The Knights' Scroll for Parents

Volume 1 Edition 4 August 7, 2023
A Message from Principal Hermosillo
Hello Castle Park Students and Families,
Classes are in full swing at Castle Park Middle School and we want to keep the positive momentum going as we near Progress Report grades on September 1st. Please make sure you are checking in with your child regarding homework assignments and what they are learning in school. Tutoring and homework help is available for students before and after school in the library. Tutoring hours are:
Monday thru Friday, 7:00-8:00 AM
Monday thru Thursday, 3:30-4:30 PM
August Perfect Attendance Award
During the month of August, we will be giving students with perfect attendance an extended lunch period as a reward. In order to receive this award, students must have zero tardies and zero absences, including early dismissal, from August 1-August 31. Please contact our Attendance Coordinator, Ms. Peraza, at alexis.peraza@sweetwaterschools.org if you have any questions.
Tardy Sweeps
This week, we are placing an extra focus on attendance, in particular being on time to class. Studies show that one of the best indicators of whether or not a student will be successful in a class is their attendance. We want to make sure that students are getting the most out of their class time by being on time to class, especially after nutrition break and lunch. Students who are late to class during a tardy sweep are meeting with our attendance coordinator, Ms. Peraza, to discuss the importance of being on time and also the consequences for being tardy to class. Our intention is that students are more conscientious about time and that they are in class before the final bell rings. Too many students are walking their friends to class and then arriving late to their own classes. Below is the consequence that students will receive for being late to class:
Level 1
(1-2 tardies in a week)
Friday Study Hall/ Parent Notification via Jupiter
Level 2
(3-4 tardies a week)
After School Restorative/ Parent Phone Call
Level 3
(5+ tardies a week)
Saturday School/ Parent Conference
Expectation Presentations
This week, during your child's PE classes, Assistant Principals will be presenting information about our school wide behavior expectations. This information has already been addressed during the Knights' Quest and should be review but we want to make students clearly understand what is expected of them when they are on campus. The presentation will be posted on our school website. Click link below for our Student/Parent Handbook which includes important information about our expectations as well as other essential school information.
Coffee with the Principal on Friday, August 11th at 9:00 a.m.
Join me on Friday, August 11th, for our first Coffee with the Principal at 9:00 a.m. This is an opportunity to learn more about the mission and vision of Castle Park Middle School and what we have to offer your child to ensure their success academically, socially, and emotionally. Meet our admin team, counselors, and other staff members who work diligently to provide your students with resources that promote learning and engagement within our school community. Your child's success is a team effort and we hope that you take this opportunity to find out more about how we can work together.
Title I Parent Meeting/Open House on August 17th at 5:30 p.m.
Mark your calendars for our Open House on August 17th. This a great opportunity to meet your child's teachers and find out information about what is expected in each class. There will be student entertainment, informational booths, and food for sale. At 5:30 p.m. we will host a Title I presentation in the cafeteria for parents about how our Title I funds are spent and how these funds support your child in the classroom.
Please see below for important information regarding upcoming events or other school resources available to your child.
Student Pick-Up and Drop-Off
We kindly request your cooperation in maintaining a safe and smooth traffic flow during student release times. Double parking has become a safety hazard and causes significant disruptions to the traffic flow.
To ensure the safety of students and pedestrians, we urge you to avoid double parking in front of the school while waiting for your child. Instead, we encourage you to find parking elsewhere and have your child meet you at a designated spot or wait for them to be released before coming to the front of the school.
To help us with this effort, we are asking our School Resource Officers and the Chula Vista Police Department to assist in ensuring that traffic flows smoothly and is not at a standstill. Please be prepared to circle around if your child is not yet at the front of the school when you arrive.
In addition, the faculty parking lot on 2nd avenue, is not a drop-off zone for students. Please do not drop students off in this lot as there is no direct access without a staff key to the campus through this faculty lot.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in making our school a safer place for everyone.
School Supplies
To ensure every student is able to access all learning opportunities, we ask that each student have the following materials.
Required Materials for All Classes:
- 2 pens
- 2 pencils with erasers (mechanical pencils are preferred)
- At least one highlighter
- Lined paper (10-20 sheets per day)
- 3-ring binder with dividers for each subject
- Charged iPad (100% at the start of each day)
Additional Required Materials:
- For Science
- Science Notebook (8-1/2" X 11")
- For US History
- 2 Glue Sticks
- US History Notebook (8-1/2" x 11", 180-200 pages)
- Color Pencils (Optional)
If your child needs any assistance with acquiring necessary materials for the school year, please reach out to Ms. Dillon at carla.dillon@sweetwaterschools.org or (619) 498-6000.
BLCI Chula Vista Program at CPM
BLCI Chula Vista is a unique after-school program for first-generation college students hosted on the Castle Park Middle School campus.
The program offers a variety of services including academic tutoring, workshops covering concepts related to high school and college readiness, enrichment activities such as field trips, access to professional speakers, a parent program, and much more!
Applications are currently being accepted but space is limited. If your child is interested in joining, please reach out BLCI via email at chulavista@blci.org or call them (619) 372-3280. For more information, visit their website at www.blci.org or see below for their flyer.
Student Registration
If you have not provided proof of residency and/or immunization records, you have until August 30 to submit these documents. After August 30, if your child is still missing the required documentation, they will be dropped from our enrollment. Please take time to complete the process. Information can be found on our website or below regarding what is required. If you have questions, please contact our registrar, Alejandra Romero at alejandra.romero@sweetwaterschools.org.
Safety Protocols for Visiting our Campus
All visitors will need to present a valid government ID to enter or pick up a student during the school hours. This is a safety protocol at all schools and we appreciate your support and cooperation with ensuring our school safety. Parents/Guardians are not allowed on campus. If you need assistance, please visit the front desk in the main office.
Cell Phone Policy
In order to create the best learning environment for our students, students are not permitted to have cell phones at school. This includes during the before and after school program, breaks, and class time. If student violates this policy and a cell phone rings or is seen by a staff member, the phone will be confiscated and turned in to the main office. Cell phones must be picked up by a parent or guardian.
Please refer to the Cell Phone Policy linked below for information regarding this policy.
Important Links
Please review the information linked below. The information is about school policies and important dates for the school year.
Last week, students brought home our Welcome Packet. Inside the packet you will find school information such as our bell schedule, important dates, school policies, and our compact for success. In addition, there are forms for you to complete and submit to the school. These form are critical to turn in as soon as possible. Please review all documents and return to the school by Friday, August 11th.
Just a reminder that our most updated information can be found on our website cpm.sweetwaterschools.org.
Please bookmark this website on your cell phones and computer for easy access.
Let's make it a great week, Knights!
Nina Hermosillo, Principal
Library Tutoring Hours
August Organization Calendar and Tips on How to Get Good Grades!
Your child's English teachers taught your child about time management and organization during the Knights Quest. Each child should have received a printed copy of the August calendar in English classes and will receive calendars at the end of each month. The goal is for all students to use a calendar to record assignments, due dates, etc.
We are coaching students to get in the practice of updating their assignment calendar daily 😊
Free music lessons with Ms. Mansfield on Wednesday! A great opportunity for all students, especially if you are not able to fit music in your schedule during the school day,
Breakfast and Lunch Menu for August
California Universal Meal Program in Schools California is the first state to provide free meals to ALL students, regardless of income. All students may receive one breakfast and one lunch meal for free. Students will need their Student ID number to get their free meal. If your child would like an additional meal, they will need to pay for the second serving. Please see below for the Breakfast and Lunch Menus for the month of August.
August Perfect Attendance Award
During the month of August, we will be giving students with perfect attendance an extended lunch period as a reward. In order to receive this award, students must have zero tardies and zero absences, including early dismissal, from August 1-August 31. Please contact our Attendance Coordinator, Ms. Peraza, at alexis.peraza@sweetwaterschools.org if you have any questions.
Parent Involvement Opportunities
Registration Must Be Completed By August 10
If you have not provided proof of residency and/or immunization records, you have until August 30 to submit these documents. After August 30, if your child is still missing the required documentation, they will be dropped from our enrollment. Please take time to complete the process. Information can be found on our website or below regarding what is required. If you have questions, please contact our registrar, Alejandra Romero at alejandra.romero@sweetwaterschools.org.
Cell Phone Policy
In order to create the best learning environment for our students, students are not permitted to have cell phones at school. This includes during the before and after school program, breaks, and class time. If student violates this policy and a cell phone rings or is seen by a staff member, the phone will be confiscated and turned in to the main office. Cell phones must be picked up by a parent or guardian.
Please refer to the Cell Phone Policy linked below for information regarding this policy.