The Hoffman Hum - 1/31/25

The Hoffman Hum! - Hoffman School's Official Family Newsletter
Friday, January 31st, 2025
¡Traduzca este boletín! 이 뉴스 레터를 번역하세요! Энэ мэдээг орчуулаарай! Przetłumacz ten biuletyn! | Переведите этот информационный бюллетень!
- Watch this short video for instructions on how to translate it into your language.
- Mire este breve video para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo traducirlo a su idioma.
- 귀하의 언어로 번역하는 방법에 대한 지침은이 짧은 비디오를 시청하십시오.
- Үүнийг хэрхэн богино хугацаанд өөрийн хэл рүү хөрвүүлэх зааврыг энэ видеоноос үзээрэй.
- Obejrzyj ten krótki film, aby uzyskać instrukcje, jak przetłumaczyć go na swój język.
- Посмотрите это короткое видео, чтобы узнать, как перевести его на ваш язык.
Hoffman School
Email: afranco@glenview34.org
Website: ho.glenview34.org
Location: 2000 Harrison Street, Glenview, IL, USA
Phone: 847-998-5040
Principal's Message
Happy Friday!
International Night - I hope to see everyone this evening at our International Night! With 17 countries to visit and engaging cultural performances, it should be a great time! Our International Night will take place from 5:30 to 8:30 here at Hoffman.
Read-A-Thon - Our Read-a-thon was a huge success! I want to thank Julie Young and the PTA for all of the behind the scenes work and organizing. Between Henking and Hoffman, our students collectively read for 201,009 minutes and raised over $11,000 over the course of the Read-a-thon!! Way to go! This afternoon, we also announced the class in each grade level that had the highest average of minutes read per student. 3rd - Ms. Hanna, 4th - Mr. Vitacco, 5th - Ms. Caplan Pierce.
Luke Larmee
Hoffman School Principal
Drop Off and Pick Up Notes (Repeated from 1/17 Hum)
- When dropping off and picking up your students, please be mindful of the neighbors that live near Hoffman. I have had a few families reach out to let me know that cars are parking in front of their driveway.
- In the morning, I've noticed that the car lane has been backed up more than usual during drop off. With the cold, it appears that many families are waiting until they get to the very front of the line to have their students get out of the car. If we are only dropping students off one at a time, this causes the drop off line to go a lot slower. Instead, I'm asking for families to consider letting your students out if you are one of the first 6 cars in line. With six cars unloading at once, the car line should be more efficient. I created a map with a "drop off area" highlighted to illustrate this request.
Yearbook Cover Contest Deadline February 27th
Do you have a student who is creative and full of school spirit? The HE/HO Yearbook Committee is accepting entries to the Yearbook Cover Contest! Winning artwork will be displayed in the 2024-25 Henking and Hoffman yearbooks.
All kindergarten through fifth-grade students may participate. Entries must adhere to the following rules:
- Artwork MUST be original, hand drawn by the student and not copied, traced or computer generated. Exception: If a student wants to use the school logo in their artwork, they may cut and paste or trace the school logo onto the paper.
- Artwork must be prepared on a blank 8 ½ x 11-inch piece of white copy paper.
- No paper with lines or graphics.
- Artwork must display vertically, not horizontally.
- Colored pencils and markers work best.
- Use the space on the paper effectively. Have a central component and try to fill the page.
- Use appropriate words and imagery.
- Write the student’s and homeroom teacher’s name on the back of the entry in pencil.
Please have your student bring their entry to school where it will be submitted to the front desk staff. The overall winners will have their artwork displayed on the front cover of each 2024-25 yearbook.
Mark your calendars for International Night!
We are excited to invite you to the upcoming Henking-Hoffman International Night 2025 Tonight, January 31st from 5:30p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Hoffman School. During this special evening, the hallways and classrooms at Hoffman are transformed into countries for our students and families to explore and celebrate cultural diversity at both Henking and Hoffman.
HE/HO Family Day with the Chicago Wolves on 2/23 - tickets on sale now!
Don’t miss out on this family-friendly event with meal vouchers, sign-making, Kids Zone fun, and post-game autographs. Proceeds benefit the PTA.
What to expect:
- A Chicago Wolves knit hat for every ticketed guest
- Group seating together in lower-level center ice
- Our school name on the LED boards!
- High-Five the team! Enter the raffle for a chance to high-five the Wolves as they hit the ice!
- Tickets are available now through 2/10! Reserve your seats today!
Already bought your game tickets? Don't forget to Buy Raffle Tickets for the High Five Line!
You and your family can win an opportunity to "High Five" the Chicago Wolves Hockey team at the start of the game! Winning tickets (one per family) will be pulled until five families are selected with a maximum of 22 people total. The raffle will close February 21st at 5:30pm and winners will be notified via email thirty minutes after, at 6pm, with details. Please direct any questions to Julie Young via fundraising@hehopta.org.
Roll the Dice at Our Casino Night Spring Gala on March 7th!
Join us at Valley Lo for an unforgettable evening of gaming, fine dining, and exciting auctions at our glamorous Casino Night Spring Gala. Try your luck at blackjack, poker, roulette, and craps, or step up as a guest dealer for the evening. With a DJ, silent auctions, and our 50/50 raffle, this will be spectacular!
While March 7th may seem like a distant roll of the dice, don't miss your chance to hit the jackpot on savings! Stack the odds in your favor – secure your tickets now!
Stock the Lounge!
Help us stock the staff lounges!
Please help us by donating an item or two to help stock the staff lounges for our teachers!.
Upcoming Dates
1/31/25 - International Night at Hoffman
2/14/25 - Valentines Day Parties
2/17/25 - No School - President's Day
2/28/25 - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
School Hours
M, T, R, F
Arrival Begins: 7:30 AM
Classes Begin: 7:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM
Arrival Begins: 8:30 AM
Classes Begin: 8:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM