Weekly Newsletter
August 12th, 2024

Weekly Newsletter - November 18, 2024
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This Week's Events:
Monday, November 18th
Heritage Week Begins
Phantom of the Opera (7:00pm)
Tuesday, November 19th
Girls Basketball vs. Juab (5:15pm)
Boys Basketball v. Kearns (7:00pm)
Orchestra Concert (7:00pm)
Wednesday, November 20th
DON HOUR 1:50-3:30pm
**double detention for working with your teachers during this time
Thursday, November 21st
- Student busses to the game will be available for free! Leaving SFHS at 4:00pm.
- Sign up for a spot on the bus in the main office!
- You must show your purchased ticket to the game in order to get on the bus!!
Swim Region Meet (3:45pm)
Phantom of the Opera (7:00pm)
Friday, November 22nd
Girls Basketball vs. Farmington (7:00pm)
Boys Basketball @ East (7:00pm)
Phantom of the Opera (7:00pm)
Saturday, November 23rd
Looking Ahead
- November 20th: Don Hour
- November 27th: PTC Comp Day - No school
- November 28th - 29th: Thanksgiving Break - No school
- Dec 11th: Don Hour
- Dec 20th: Term 2 ends (half day)
- Dec 21st - Jan 5th: Christmas Break
- Jan 6th: Term 3 begins
The Phantom of the Opera
November 14-16, 18, 21-23
Tickets available at DramaDons.com
Winter Dance Concert
December 3rd-4th
7pm SFHS Auditorium
Scan the QR Code for tickets
Free Dance Workshops
Free Dance Workshops in the SFHS Dance Room (D205)
November 20th and December 11th
3:15-4:15 pm
FCCLA Fashion Show
December 5th
Spanish Fork High School Commons
Tickets are only $5
Winter Formal
December 7th
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Spanish Fork High Commons
- Please call attendance at 801-798-4060 or email attendance-sfhs@nebo.edu to excuse the absence.
- Please check your email weekly to get updates on your student's detention hours.
The detention report is ran on Monday afternoon. We encourage you to excuse your student before then.
If students go above 3 hours of detention, they will not be able to participate in extracurricular activities. If they are below 3 hours, they do not need to serve detention.
Where & When
- Before and After School - with teachers
- During Lunch - TBA
- School Fees can be paid online at myschoolfees.com or by coming into the Finance Office Monday - Friday between 7:30am - 3:00pm. No payments will be taken over the phone.
- Refunds will be held until the end of the year to be used towards fines or other fees unless otherwise requested.