Simcoe Alternative Secondary School
February Newsletter 2018
Principal Message
“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows" Ralph Marston
Welcome to 2018! Simcoe Alternative Secondary School prides itself on delivering creative, caring and quality education to all students. Our school goals include focusing on developing 21st Century Learning skills for students to be successful in a global world. Through effective practices, timely intervention, advocacy for students, and honoring traditions, we hope to develop well rounded students ready for their next step past secondary school.
We are happy to answer any questions regarding the Semester 2 report card. Please review the report card with your student, call the school to meet with your student’s teacher - all the teachers are happy to explain and update you with your student’s progress in greater detail.
As some of you may remember our school has participated in a review process with the SCDSB. The review report has now been received by our senior administrative team and there is a plan to work through the information that was collected.
February 5: First day of Semester 2
February 5: Alt school intake day - No School
February 14: Valentines Day ♥
February 16: Report cards for Semester 2 goes home
February 19: Transition Planning Grade 8 & 9 - Special Education workshop
February 28: Pink Shirt Day
Mark Your Calendars!
March 12-16: March Break - No School
March 17: St. Patrick's Day ♣
March 19: Accessing Support in the Community - Special Education workshop
March 22: Bradford Open House 6-7pm
March 30: Good Friday - No School
In the month of February campus' participating in Open Houses in the month of March will receive an email reminder with specific dates and times - based on the campus.
SAVE THE DATE! - June 28, 2018 - SASS Graduation - Ferndale Banquet Hall - Barrie ~ 6PM
School’s in for summer at the SCDSB
Are you and your child planning their courses for next school year? Looking for a way to create flexibility in their timetable and earn a credit? Consider summer school! Each year, the SCDSB offers a variety of summer programs to over 2,000 students. Summer school options include open, college and university level courses from Grades 9 to 12. Courses are offered in-person or online. Interested students can also travel and earn credits with the summer EduTravel program.
Summer school program details can be found on the Learning Centres website at www.learningcentres.com. Current SCDSB students should speak to their guidance counsellor for information and to register. Register now so that your summer school choices align with course selection for next year!2017-2018 Secondary School Climate Survey
The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) aims to provide a safe, supportive learning environment that supports all students in being successful. Between February 12 and March 5, all students in grades 9 to 12 will be asked to complete a confidential on-line survey about how they feel about their school. Teachers will supervise the class during the survey’s completion and can answer any questions or concerns your child may have.
This year, parents/guardians of students in grades 9 to 12 will also be asked to complete an anonymous on-line survey about how they feel about their child’s school.
The survey results will provide valuable feedback to staff related to our SCDSB Strategic Priorities and will help schools to develop and refine their School Action Plans.
Students, parents/guardians and staff will not be asked to provide their names and all responses will be combined to ensure confidentiality.
Similar to prior SCDSB school climate surveys, the questions cover a range of topics, such as:
• the overall tone of the school, often referred to as school climate;
• mental health and well-being;
• equity, diversity and inclusion;
• experiences of school safety and bullying or harassment; and
• questions to assist the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit in their Healthy Schools Initiative.
Student Survey
A sample version of the student survey is available at www.scdsb.on.ca. A paper copy of the student survey is also available in your school’s office. Please call your school if you have questions about how the student survey will be administered.
To complete the SCDSB 2017-2018 School Climate Survey for parents/guardians please go to www.scdsb.on.ca and click on the link to the survey. If you do not have access to the internet and/or prefer to complete a paper version of the survey, copies of the parent/guardian survey are available in your school’s office. Questions about the parent/guardian survey can be directed to SCDSB’s Research and Decision Support Services team at research@scdsb.on.ca
The information that is collected will be used to help guide our school in creating and maintaining safe and supportive learning environments for all students.
Thank you for your support!
Simcoe Alternative Secondary School
Main Office - Central Team
Laura-Lee Millard-Smith - Principal
Jo-Anne Wilton - Student Success Teacher
Christina Fernandez - Guidance/Special Education Teacher
Lyanne Rouse - Guidance/Special Education Teacher
Angela Davis - Senior Administrative Support
Ashley Vantol - Operations Assistant
Email: altschool@scdsb.on.ca
Website: https://www.scdsb.on.ca/Schools/Alt-School/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 229 Mapleview Drive East, Barrie, ON, Canada
Phone: 705-728-7601
Facebook: facebook.com/SASS.SCDSB
SCDSB online tool for reporting bullying, drug use or vandalism
The SCDSB has an online Safe Schools Reporting Tool, which is available on our school website homepage, http://www.scdsb.on.ca, as a Quick Access button. Students and parents can use this tool to submit a report online if they witness a student engaged in inappropriate behaviour such as bullying, drug use or vandalism. Students are still encouraged to speak to a trusted adult at school or home if they have any concerns. This form isn’t a substitute for having a discussion with your teacher or principal. Student safety and well-being is our top priority. For more information, visit http://scdsb.on.ca/ReportAnIncident.
Walking to school is great for students
Walking to school is a great way for your child to get the 60 minutes of daily physical activity that’s needed for good mental and physical health. It also builds responsibility and independence, and helps them feel more connected to the community. More walkers means less traffic around our school, which helps keep students safe and improve outdoor air quality. Even one day a week of walking to school can make a big difference! To find out more about how to support active and safe routes to school through School Travel Planning, visit www.saferoutestoschool.ca/school-travel-planning.
Information provided by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health UnitRegister now for Night School (Semester Two) to complete high school, prepare for post-secondary education
Night school at the Barrie Learning Centre offers secondary school credits in a variety of subjects for students completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma and for students who are preparing for post-secondary education. Subjects include math, english, chemistry, biology, physics, social science and history.
All night school courses are offered in a blended format where students attend in-class sessions once a week and complete the remainder of their assigned weekly work online. Students are welcome to access computer resources and meet with their classroom teacher during the office hours of their online night class. Learn more and register at: www.thelearningcentres.com.
OHIP+ provides free prescription drug coverage for children- Effective January 1, 2018
Parents invited to information sessions about special education
The SCDSB is hosting a series of information sessions for parents and guardians to learn about special education in the SCDSB, and how to support students with special education needs.
Feb. 19Transition Planning Grade 8 to 9
March 19Accessing Supports in the Community
April 16Understanding Alternative/Non-Academic IEP Goals
All sessions take place from 6 to 7 p.m. at the SCDSB Education Centre, located at 1170 Highway 26 in Midhurst. No registration required.
OSAP applications for 2018-19 now available
Going to college or university next year? The 2018-19 Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is now accepting applications for full-time students. Apply early to get an estimate of the amount of grants and loans you could receive. Apply now at: www.ontario.ca/osap.
Update your child’s immunization record
The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is required to keep up-to-date immunization records for all students who attend elementary or secondary school in the County of Simcoe and the District of Muskoka. Parents are responsible for reporting immunizations to the health unit each time their child receives a vaccine from their health care provider. The immunizations that the health unit requires records for include: diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningococcal, pertussis and varicella (chickenpox) for those born in 2010 or later.
It’s easy to update your child’s immunization status. Go to www.smdhu.org/immsonline to update your child’s record or call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 (toll free).
Information provided by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit
Three healthy lifestyle changes you and your family can make today
More and more research is showing that the key to lifelong good health is lifestyle choices starting at a young age. Making simple changes in diet, exercise and stress management is key to achieving good mental and physical health for adults and children. Here are some easy tips to start making those changes today.
- Drink more water – Your body is made up of about 60% water. A mere 5% drop in water levels in the body causes 25 to 30% loss of energy and can cause your metabolism to slow down. Some effects of dehydration include hunger, poor digestion, bloating, joint pain and high blood pressure. Make sure to drink a minimum of eight glasses of water each day. Kids should be drinking five to seven glasses of water each day.
- Exercise daily – Did you know that Health Canada recommends adults get 150 minutes of exercise per week and kids should accumulate at least 60 minutes of exercise each day? If you want to live well and live longer, you must exercise. Studies show that even 10 minutes of exercise will make a difference!
- Practice relaxation – The relationship between the mind and the body is strong. Providing yourself and your kids with a small amount of relaxation or “time-out” every day – even just 15 minutes – can improve your health dramatically. Try taking a yoga class to reduce stress and clear the mind and make sure to sleep at least seven hours per night (kids and teens should get more than that).
The YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka offers many opportunities to get healthy as a family, For more information, please visit www.ymcaofsimcoemuskoka.ca.
Information provided by the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka (www.ymcaofsimcoemuskoka.ca)
Campus Information
Alliston Campus - South Zone
Laura Hope - Teacher
Campus Communication:
https://www.remind.com/join/altavenger on Remind
Location: Alliston Alternative Program, 169 Dufferin Street South Unit 7 & 8, New Tecumseth, ON, Canada
Phone: 705-435-2707
Bradford Campus - South Zone
Tanya Elizondo - Education Assistant
Campus Communication:
follow us on Facebook
Location: 157 Holland Street East Unit 6A, Bradford, ON, Canada
Phone: 905-775-9878
Facebook: facebook.com/bwgalt
Collingwood Campus - West Zone
Angela Bosco - Teacher
Campus Communication:
follow us on Facebook
Location: 20 Balsam Street Unit, 6, Collingwood, ON, Canada
Phone: 705-443-5409
Facebook: facebook.com/Collingwood-Alternative-Program
Essa Campus - Central Zone
Shelly Horan - Educational Assistant
Location: 211 Mill Street, Unit 3, Angus, ON, Canada
Phone: 705-424-6679
Innisfil Campus - Central Zone
Karen deBoer - Teacher
Campus Communication:
follow us on Facebook
Location: 1070 Innisfil, Unit 18 & 19, Beach Road, Innisfil, ON, Canada
Phone: 705-431-5595
Facebook: facebook.com/SASSInnisfil
Midland Campus - North Zone
Mary Jeffries - Teacher
Campus Communication:
rmd/at/midlandan or 289-204-1170 text: @midlandan on Remind
Location: 478 Bay Street, Midland, ON, Canada
Phone: 705-526-6381
North Barrie Campus - Central Zone
Greg Taylor - Teacher
Nathan Beer - Teacher
Shelley Rose - Education Assistant
Campus Communication:
follow us on Facebook
289-217-0203 text: @e9a2g on Remind
Location: 130 Bell Farm Road, Unit 1, Barrie, ON, Canada
Phone: 705-725-4980
Facebook: facebook.com/North-Barrie-Alternative
Orillia Campus - North Zone
Steve Willms - Teacher
Campus Communication:
follow us on Facebook
Location: 70 Front Street North, Unit 8, Orillia, ON, Canada
Phone: 705-325-4911
Facebook: facebook.com/orilliaalternative
South Barrie Campus - Central Zone
Samantha Williamson - Teacher
Jaclynn Fisher - Teacher
Helena Broad - Teacher
Campus Communication:
https://www.remind.com/join/helenascl on Remind
Location: 630 Huronia Road Unit 1 & 2, Barrie, ON, Canada
Phone: 705-728-7601
Simcoe Alternative Transportation by Campus
Anything is possible
Aerodynamically the bumble bee shouldn't fly, but the bumblebee goes on flying anyway.
Available Campus'
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.