January 2025
Note from your teacher
Happy New Year 2025! We hope you are all staying healthy and doing well. We can hardly believe January is here! These weeks we continue finishing Unit 2 across all the grades. Students have been working diligently in their projects and it is wonderful to see how much more confident they are now presenting and talking with other classmates in Spanish! In kindergarten students are coloring a kite and they are saying the colors in Spanish; in first grade students are finishing the book project "Mi escuela Lowell," and they are presenting their project to the class. In second grade, students are presented their ideal schedule while using the sentence "en la mañana tengo____ (in the morning I have______); en la tarde tengo______(in the afternoon I have______). In third grade, students are working on a project called "All About Me." In fourth grade students are interviewing classmates and in fifth grade, students are creating a famous person to present it to the class .
In December, saw end of the year celebrations in Hispanic countries and they made paper lanterns after learning about "Noche de los Farolitos," a tradition celebrated in Colombia.
We are looking forward to continue learning and practicing Spanish with your child(ren)!
Have a great new year ahead!
Sra. Quesada & Sra. Mitchell
Listen to "el Baile de los Colores" and repeat the colors.
Look at this slide called "yo veo colores (I see colors)" and practice saying the phrase "yo veo___" with the colors you know.
Watch this video about the Festival of Giant Kites celebrated in Guatemala and say colors you know in Spanish.
Lear how to make a kite at home and repeat colors you know in Spanish.
Take a movement break and move along with this song: hola, cola, ¿cómo está Listen to this song about winter and repeat words you know
Follow these slides about end of of the year traditions in Latino countries and talk about what you notice with your family.
Primer grado/First grade
Watch this video and sing along: Vengan Ya.
Take a movement break and move along with this brain break song
watch this read aloud: Si llevas un ratón a la escuela.
Listen to this song about winter and repeat words you know
Listen and move to this song and learn about traditions in Latino countries.
Follow these slides about end of of the year traditions in Latino countries and talk about the traditions in your family.
Noche de las velitas. Clic these slides to learn more about this tradition celebrated in Colombia.
Segundo grado/Second grade
Read aloud: Si llevas un ratón a la escuela.
- Take a movement break, follow along the song: vengan ya.
- Practice at home what do you do at school.
- Sing along ¿Cuál es tu materia favorita?
Follow these slides about end of of the year traditions in Latino countries and talk about the traditions in your family.
Noche de las velitas. Clic these slides to learn more about this tradition celebrated in Colombia.
Tercer grado/Third grade
1. Read out loud the survival phrases in this slide
2.Listen and sing along the song ¿Dónde Está Mi Mochila?"
3.Take a movement break and dance along with Basho and Friends in this song "Baila con tu cuerpo"
4. Ask your family members ¿cuántos años tienes?
5. Listen and pick your hobbies Pasatiempos.
6. Practice ¿Cuál hace falta?
7. Latin America end of the year traditions.
8. Noche de las velitas. Clic these slides to learn more about this tradition celebrated in Colombia.
Cuarto grado/Fourth grade
1. Sing along this song "Soy como soy" and practice singing along.
2. Listen this conversation and practice asking and answering along with the video.
3. Describe yourself to someone following these slides.
4. Latin America end of the year traditions.
5. Noche de las velitas. Clic these slides to learn more about this tradition celebrated in Colombia.
Quinto grado/Fifth grade
1. Sing along this song "Soy como soy" and practice singing along.
2. Listen this conversation and practice asking and answering along with the video.
3. Describe yourself to someone following these slides.
4.Take a movement break with Encanto workout
5. Latin America end of the year traditions.
6. Noche de las velitas. Clic these slides to learn more about this tradition celebrated in Colombia.
Señora Quesada
Señora Mitchell
Students working on a cultural project for end of the year traditions in Hispanic countries
Lantern display.A cultural project about "Noche de las Velitas."
Dear Families,
This year, our class is reading with Scholastic Book Clubs! You’ll have access to expertly curated, affordable books that help boost your child’s reading skills, build your home library, and maybe even create moments of quality time you can share together.
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Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/QYJG3
Shop Flyers: https://clubs.scholastic.com/all-flyers
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Thanks so much for your support!
¡Colorín, colorado!
Haz clic en la imágen.