Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School March 31st, 2022
Thou Eternal God, out of whose absolute power and infinite intelligence the whole universe has come into being, we humbly confess that we have not loved Thee with our hearts, souls and minds, and we have not loved our neighbors as Christ loved us. We have all too often lived by our own selfish impulses rather than by the life of sacrificial love as revealed by Christ. We often give in order to receive. We love our friends and hate our enemies. We go the first mile but dare not travel the second. We forgive but dare not forget. And so as we look within ourselves, we are confronted with the appalling fact that the history of our lives is the history of an eternal revolt against You. But Thou, O God, have mercy upon us. Forgive us for what we could have been but failed to be. Give us the intelligence to know Your will. Give us the courage to do Your will. Give us the devotion to love Your will. In the name and spirit of Jesus, we pray.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Lent is the Catholic liturgical season that consists of forty days of fasting, prayer, and repentance, beginning at Ash Wednesday and concluding at sundown on Holy Thursday. Lent is a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we seek the coming of our Lord in prayer, serve by almsgiving, and practice self-control through fasting.
Ash Wednesday and the 40 days of Lent are well underway. During this Lenten season, let
us focus on this as an opportunity to make changes to our daily lives and become closer to God. During this journey, we may want to ask ourselves: Am I doing my best to live as a Disciple of Jesus Christ or do I need to change my routine a bit with extra prayer, fasting and sharing my blessings with others. It is from this type of self-reflection that we can draw our so-called “Lenten practices.” After all, the ultimate goal of our spiritual life is to become more like Jesus; reaching out to help others. Lent affords us the time for a renewal process. Our main focus is to prepare ourselves for the holiest day of the year, Easter. As a school community we are focusing on being gifts to each other and to have a better understanding of what Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving is.
Turning the page on the calendar from March to April brings about a sense of freshness and hope for the months to come. Just as the Resurrection brings us a path to follow in hope, the days of spring also lead us to a path of warmth and sunshine. The chugging along that took place in the winter months and the stillness of Lent seems to be changing to leaps of joy as we move forward in the Easter season.
May our hearts be filled with the Resurrection celebration and the hope of all that is to come in our families, our school, our community, and in our world.
I pray that Lent brings you and your family great peace as we await the Feast of Easter
Mrs. Longden
Lunch Menu
The members of these committees have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes promoting our school and helping with different activities!
All your work and effort does not go unnoticed!
You are greatly appreciated!
Spring Flower and Hanging Basket Sale
Holy Trinity School is have a spring flower and hanging basket sale!!!
Order forms are due TOMORROW, APRIL 1st!
We are selling flats of flowers containing 48 plants for $22 or 10" hanging baskets for $30. The flats and baskets are available in a variety of flowers and everything is listed on the order forms.
There are 2 order forms for the flats and 1 for the baskets.
Orders and payment are due April 1.
Plants will be delivered the week of May 9.
Plants will be from Bemis, the same place where the wreaths and poinsettias were from.
Please call the school office if you have any questions!
Attached is the flyer and forms if you need them!
We have fun stores like Build-A-Bear, Barnes and Noble, Claire's, Dick's Sporting Goods, Bath and Body Works, GameStop and Disney. Restaurants include BWW, Dairy Queen, Coffee Corner, Starbucks, Panera Bread, Noodles and Cousins. For your Easter dinner, remember Piggly Wiggly, Sendiks, Roundy's Pick'n Save, Walmart and Meijer. Check out all the brands available at shopwithscrip.com. Save money on your tuition while you shop.
If you need your order before Easter, school needs it by Monday, April 11 at 8:00 am.
We will not place a $crip order on Monday, April 18th.
Thank you for supporting $crip and HTS!
Scholastic Book Fair
Coin Drive Information is in the Home Folders today and attached below.
Information on the Book Fair is also in the Home Folders and attached.
Please note: Grandparent's Day falls during the Book Fair and students will have a chance to visit the Book Fair with their grandparents. There will be a bake sale going on during that time as well!
If you are interested in helping out please contact Amanda Gall. The link to sign-up is attached below. We are looking for people to make some baked goods for the bake sale!!!!
Holy Trinity: Holy Trinity Book Fair & Bake Sale (signupgenius.com)
THANK YOU AMANDA GALL for all your work in getting this together!!
Grandparent’s Day
Grandparent’s Day is almost upon us! We have just a few reminders for the big day.
Friday, April 8, 2022
Schedule of Events:
7:45-8:30am Mass
8:45-11:15am Rotating Classroom Activities
*Grandparents will meet their grandchildren in an assigned classroom. This information will be available upon arrival.
*Coffee and water will be available in the Café.
*Scholastic Book Fair will be open for browsing & shopping and will have a bake sale going as well.
11:30-12:00pm Lunch
*Please note that there will be NO hot lunch provided. Please bring a cold lunch with a beverage if you are planning to stay.
Permission for Dismissal: Grandparent(s) are welcome to take their grandchild(ren) home with them after lunch. Please fill out the form in the Home Folder with a parent signature giving the student(s) permission to leave with their grandparents on Friday, April 8. The form needs to be returned before April 8th. Children will not be able to leave with Grandparent's on that day unless we have the form signed.
Yearbook Order Form
A paper copy was sent home in the Home Folders today as well.
Forms are due April 8th!
Tuition/Registration Materials
Did you know that among the top reasons new families come to visit us and enroll in Catholic Schools is that current or past parents share the good news about Catholic Education with them? Tell all your friends and relatives about the high quality of care and education your children receive at Holy Trinity School. Thank you for all that you do to encourage more families to enroll. You can make a difference for these families! You are great!
Don't forget about our Tuition Incentive - Family Referral: Refer a family that registers and enrolls at HTS for the 2022-2023 school year and receive $500 off your tuition bill! Discount is for one year, one per family.
If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, we are looking for someone to run an after-school program for 3 and 4 year olds. Contact the school office if you are interested.
DUE APRIL 14TH! Holy Trinity Catholic School received a grant from The Catholic Community Foundation to help with tuition assistance. This money is being offered to all students for the 2022-2023 school year. An application is available to be filled out by the children and was sent home last week. If you did not see it in the home folder and would like another copy, please contact the school office. Each child should fill out the questions on their own. Thank you to The Catholic Community Foundation! Visit legaciesoffaith.org to learn more about The Catholic Community Foundation. See the attached letter that was in the home folder as well. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Longden.
Updated Virtual Tour
Share with others!
Grades 5-8 Retreat
Students in Grades 7 and 8 will be attending an overnight retreat at Camp Vista in Dundee on April 28th and 29th.
Mr. Zachary Galante, Mrs. Longden, and the teachers are planning a spiritual event for the students.
Permission Slips were sent home in the Home Folders today. Please note there is a permission slip required from the Archdiocese and one from Camp Vista. Please be sure to fill in both permission slips fully. If you have questions, please contact the office.
Permission slips are due April 8th!
Name the Wildcat
Mark your Calendars!!!!
Social Fest is:
SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th, 2022Watch for more information on ways you can help with this great fundraiser!
Kewaskum School District Summer School
The 2022 Kewaskum School District Summer School booklet is now available online to view on our website. Registration will open on Monday, April 11, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Only online registrations will be accepted.
We are looking forward to seeing you this summer!
Encountering the Father's Love
Substitute Teachers and Aides
Holy Trinity Catholic School is looking for adults interested in substitute teaching. If you are interested, please contact the office. We have a Substitute Teacher Handbook with information regarding substitute teaching available along with an application that can be filled out. We would love to have you come and help out!
If you would be interested in aiding in the school, please contact the school office as well. We are looking for people to help out in various ways.
Advisory Committee
Calendar of Cash
March 24th - Mary Laska
March 25th - Deb Nevsimal
March 28th - Carolyn Leister
March 29th - Bob Fitzpatrick
March 30th - Amber Bingen
April 7th-13th - Scholastic Book Fair
April 8th - Grandparent's Day
April 14th - Catholic Community Foundation Grant Application Due
April 15th - Good Friday (No School)
April 17th - Easter
April 18th-19th - No School
April 21st - 4K-5th Grade Field Trip to Seussical at WBCT
April 27th - 5th/6th Grade Retreat (Watch for Details)
April 28th-29th - 7th/8th Grade Retreat (Watch for Details)
May 19th - Spring Concert 5:30 P.M.
May 30th - Memorial Day (No School)
June 1st - 5K Graduation at 4:00 P.M.
June 1st - 8th Grade Graduation
June 1st - Last Day for 3K/4K/5K/ 8th Grade
June 2nd - Volunteer Day
June 2nd - Last Day of School (1st-7th Grade) - Dismissal at 10:30
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603