsorship. To volunteer for the position, email president@hembreespringspta.org.
We are also looking for a chair of this year's auction. You will work with other parents who will procure items for the event. This is our biggest fundraiser every year, and all proceeds go to fund our annual teacher grants. Small grants are awarded to teachers to fund class projects - we love being able to support our teachers with their classroom needs, and our teachers love it when they receive these grants! We're hoping to raise money to fund every ask, but we can only do it with your help.
Get Your Hawks Gear Here!
Order your HSE Yearbook!
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902