West Genesee School District
September 13, 2024
Administration Updates
Message from the Superintendent
Dear West Genesee Families,
Thank you to everyone involved in the start of the school year. It was a pleasure to welcome our students back on Wednesday, September 4, and we are moving toward settling into daily routines.
A special note of thanks to our transportation department. It is a daunting task to schedule, communicate, and implement transport for such large numbers. Our drivers, monitors, mechanics, and office personnel are dedicated to the safe and positive transport of our students to and from school each day. Welcome back to those returning and welcome to our children and families new to the bus riding experience.
The start of the school year has many unique challenges. The annual factors that create uncertainty include the unknown status of potential riders, making procedures routine, and an unfamiliarity to a new building for some. Along with the excitement of a new school year, allowing grace for our systems, our staff, and our children is certainly in order.
Each day, the schedule seems to settle toward more predictable times. Please remember that new information regarding the intent to utilize District-provided transportation will help improve consistency and will factor into any rerouting or combination of runs that may be appropriate. Any adjustments made will be communicated ahead of time.
Enjoy this edition of the e-Newsletter and enjoy the chance to see our students’ successes. Let’s go, Wildcats!
David C. Bills, Superintendent of Schools
Welcome Back!
We would like to thank everyone for a great start to the school year. All of our staff, parents, and students worked together and made the beginning of school a success!
Click here to view some pictures from the first week of school.(Check out the West Genesee Facebook, Instagram pages and the ParentSquare feed for posts that contain more pictures.)
Student Recognitions
Pictured above, from left to right, are musicians Harrison Card, Giovanni Capria, Amelia Vezey, Samantha Bullock, John Diem, Sophia Knowlton, Ethan Gage, Devin Dantunno, and Abigail Marchesani.
WGHS Musicians Selected for All-State Concerts!
Nine West Genesee High School musicians were accepted into, or as alternates, to the All-State Conference to perform in Rochester, December 5-8, 2024. The conference will take place at the Rochester Convention Center with the concerts in the Eastman Theatre and is sponsored by the NYS School Music Association. The students from West Genesee High School are:
- Abigail Marchesani-Violin-Symphony Orchestra
- Amelia Vezey-Oboe-Symphonic Band
- Devin Dantuono-Viola-Symphony Orchestra
- Ethan Gage-Trumpet-Symphonic Band
- John Diem-Tenor 1-Mixed Chorus
- Samantha Bullock-Soprano 2-Treble Chorus
- Sophia Knowlton- Alto 1-Treble Chorus
- Giovanni Capria-Bb Clarinet-Alternate
- Harrison Card-Trumpet-Alternate
Mark your Calendars for the Tournament of Bands!
The West Genesee Wildcat Marching Band will host their annual Tournament of Bands on Saturday, September 28, 2024 with bands from:
- LeRoy
- Jordan-Elbridge
- Syracuse
- Mohonasen
- Webster
- Liverpool
- Baldwinsville
- Cicero-North Syracuse
- West Genesee (will perform in exhibition)
The show will be held in our Turf Field Stadium and will begin at 6:00 p.m. #CarnEVIL
ParentSquare: Attendance Info and Tips/Calendar Information
ParentSquare Attendance Absence Submission Starts September 16!
Starting Monday, September 16, 2024, you can submit your child’s absence reason through ParentSquare. You must wait for a notification from ParentSquare (via text, app notification or email) confirming your child’s absence before providing the reason.
You have until the end of the school day to submit the reason via ParentSquare. If you miss this deadline, please contact the school directly or send a note with your child.
From the Website:
Click “Send Note to School”
Enter the reason for the absence
Click submit to send it directly to your school’s attendance office
From the App:
Click “Send Note to School”
Enter the reason for the absence
Click submit to send it directly to your school’s attendance office
*Please note the notifications times:
Grades 5 - 12 - 8:45 - 9:00 AM
Grades K - 4 - 10:30 - 10:45 AM
Click here for a printable version (PDF) from the website.
To respond to an attendance notification and submit a note, you need to be logged into ParentSquare as a registered user. We’ll send another email invitation this weekend to parents who haven’t registered yet. Please check your spam/junk folders if you don’t see it in your inbox.
ParentSquare Tip: How to Access SchoolTool from ParentSquare
TIP: Did you know? You can access SchoolTool from ParentSquare from:
*’District website’
*then select ‘SchoolTool’ from the website homepage (you can do that from your phone or a computer!)
FYI…This tip is also posted to ParentSquare in the feed area of all schools! Check it out!
ParentSquare Tip: Overview of Notifications
Users can fine-tune their notification settings for posts for each school and district. For General Announcements, you can select Digest, Instant, or choose to turn off notifications altogether (excluding emergency alerts and notices.) You can choose to receive email, text, and/or app notifications.
Click here for the article with the full Tip information on Overview of Notifications.
Calendars for 2024-2025 are Now Available Online
The online District 2024-2025 Events Calendar is now available from the website homepages. To view on a mobile device click here or to view in a grid format on a computer click here.
You can also access the one-page District calendar by clicking here.
Note: A hardcopy of the WGCSD 2024-2025 Events Calendar/Information Guide will come home (one per family) the first week of school!
Adult Education Brochure/Winter Sports Registration
Register now for Adult Education Classes!!
Visit https://westgeneseecsdny.sites.thrillshare.com/page/adult-education now for complete course descriptions and to register online. Don't wait to register, class space is limited.
You will receive the Adult Education brochure in the September edition of The Communicator in your mailboxes the week of September 16.....but don't wait, register today!
Check out the return of your favorites as well as a few new and exciting classes!
Mark Your Calendars! WINTER 2024 – 2025 Sports Start Dates
- Modified 7/8/9 Girls Volleyball- 11/4/24 (Winter 1)
- Modified 7/8/9 Boys Basketball- 11/4/24 (Winter 1)
- JV & Varsity Winter Sports- 11/18/24
- Modified: Boys 7/8 Swimming, Girls 7/8/9 Basketball, 7/8 Wrestling- 1/21/25 (Winter 2)
A parent/guardian can register by clicking on this link: https://students.arbitersports.com/organizations/west-genesee-central-school-district
Sign-ups on ArbiterSports are 30 days prior to the start date.
West Genesee is Hiring
WGCSD Seeks a Maintenance Worker
We are looking for a Maintenance Worker I to undertake the responsibility to preserve the good condition and functionality of our premises.
Inquiries can be made to Buildings and Grounds at (315) 487-4630.
WGCSD is Looking to Hire Full-time and Substitute Custodians
West Genesee CSD is hiring full-time custodians on all shifts and substitute custodians for the 2nd shift.
Inquiries can be made to Buildings and Grounds at (315) 487-4630.
Upcoming Events
- September 16, 2024 WGCSD Beginning Band Night-High School Auditorium-7:00 p.m.
- September 18, 2024 Board of Education Meeting-High School Library-6:00 p.m.