Alpharetta High School
Newsletter - Week of February 29th
Upcoming Dates
Grade book learning - throughout the day - February 24th
AHS Blood Drive - February 25th
Advisement schedule (students receive grades) - February 25th
Fire Drill - after school - February 25th
Middle School Transition Night – February 25th
Election - March 1st (Visitor parking at AHS will be tight.)
Middle School Tours – March 2nd
School Governance Council Meeting - March 8th, 7:30 AM
Teacher Work day – March 10th
Professional Development day – March 11th
Thomas Time – March 14th, 15th, 16th
AHS Musical – March 19th, 20th, 21st
High Museum of Art Teacher Appreciation Day - March 19th
SGC voting – March 23 – 29
Senior Games – March 31st
AP Pre-bubbling - April 13th
TOTY - Kendra Magill and POTY - Saida Dzaferovic
Alpharetta High School is filled with amazing individuals who make magic each and every day. Our TOTY and POTY program allows us to take a moment to honor two individuals and their special kind of magic.
POTY Saida Dzaferovic leads our virtual lab and works closely with many students who need special attention to pass credit recovery classes. Not only does she have a full schedule with the lab, show opens it every day during both lunches, after school, and even Saturdays to support our students. She loves her students, her job, and her school, and it shows.
TOTY Kendra Magill coaches and teaches six classes each day. She is the AP Art History PLC leader and has grown the program from a couple classes to 10 classes, from one teacher to four teachers, from fewer than 50 students to over 250 student. She makes each lesson come alive and ignites a love and appreciation for visual arts in those who enter her tiny room. She is passionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated to her students, the arts, and AHS.
We are very fortunate to work in a building with such talent!
Professional Development
Assignment for all teachers:
Assignment for all teachers: Create a common formative assessment and differentiated lesson using technology in January or February
Debrief with PLC afterwards, upload documents to TKES, and use the following link to record your work.
This form allows us to show our growing prowess in differentiation:
Be sure to share what you learned on the Professional Learning Day with others, so we can spread best practices throughout the building.
Check out Edivate for ongoing Professional Development opportunities!
March Birthdays
Amy Landi 3/2
Larochelle Francois 3/7
Flavia Villarinho 3/8
Tranise Coryell 3/9
Cassie Zielinski 3/9
Marshall King 3/12
Lauren Donnenfeld 3/18
Jeff Cohen 3/19
Kim Mullis 3/20
Rebecca Perkins 3/21
Mary Beth Sibold 3/21
Kenya Lacy 3/22
Tony Murdock 3/23
James Johnson 3/24
Darlene Todd 3/25
Adam Smiley 2/27
Megan Powanda 3/ 27
School Governance Council Elections
Alpharetta High School will be electing new representatives to serve on the School Governance Council. We have one position open for teachers. Our School Governance Council has a leadership role in the governance of the school. The Council works with the principal on the long-term vision and strategy for the school. They are responsible for approving the school’s strategic plan and budget recommendations, as well as design innovative solutions to increase academic achievement and meet the unique needs of our school community. This past year, our Council worked diligently to develop a strategic plan, RFFs and a seed fund request. Elections for the teacher position on the School Governance Council will be held March 23rd-March 29th.
For additional information on our School Governance Councils and elections, view our School Governance Council webpage: http://school.fultonschools.org/hs/alpharetta/Pages/School-Governance-Council.aspx
Candidates interested in running for an elected position on the Council must complete a candidate declaration form and submit to the district office by March 1st.
Alpharetta Testing Website
Flandecia has created a testing website that you can check regularly to get any info on what is happening in the world of testing. On the calendar page are the windows for all EOCs. Specific SLO dates will be updated once those are set.
The AHS Faculty High School Photo
Last week’s photo was of Denni Proctor, Social Studies teacher.
We have a new winner this week! Keisha Iton was the first staff member to guess correctly and earn a jeans sticker! Thank you all for playing each week!
Please keep sending in photos for us to identify.
Morning Duty
Frank will send out an email each week to those who have duty. If something comes up and you find you cannot cover your scheduled more supervision, please make coverage arrangements with a colleague. It is important our school is well supervised to ensure safety. Also, be certain to sign in! The sign-in sheet is located outside 1220.
Need Power?
AHS Presents - Legally Blonde
"OMG you guys!" Alpharetta High School’s Theatre will come to life with the spring musical LEGALLY BLONDE, The Musical on March 17th. This multiple Tony and Olivier Award-winning, critically acclaimed musical is the all-singing, all-dancing romantic comedy about knowing who you are and showing what you've got! Performances run through Sunday, March 20th.
Based on the Amanda Brown novel and the 2001 Reese Witherspoon film of the same name, LEGALLY BLONDE, The Musical is the story of college sorority sweetheart and homecoming queen Elle Woods (Morgan Shields). Elle isn't the type to take "no" for an answer, so when her boyfriend, Warner Huntington III (Cade Jarrett), dumps her for someone a little more "serious," Elle puts down the credit card, hits the books, and heads for Harvard Law School to win him back. With the help of her new friends Paulette (Kelly Lumpkin), Emmett (Josh Maddox) and her Chihuahua, Bruiser, Elle sets out to prove that she's got what it takes to become "serious" on her own terms. LEGALLY BLONDE's show-stopping musical numbers and its script with enormous heart are so much fun it should be illegal!
AlphaTheatre’s production of LEGALLY BLONDE, The Musical is directed by Sarah Stoffle, with musical director Michelle Austin and backed by the talented Alpharetta Orchestra directed by Sheldon Fisher.
Tickets to LEGALLY BLONDE, The Musical, will run at the Alpharetta Theatre March 17th and 18th at 7PM, March 19th at 2:00 and 7:00 PM, and March 20th at 3:00 PM. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Tickets can be purchased in advance at our ticket website www.seatyourself.biz/alphaproductions or contact Nan Bodeep at nan@bodeep.com. Tickets are also available at the door, although reservations are suggested.
ALL Club Sponsors
Attention Club Sponsors:
Please check the club listing on the schools website for accuracy. Please send any changes to Mike Scheifflee.