Primary Press
On 12/13, our whole school participated in a Drop-Everything-And-Read in the Hallway event! Our students and staff lined the halls with favorite books in hand to celebrate the joy of reading!
The Conrad Elvehjem Primary School Family Newsletter
Address: 6009 Johnson St. McFarland, WI 53558
Main Phone: 608.838.3146
EC-2 Principal: Greg Nelson
K-5 Associate Principal: Brooke Hauser
Building Administrative Assistant: Lyndsey Niebuhr
Online: Website & Facebook Page
Meeting the needs of every learner, every day
A Note From Your Principals
⛄What do snowmen eat for lunch? Iceberg-ers! Mr. Nelson talked to his grandma today and when he told her about this school newsletter she said, "How can you send out a newsletter without including a good joke??"
🎉As we head into our final week before winter break, we wish our CEPS students, staff, and families well as we round out 2024. Reflect back on the accomplishments your child has made, anticipate what next year will bring, and of course, have some fun! This is a light newsletter this week, so enjoy!
Greg Nelson, CEPS Principal
Brooke Hauser, CEPS/WIS Associate Principal
Important Dates
CEPS Upcoming Dates
- 12/23 - 1/1: NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
McFarland School Libraries Scholastic Book Fair - Shop Online December 9-22
McF Girls Basketball Boosters Little Spartan Dribblers - Register by December 20
E.D. Locke Library Santa Storytime - December 21
McFarland United Church of Christ Community Christmas Meal - December 25
E.D. Locke Library Noon Year’s Eve Party - December 31
ACT Prep Plus - Registration Open
Badger Bots School Day Off Camps - October 24-December 31
McFarland Youth Hockey Learn to Skate Program - Register by January 8
E.D. Locke Library Grades 3-5 LEGO Club - September-May
E.D. Locke Library Grades 3-5 Graphic Novel Book Club - September-May
E.D. Locke Library Grades K-2 Magic Tree House Book Club - September-May
Free Triple P Positive Parenting Online Program for WI Families
Notes & Updates
No updates this week!
Important Links
CEPS Lunch Menus
Health Services
Cold and Flu Season
With the cold and flu season in full swing, please review our Guidelines for sending your child to school. Remember, if your child is sick please keep them home and seek medical evaluation as needed. Students will be sent home with the following symptoms:
Temperature above 100.4°F
Vomiting or diarrhea
Frequent uncontrollable cough
Your child should remain at home until fever, vomiting/diarrhea has stopped for 24 hours without the use of medication. If they have been prescribed antibiotics, please see the MSD Health Services Handbook and DHS Wisconsin Childhood Communicable Disease guidelines for when they may return to school. As well, please notify the School/Health Office if your student has tested positive for a communicable disease such as: Pneumonia, Influenza/Flu, RSV, Covid 19, Strep Throat, Pertussis (Whooping Cough). Thank you for your partnership as we work to keep our students and staff healthy and safe each day!
Food Allergies
Does your child have a food allergy? Reminder, if they take hot lunch please visit NutriSlice for menu/ingredient information. Menus are subject to change based on product availability but families will be notified in advance. Please reach out to School Nutrition with any questions. If your child has a Life Threatening Food Allergy and EpiPen Prescription please send their Epipen to school. This can be kept in the health office or if your student is in grades 6-12, they can self carry it. All prescription medications, including emergency medicine, must have an MD order and Parent Signature, even if self-carrying. Consent forms are required every year and are available here, in the health office and on the District website. An Emergency Health Plan is then created and shared with all staff, including the Kitchen staff. Please reach out to Health Services with questions.
Medical Attendance
Is your student missing school due to illness, injury or health-related appointments? Providing a medical note or appointment card will prevent these types of absences as counting towards your students' allotted 10 days of excused absences for the school year. Please reach out to School Nurse, Stephanie Peplinski at PeplinS@mcfsd.org or cepsattendance@mcfsd.org if you have additional questions about this process. You can also find more information about absences and attendance in the CEPS parent handbook located on the school website.
District News
🎓McFarland School Board
District Recognition Days
December is...
- Spartan Diversity & Difference
- December 25 to January 2 - Hanukkah
- December 25 - Christmas
- December 26 to January 1 - Kwanzaa
MRAP McFarland-Recreation-Aquatics-Play
Looking for more things to do?
McFarland Recreation Aquatics & Play (MRAP) and the McFarland Performing Arts Center (MPAC) offer a wide variety of recreation and aquatics programs for community members of all ages. To learn more, visit MRAPNews.com
Questions about specific MRAP or MPAC programs?
Reach out to the staff contacts listed below:
- Stu Schaefer, Director of Community Services: schaefs@mcfsd.org | 608-838-3168
- Kayla Eliasson, Aquatics Supervison: eliassk@mcfsd.org | 608-838-3168
- Alisha Fix, Recreation Supervisor: fixa@mcfsd.org | 608-838-4666
- Zachary Franczak, Performing Arts Supervisor: franczz@mcfsd.org | 608-838-4461