Thompson Friday Forecast
November 1, 2019
From the Associate Principal...Dr. Alicia Honnert
This month all students participated in a two-part lesson from Common Sense Education’s K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum during their tutorial period. Our goal is to empower students to be safe, responsible, and respectful digital citizens. October's lesson was Don't Feed the Phish: How can you protect yourself from phishing? A Family Tips guide can be found here. You can visit the Common Sense website at for more parent resources to support this learning at home. We are excited to provide this learning opportunity for our students.
Don’t forget to turn your clocks back before you go to bed Saturday Night!
Have a great weekend!
PTO Conference Dinner
Hi Thompson Families! It's hard to believe we are in November already. Parent-Teacher conferences are just right around the corner. The PTO is happy to provide our Thompson staff with dinner on Monday the 25th to keep our teacher's energy up so they can tell us all the wonderful and amazing things our students have accomplished. To do this we do ask for donations in the form of food and supplies. If you are able to participate please see the signup link below!
Thanks so much!
PTO Thunder Spiritwear
The PTO webstore to purchase Thunder spiritwear is now open until November 19th! Please click here to view the options provided by The Hairy Ant. Please choose ‘gift’ at checkout to have your items delivered to school and kept in the main office without your child seeing the spiritwear. Items will be delivered to Thompson on December 10th.
Pick-a-Time Conference Scheduler
Thompson Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Monday, November 25th from 8:00 am - 8:00 pm and Tuesday, November 26th from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Like previous years, signup is via a link in the Home Access Center until November 20th at midnight.
Sixth grade students/parents will be meeting with their Tutorial teacher (typically the 2nd hour teacher for 6th graders) for a 15 minute conferences. 7th grade, 8th grade, PE, Foreign Language, Music, and Explore teachers will be available for eight minute conferences (with a two minute passing period). Sign up instructions are attached below.
Ordering School Pictures
Students that had their pictures retaken will receive a new Ticket Code for their image if they were photographed on the original picture day. Please check with your student to see if they have this ticket card or an updated picture packet. You can also contact Color Portraits, our new vendor, at Please contact the main office at 331-228-3100 with questions or if you need a ticket code.
Crossing Guard Opening
Dates to Remember
- Friday, November 8 - End of the M2 Health Rotation
- Wednesday, November 13 - School Improvement Half Day - Students are dismissed at 12:10 pm
- Thursday, November 14 - PTO Meeting from 10:00 - 11:00 am
- Wednesday, November 20 - Pick-a-Time Conference Scheduler closes at midnight
- Monday, November 25 - Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences - 8:00 am - 8:00 pm - No school for students
- Tuesday, November 26 - Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm - No school for students
- Wednesday, November 27 - No school for students (office will be open)
- Thursday, November 28 - Friday, November 29 - Thanksgiving Break
- Friday, December 20 - End of the 2nd Quarter
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Sarah Cann - Assistant Principal
Mr. Shane Darnell - Assistant Principal
Dr. Alicia Honnert - Assistant Principal
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100