OVS High School Weekly Update
September 21, 2018 Volume 82
Mark Your Calendars!
Monday, September 24 at Western Hills Elementary School
Learners need to bring their laptops and wear PE attire.
Learning Coach Training Next Week
Tuesday, September 25
11:15-11:45 --OVS Connect: Meet our Counselor, Mr. K-W and learn about apply to college week.
11:45-12:30--OVS Connect: Coffee Chat with Wendy
Thursday, September 27
8:30-9:00am--OVS Connect: Meet our Counselor, Mr. K-W and learn about apply to college week.
9:00-9:45--OVS Connect: Coffee Chat with Wendy at MCC
11:00-11:30--Coffee chat with Wendy at 60 & L for HS parents who have K8
OVS High School Open House
Thursday, September 27th- from 3-5pm at OVS High School
High School Hangout
We had a wonderful first High School Hang Out! Eight OVS Learners attended. They had pizza, chatted, and played at the arcade at Johnny Sortino's last Friday.
The Learning Coaches stayed and also had a great time getting to know each other and sharing ideas. Thanks for coming!
Next High School Hangout
Mark your calendars and plan to join in on the fun! Our next High School Hangout will be on Friday, Oct. 27th for an escape room outing. A minimum of 7 students are needed for this to be able to do it! Cost will be $15 a person. Look for a sign up sheet at open house to let us know your high schooler will be joining the fun!
OVS Synergy Updates
Box Tops
Bring in your box tops for Sept 24-Oct 5! The high school will be competing with the K-8 classes to see who collects the most box tops. Loose box tops will count as 1 point. If they are glued on a sheet when turned in then they will count for two points. Blank box tops sheets can be picked up at the school! Help us reach our goal of collecting 100 sheets!
School Spirit Week
Sept 25-27
Show your school spirit but wearing your OVS or blue shirts!
High School Learning Coaches Facebook Group
A few learning coaches have requested a separate facebook group for high school only. Here is the link for that group.
Shirts for Sale
Need a shirt for spirit days this year? Purchase shirts here! Orders will close on Oct. 3rd!
Classroom happenings
Mrs. Mendoza's Updates
Coming up next week in English!
English 9: Unit 1 – Narrative Techniques and Structure
English 10: Unit 2 – Theme and Characters
Mr. Brannan's Updates
Week in Review:
Please ensure that your students are keeping up with the Pacing Guide. The students were all given instructions on how they can make up assignments that they did not receive A's on. Please encourage them to make up as many of these as they can. Thanks
Looking Ahead:
Students were introduced to a project in History class that is a "virtual" time capsule, more info will follow. In Economics we actually started looking at companies and will begin investing next week!
Weekly Online Lessons:
Online lessons have already begun. The schedule for my regular online lessons is below.
- Computer: 1st and 3rd Monday of the month 9:15-10:15
- History: Wednesdays OR Fridays 8:30-9:30 (each student in this course was assigned a specific session)
- Economics: Wednesdays OR Fridays 10:15-11:15 (each student in this course was assigned a specific session)
Mrs. Ignowski's Updates
Week in Review
Physical Science: Students focused on applications of forces. This unit did not have a virtual lab, which may make it easier for students to maintain with the pacing guide. Many are working on coursework from previous units.
Biology: Students shared their brochures with their peers with a gallery walk. Students were able to take away different ideas they would like to try for upcoming projects.
Earth Science: Students focused on the dynamic Earth. This course is composed of many lab reports and students will have to reach out for clarification often, as the lab reports can be confusing. Email has been the most successful method.
Looking Ahead
Physical Science: Students will be completing a lab at the learning center as their summative assessment for Unit 3. Those that are behind will focus on getting caught up before completing the lab.
Biology: Students will begin cell biology, which can either be a delight or tedious for most. This unit is quite extensive and will span the next 4 weeks.
Earth Science: Students will begin the composition of the Earth, which entails some items students may be familiar with such as the rock cycle. Once this unit is complete students will have progressed halfway through the course.
Weekly Online Lessons
Online lessons have already begun. The schedule for my regular online lessons is below.
- Physical Science: Wednesdays OR Fridays 10:15-11:15 (each student in this course was assigned a specific session)
- Biology: Wednesdays OR Fridays 11:30-12:30 (each student in this course was assigned a specific session)
- Earth Science: 2nd Monday of the month 10:15-11:15
Mr. Gamble's Updates
Week in Review:
Our face-to-face time is running smoothly. We are in full swing of addressing learners where they are in their lessons. This has allowed us to do a lot of reviewing, reteaching, and retaking of assessments to assure comprehension of topics. Learners are learning the system and adjusting to the new flow using our “road map” each day.
Online lessons continue to happen daily. See below for the schedule to ensure your learners are in attendance. I am looking into why K12 is not listing some learners as “Optional” when I change their status. If a student is optional, they are not required to attend, but are welcome to for additional assistance. “Required” learners must attend the session for lesson assistance.
Looking Ahead:
Should your learner have a question or struggle, please encourage them to reach out to us. If they are reserved, then please email the appropriate teacher and we will make note of that need and address it. We are a team and encourage all parties (facilitator, coach, and learner) to communicate.
PIT Stop is available on Friday mornings from 10:00 – 11:00 for learners that need assistance. This is an ONLINE session. I will be actively in the session and available to answer questions or model lessons for learners in need.
There are countless resources on the internet for math. Throughout the year I will post some here that could assist your learner or yourself. Learning coaches can use these to check the work of a learner or preview topics.
This month’s resource can be effective for all courses. Desmos provides a free graphing calculator that is helpful for verifying or graphing equations, expressions, and inequalities. It can be used to show graphs if equations in assignments or to check the work of a learner.
Weekly Online Math Lessons:
Most online sessions will not last the entire block of time, unless needed for individual help. We will work in mini-lessons addressing specific needs. If “Required” is listed on the session, you must attend that session. If “Optional” is listed, you do not have to attend, but CAN attend if you’d like help or a review.
- PreAlgebra: Thursdays @ 1:00 – 2:00.
- Algebra 1: Wednesdays @ 1:00 – 2:00.
- Geometry & Honors: Tuesdays @ 1:00 – 2:00.
- Algebra 2 & Honors: Thursdays @ 1:00 – 2:00.
- PreCalc/Trig: Thursdays @ 1:00 – 2:00.
Mr. Koneck-Wilcox's Updates
Next week is Apply to College week.
I have materials to share with parents on Tuesday and Thursday.
I have already given each student the info for the College Fair at UNO , Sunday 1-4 pm, Sept. 23rd.
Troubles with your device?
Parents will get an email response following your submission. One of our staff members will email parents back to provide assistance, so be sure to check your email after sending your concern.
Mission Statement
Core Values
Omaha Virtual School
Email: virtualschool@ops.org
Website: ovs.k12.com
Location: 4640 S 59th St, Omaha, NE, United States
Phone: (531)299-0269
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OPSVirtualSchool/
Twitter: @OPS_Virtual