Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 15 - 18 October 2024
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
REACH Goal Week 6:Think before you speak.
Principal's Kōrero
Kia ora everyone,
Welcome back to the start of a very busy term 4. We are preparing for our school production, which will give our students a chance to showcase the arts.
We had great success at the end of last term. I was privileged to attend the Kahui Ako Kapa Haka Festival and was incredibly proud of our tamariki's exceptional performance. Ka mau te wehi! The students' passion, energy, and dedication were truly inspiring. A huge thank you to all the kaiako involved in their success.
Our school also participated in the Kahui Ako photo competition, showcasing the talent of our students through their creative photography. Additionally, our cross country team competed at the Taranaki Cross Country Championships, giving it their all and representing our school with pride.
The students enjoyed various fun activities, including our REACH celebrations and disco to finish the term. Thanks to our amazing Parent Link group for the hugely successful school disco.
The end-of-term progress reports have been sent out. Please take the time to review your child's report. We've implemented term-end reporting to provide you with more up-to-date information.
This is just a reminder that the school will be closed on 4 November. We have a Teacher-Only Day, during which teachers will focus on the new curriculum changes related to literacy, numeracy, and assessment.
As we look ahead to the 2025 school year, we wanted to provide you with an update regarding our whānau hub structure. While the overall concept of whānau hubs will remain in place, we are implementing a new approach to student placement. To ensure that each student is placed in a class that best aligns with their individual learning needs and goals, we will be carefully considering various factors, such as academic abilities, social and emotional development, and interests. This means that your child may be placed in a different whānau than in previous years. We believe this change will foster a more personalised and supportive learning environment for all students.
Nga mihi
Juliet Vickers
Regional Evolocity Challenge
Earlier this year we had a group of very keen individuals take on a mammoth challenge. To build an electric car and compete in the Regional Evolocity Challenge.
These students excelled in the process and have worked very hard all year to complete their project. From planning, finding sponsors, learning to weld, engineering, problem solving to writing a technical report.
Yesterday they competed against other schools in various challenges, drag race, gymkana, economy race and presented their engineering ideas and themes to different judges.
Along with winning the gymkana event in their class the boys also came away with:
1st in Engineering
1st in Showstopper
3rd in Performance overall.
Congratulations boys, can’t wait to see what you do next.
Thanks so much to our sponsors: Auto Torque, Dirtona Karting & La Nuova and also our awesome mentor Brendon King.
Safety update: Closure of school entranceway and driveway at the end of the school day - 2.50pm - 3.10pm
We wish to inform you of the closure of the entrance to our school and dental clinic for safety reasons at the end of the school day.
Effective from Monday 21 October, the entrance will be closed from 2:50 PM to 3:10 PM, except in emergency situations. This closure includes entering or exiting the school car park and parking by the Dental Clinic. During this time, the blue gates will be closed.
We understand that this may cause some inconvenience, but it is essential to ensure the safety of our students during this busy time of day when a large number of children are leaving school.
If your child has a disability pass, please enter or exit the school in accordance with these times.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Students of the Week - Term 3 Weeks 9 & 10 & Term 4 Week 1
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Stanley Voss
For making lots of progress in class with your writing, reading and handwriting. Keep up the great mahi, Stanley!
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Chloe Bannan
For supporting another class mate to understand repeated addition. You are outstanding Chloe!!
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Meiana Walker
Overcoming challenges in speech writing and doing an amazing job in all her mahi.
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Jaxon Smith
For working hard to complete his work and being a focused and enthusiastic learner during Kapa haka. Keep up the awesome mahi Jaxon!
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Tyler Polglase
For having a positive REACH attitude and being kind to everybody. You are a star Tyler!
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Lucas Muir
For always being ready to help and for keeping our school tidy by picking up and throwing away rubbish, even if it isn’t his.Tino pai, Lucas!
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Addy Reynolds
For your exceptional speech writing and presenting. Well done for making it into the finals.
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Hazel Hussey
For an awesome attitude towards speech writing. You wrote and presented an amazing speech all by yourself, way to go Hazel!
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Lazarus Leausa Elliott
For making good choices and staying in class with your classmates while learning. You are always sharing your neat printing, beautiful smile and being kind!
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Meera Kassote
For her amazing attitude to learning. You are pushing yourself in your learning and you are making great progress in all learning areas.
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Aubree McKay
For having a great attitude towards your learning and showing the REACH values. You have shown great progress in Reading/ Writing and Maths and should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the great Mahi!
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Tayla Foreman
For her continued effort during our Pouākai Inquiry. You have been very motivated throughout. Ka rawe, Tayla!
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Kaitlyn Henderson
For continuing on with a positive attitude to all learning having an awesome start to term 4. You take care and pride in your work, always happy to help anywhere you can. You are a great role model in Tokomaru OCM and around Kohanga moa.
Ka rawe Kaitlyn!
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Casey Dagger
You are always a great REACH role model and work hard on your learning goals. You have a positive mindset and make our class a happy, fun place to be. Casey, you are a star!
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Lilliana Fowles
For doing all the right things, at the right time, for the right reasons. You are always kind towards others and you have been working hard to achieve your learning goals. Awesome mahi Lilliana!
Please support our Student of the Week Sponsors
School Roll
Our current school roll is 414.
Welcome to Hamnah Sheikh, Naufal Sheikh, Willow Smillie and Armand Spies who have joined us at IPS.
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 7 has been distributed to all students this week. Please ensure these are returned by Wednesday 23 October. Thank you.
Congratulations to our Panitahi Speech Winners
Year 1
1st - Faith D'Ath
2nd - Mac Rosser
3rd - Evee Newman
Year 2
1st - Mahalia Wood
2nd - Asha Young
3rd - Promise Star
Inglewood High School Bell Block Bus & Lepperton Van
On Friday 1 November Inglewood High School will finish at the earlier time of 12.30pm due to Prizegiving later that evening. Both the Bell Block Bus and Lepperton van will take the high school students home at this time. If you have a child on this service attending Inglewood Primary, please make alternative arrangements for them to get home after school.
All other buses will leave at the normal time.
Please don't forget that Friday 8 November is the final day to register your child for 2025 to catch this service. After this date, Symons cannot guarantee a seat will be available. Please contact Tracey Dempster at Symons to register.
From Monday 4 November the Lepperton van will no longer run for the year. The Bell Block bus will cover both runs as seniors are on exam leave. Please be aware that because the bus will be making extra pick ups it may be a few minutes later than normal, but please go to your stop at the normal time.
Tranzit Bus Transport
Please note Monday 11 November is a Teacher Only Day at Inglewood High School. No buses will run that day. Please make alternative arrangements for all bus students both to and from school.
ParentLink News
Please like our IPS ParentLink page to keep updated with fundraising events and meetings.
This is a fabulous group of parents supporting our school.
Outstanding School Accounts & Bank Account Change
We kindly remind you of the outstanding balance on some school accounts. Your prompt payment is greatly appreciated or a regular automatic payment set up. By paying these accounts, our school uses these funds for educational resources, activities, utilities, wages and school maintenance.
We understand that financial situations can change, and we are committed to working with families to find solutions. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our school office to discuss payment arrangements.
Thank you to the families who are continuing to pay on a regular basis or have paid their account in full.
Our school bank account has now changed - 15-3946-0175681-80. Please amend your automatic direct credits. Thank you.
2025 Out of Zone Enrolments
Inglewood Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme. We are currently accepting applications for up to 20 out-of-zone places for 2025 across all year levels up to Year 6.
If you're interested in joining our innovative learning school community, please contact our office 7568040 or office@inglewood.school.nz to request an application form or visit our website www.inglewoodprimary.school.nz
Applications close on October 29, 2024. If the number of applicants exceeds the available places, a ballot will occur on October 31. Parents will be notified of the outcome within three
school days of the ballot.
Term 4 Calendar of Events (Please note these may change on a regular basis)
Wednesday 23 October
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
Monday 28 October
Labour Day - School Closed
Tuesday 29 October
Out of Zone Enrolments for 2025 Close at 3pm
Board of Trustees Meeting - 6.45pm
Friday 1 November
Gumboot Friday - Gold Coin Donation
Monday 4 November
Staff Only Day - School Closed
Tuesday 5 November
IPS Athletics Day
Wednesday 6 November
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
Monday 18 November
School Production - Technical Rehearsal
Tuesday 19 November
School Production - Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday 20 November
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
School Production - Matinee & Evening Performance
Thursday 21 November
School Production - Evening Performance
Wednesday 4 December
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
Friday 6 December
Year 8 Grad Ball - Inglewood Town Hall
Tuesday 10 December
Sports/Academic/Service Assembly -12 noon at IPS (More details to follow)
Thank You Afternoon Tea - 2.15pm
Board of Trustees Meeting - 6.45pm
Friday 13 December
Final Year 1-4 Assembly at IPS - 9.30am
Final Year 5-8 Assembly at IHS - 12.30pm
Monday 16 December
2025 Class Swap - 10am to 11am
REACH Celebration - 12noon
Tuesday 17 December
Last day of Term 4 School Closes at 12.15pm
Free Child Health Service
All schools have a Public Health Nurse who is available to provide help and advice to
children and their families with any health concerns they may have. This is a confidential
service and all families are entitled to use it. The nurse for our school is Steph and she can
be contacted on 0274064822 or through the school office. Here are some examples of some
things the nurse can help with include hearing/vision concerns, speech, parenting,
immunisations, wetting, soiling, constipation, headlice, impetigo, nutrition, growth and
development, emotional and behavioural concerns and any other general health issues.
Before and After School Care
Community Notices
Inglewood Athletic Club - Opening Night Wednesday 16 October 2024, Athletic Track, Elliot Street, Inglewood. Athletics starts at 6.20pm. Registrations are now done on line. Please go to our
Facebook page and click the link. Everyone welcome from 1 year olds to seniors. Contact Sandra Moratti phone 0276967747.
Taranaki Children's Choir - We hope you will rejoin Taranaki Children's Choir in 2025! We will start the year with a free trial session open to new and existing members on Tuesday 20 February from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at The New Plymouth Operatic Society Rehearsal Rooms, 76 King Street, Inglewood. Open to children from age 7 all the way up to Year 8. Our sessions will continue to be on Tuesdays during term time at New Plymouth Operatic Society Rooms from 6.30pm. Our term fees reflect that we are a not for profit organisation making us accessible to Taranaki's children. Discounts for more than one child from the same family attending.
IPS Clothing
IPS Zip Front Hoodie
IPS Jacket & Trousers
Trousers $20 now $10 while stocks last
IPS School Shirt
2024 School Term Dates
Term 4
Monday 14 October - First Day of Term 4
Monday 28 October - Labour Day School Closed
Monday 4 November - Staff Only Day School Closed
Tuesday 17 December - Last Day of Term 4