Matanzas High School Weekly Update
January 31, 2025
It's Course Selection Time!
Course selection for current 9th, 10th and 11th grade students for the 2025-2026 school year has begun! Parents, please be an active part of this process, here are the resources you need to assist your child in selecting the courses that are right for them! All of the resources mentioned below can be found on our Course Selection Information website (link below).
- View the narrated slide show presentation from our school counselors which walks our parents and students through their options and the selection process.
- Discuss course selections with your child, using the course selection spreadsheet that lists all the courses offered at MHS. Your student should fill out the linked Google Form prior to February 10th.
- If you or your student have any questions, please submit them here, and one of our school counselors will get back to you via email.
Course Selection Meetings with Guidance
From February 10th through 25th all students will visit the theater with their English classes to meet with their school counselors individually to review their course selections for the 25-26 school year. Parents are invited to attend these brief meetings, please ask your student when their meeting will be, if you wish to attend you may check in at the front office prior to the time. Please understand these are brief (10 minute) meetings to review course selections. If you need a more comprehensive meeting with your child's school counselor, please schedule a meeting at a later date.
Program of Study Application Opening Soon!
Current 9th grade students are encouraged to explore our Programs of Study at MHS, which are career and advanced academic pathways which prepare students for careers or college after high school. Through their participation in these programs, students get hands on experience and even earn real world, industry credentials. Matanzas High School is offering the following Programs of Study for the 25-26 school year - check out the website below for more information about each program.
- Allied Health (New! for 2025-2026 school year)
- Building Construction Technology
- Cambridge AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education)
- Culinary
- Cybersecurity
- Digital Media
- Future Educators
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Army JROTC
- Law & Justice
- Marketing & Finance
Information Night about Advanced Programs and CTE Programs
Parents and students interested in learning more about our advanced programs, including AICE and dual enrollment, or any of our CTE programs of study (open to any current 8th or 9th grade student) should join us here at Matanzas on February 18th, 2025 for our program showcase. Attendees will have the opportunity to visit classrooms and speak with teachers and students about our programs.
ASVAB Testing Information
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is the most widely used multiple-aptitude test battery in the world. As an aptitude test, the ASVAB measures your strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success. The ASVAB also provides you with career information for various civilian and military occupations and is an indicator for success in future endeavors whether you choose to go to college, vocational school, or a military career. Even if you do not choose to enlist right after High School your scores are good for enlisting for up to two years from the date of testing.
The ASVAB has been scheduled for Thursday, February 27, 2025 during your first four periods in Room 5-210 (1Sgt Caraballo's Classroom). Priority will be given to seniors and juniors due to limited seating. Please stop by the testing office Room #10-216, or First Sergeant Caraballo's classroom #5-210 to sign-up.
Yearbooks - For Sale through 3/21!
📓 AICE Updates 📓
AICE/AP Study Sessions
AICE/AP Study Sessions are now available after school on Thursdays (3-4:30pm) in Room 1-205 with Mrs Davis. Virtual Study Sessions are also available both Tuesday and Thursday evenings with Ms Doyle (6-7:30pm): meet.google.com/ujg-qewz-jgm (join with Google Meet).
Please be sure to have the Opt In form completed in order to participate in either format.
AICE/AP Testing Schedule
AICE and AP Exams are now scheduled for the Spring. Students enrolled in AICE courses have received their “Statement of Entry” from Cambridge and are aware of all test dates/times. All AICE and AP exams are scheduled between April 25th and June 10th. Please check with your student regarding their specific exams.
AICE Q&A About Course Selection
All AICE Cohort families should look for an email from Mrs. Davis regarding an opportunity to schedule a virtual meeting to ask any AICE related questions as we enter the course selection season. This is a good time to inquire about the AICE Diploma and which courses to take next year.
📣 Athletics Information 📣
Good Luck Cheer!!!!
Matanzas Media Days with Spring Team Photos
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Media Days!
Tuesday, February 4th at 3:30 PM: MHS - Flag Football/Lacrosse/Tennis/Track and Field/Boys Weightlifting
Wednesday, February 5th at 3:30 PM: MHS - Baseball and Softball
Thursday, February 6th at 3:30 PM: Holland Park - Beach Volleyball
This is a great opportunity for our students to showcase their teams, and we encourage all families to participate and support our athletes.
Athletic Clearance Information
If you are interested in playing a sport here at Matanzas High School, make sure you have your Athletic Clearance updated and complete with the following information:
Sport you are interested in trying out for
Updated EL2 (sports physical)
NFHS Learn Courses (Concussion, Heat Illness, and Cardiac Arrest)
Copy of your insurance card
Sports Medicine Information Form
ImPact testing form
As always, athletes are required to carry a cumulative 2.0 GPA (per FHSAA Policies)
Spring Sports Coaching Contacts
Flag Football: Coach Phil Haire - hairep@flaglerschools.com
Boys Lacrosse: Coach Adam Frys - frysa@flaglerschools.com
Girls Lacrosse: Coach Brandie Alred - alredb@flaglerschools.com
Boys Tennis: Coach Jens Oliva - olivaj1@flaglerschools.com
Girls Tennis: Coach Laura Oliva - olival@flaglerschools.com
Track and Field: Coach Katie Hoover - hooverk@flaglerschools.com
Beach Volleyball: Contact AD Zach Rigney - rigneyz@flaglerschools.com
Boys Weightlifting: Coach Matthew Forrest - forrestm@flaglerschools.com
Winter Sport Coaching Contacts
Basketball (Boys): Eric Guerrero guerreroe@flaglerschools.com
Basketball (Girls): Ethan Buchanan buchanane@flaglerschools.com
Competitive Cheer: Emily Coale coalee@flaglerschools.com
Soccer (Boys): Beto Aguilar aguilarh@flaglerschools.com
Soccer (Girls): Scott Crooke crookes@flaglerschools.com
Weightlifting (Girls): Jeremy Ossler osslerj@flaglerschools.com
Wrestling (Boys and Girls): Dennis Kitko kitkod@flaglerschools.com
News from Previous Weeks.....
National Honor Society Applications Due 2/3/25!
National Honor Society is currently accepting applications for membership. Students with the qualifying minimum GPA were sent invitations to apply, acceptance is based on the student application's demonstration of their leadership, character, service and academics. The application requires two recommendations. ALL components of the application including recommendations MUST be submitted by 2/3/25 at 3 PM. No late or incomplete applications will be considered.
Eligible students are sophomores and juniors with a weighted GPA of 3.75 or higher.
- Application Form (Google form, submitted electronically)
- Recommendation forms (2 - one of which must be a MHS Faculty member)
- Faculty will return the completed recommendation forms to Mrs. Winfree.
- All other recommendation forms must be submitted by the deadline of February 3, 2025 at 3pm.
Virtual Tutoring Opportunities!
Did you know MHS offers online free tutoring hosted by MHS teachers? Students can join these online sessions for math tutoring and homework help on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. This opportunity is open to all students, the link is posted on Schoology.
After School Tutoring Information
Tutoring Information
Subject Areas:
Social Studies
Classroom Assessment Retakes/Makeups
Homework Assistance (All Core Areas)
On Campus Tutoring:
Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:30pm
Virtual Tutoring:
Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00-7:30pm via Google Meets. (A link will be provided on Schoology).
Activity buses leave campus at 4:40pm from the bus loop (for zonal transportation students).
All students are required to have parent permission to attend (see below).
Subjects/Offerings will be adjusted based on student demand throughout the year. Any changes to the schedule and offerings will be communicated in advance.
Parent Permission Required - Link Below!
🔵 Guidance Corner 🔵
Spring Testing Dates
Mark your Calendars!
Want Daytona State College Information?
Did you know that MHS has a representative from Daytona State College on campus regularly to answer student questions about all things DSC? The representative will be in the upper spot (guidance) during both lunches on the following day and can answer questions about dual enrollment, coursework, admissions and more!
January 28th
February 12th
February 26th
March 5th
March 26th
April 9th
April 23rd
May 7th
College Admissions Test Info
The document below was created by guidance to help families keep track of testing dates and sign up information for the ACT, SAT and CLT.
Do you still need to pass the Algebra 1 or ELA exam? If you have not yet met the English Language Arts (ELA) and Math exam test score requirements for high school graduation, you can also take the ACT, CLT and/or SAT exams to work towards meeting the concordant score needed for graduation.
🎓 Senior Class Information 🎓
Flagler FAFSA/Financial Aid Night - Feb 6th from 5:30-7:30PM
All current 12th grade students and their parents and legal guardians are invited to the Flagler Schools FAFSA/Financial Aid Night at Buddy Taylor Middle School on Thursday, February 6th from 5:30PM to 7:30PM. Attendees should bring their charged laptop and should create their account on FAFSA.gov prior to the event.
Attendees will learn about the new FAFSA (Federal Application for Student Aid), scholarship opportunities, and how to secure student loans for post-secondary education.
Cap and Gown Ordering Information
Cap and Gown Ordering Information
If you have not yet ordered your cap and gown, please visit the link below for more information and to order. Cap and gown delivery will be on April 4, 2025.
Note: students are NOT required to purchase a graduation package from the website, families may choose to order individual items such as cap & gown by scrolling down to "Shop All Graduation Products" on the Jostens website. Look for "Custom Cap/Gown/Tassel/Medallion Unit" which includes a cap, gown and tassel. The school medallions are provided by MHS to all students on the day of graduation.
Using a Former Graduate's Gown?
We know that some of our students use gowns previously worn by their older siblings - if you are planning to do this, please contact Ms. Alred, our Senior Sponsor (alredb@flaglerschools.com), so that she can verify that you have the most up to date regalia and if needed, work with our Jostens representative to bring your gown up to date.
Having Financial Difficulty?
We know that some of our families have financial hardship that prevent them from being able to afford the cap and gown. If your family needs financial assistance to be able to purchase a cap and gown, please reach out to your child's school counselor directly (contacts below) and she will be able to help.
Class of 2025 Graduation
We are pleased to announce that the graduation ceremony for the Matanzas High School Class of 2025 will take place on Wednesday, May 28th at 3:00PM at the Daytona Beach Ocean Center. Please mark your calendars!
Matanzas HS Class of 2025 Graduation Ceremony
Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 03:00 PM
Ocean Center, North Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL, USA
🗓️ Mark Your Calendars!!! 🗓️
Progress Reports - 3rd Quarter
Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025, 03:00 PM
Presidents' Day - No School
Monday, Feb 17, 2025, 08:15 AM
Upcoming Athletic Events
Baseball vs. Father Lopez
Tuesday, Feb 4, 2025, 06:00 PM
Baseball vs. Pedro Menendez
Thursday, Feb 6, 2025, 07:00 PM
Community Information
Virtual Teen Town Hall
MHS General Information
Matanzas High School
Website: mhspirates.com
Location: 3535 Pirate Nation Way, Palm Coast, FL, USA
Phone: 386 447 1575
Facebook: facebook.com/MHSPirateNation
X/Twitter: @PirateNationMHS
Instagram: @PirateNationMHS
School Leadership Team Contacts
Ms. Bozeman - Principal
Ms. Brock - AP (ESE)
Ms. Novak - Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning)
Mr. Scott - Assistant Principal (Guidance and Deans) scottj02@flaglerschools.com
Ms. Minn - Assistant Principal (MTSS, AICE, Testing, Facilities) minnk@flaglerschools.com
Coach Rigney - Athletic Director
School Counseling Department Contacts
A-G : Terri Anderson
H-Ka & AICE Diploma Cohort: Yasmin Cuevas
Ke-Ri: Tammy Stuve
Ro-Z & Access Point Students: Kay Feist
Interventions, ESE & Behavior Cohort Students: Heidi Fitzgerald
Fortify FL Information
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
Tips can be submitted anonymously via the web or by downloading the FortifyFL app. FortifyFL is also a shortcut in Classlink on all student devices.