St. Mary’s Newsletter
News this week - 12 April 2024
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Change in Patronage - Monday, 15th April
It feels a little strange that this will be our last newsletter as 'St Mary's Primary School'. As you know, our school community took part in a consultation on changing patronage last year.
I am pleased to let you know that from Monday, 15th April 2024 we will officially move to Educate Together patronage and our school's new name will be Paradise Place Educate Together National School, or Paradise Place ETNS for short!
I have written to all families today - you will find the letter in your child's bag! - to let you know of the change. Apart from the name, most other things will stay exactly the same.
It is an exciting time for our school and we look forward to celebrating all that we love about St Mary's and welcoming our new school patronage at a big celebration event in June - more details to follow.
Attendance for April
Say Yes to Languages
We are delighted to be in our 3rd year of the 'Say Yes to Languages' programme. This year, our chosen language is Spanish! Over the next few weeks, all of our classes from 3rd to 6th will have a Spanish lesson each week with our tutor, Araceli, from Argentina.
The children made a great start on Thursday - well done! ¡Bien hecho!
Reader in Residence - Library Visit
Our two 2nd Classes visited the Central Library in the Ilac Centre on Monday for a storytelling session with their Reader in Residence.
Creative workshop
Ms Manifold's Senior Infants also visited the Central Library on Thursday this week. They joined dance artist Monica Munoz for a workshop called 'The Magic Blanket'. The children helped to create a magical, adventurous story through movement and dance to all kinds of brilliant music. They had so much fun!
Girls Football
Well done to our girls' football team who had a great game on Tuesday. The girls are growing in confidence at each match and are putting in lots of practice. Thanks to Páid Sadlier and Yasmin for accompanying them.
International Roma Day
International Roma Day was on Monday, 8th April. We celebrated at a special assembly today where we were joined by members of Pavee Point who shared music and stories with us.
Children's Tennis (age 8+) - Sundays
Dates for Your Diary
Monday, 15th April - school reconfigures to Educate Together Patronage
6th - 10th May - Mid-Term break - school closed
Sunday, 19th May - First Holy Communion for 2nd Class Catholic children
3rd and 4th June - Bank Holiday - school closed
Thursday, 6th June - Sports Day
Friday, 7th June - Elections - school closed for polling
14th June - End of Year Reports to be issued to parents/carers
25th and 26th June - End of Year Performances
Thursday, 27th June - 6th Class Graduation
Friday, 28th June - school closes at 12 noon for summer holidays
and finally...
Happy Eid to all our families who celebrated this week - we hope you had a lovely celebration.
Contact us
Follow us on @stmarysdorsetst
Location: St Mary's Primary School, Paradise Place, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 8300 841
Twitter: @stmarysdorsetst