TKKM o Nga Papaonekura
Rāmere te 1 o Poutu te rangi 2024

Pānui #7: T.2 - Wiki 9; 24 o Pipiri - 28 o Pipiri 2024
T.A.M 4.1 Ko tona ake kainga te ao tuatahi me te kura timatanga o te tamaiti. Tua atu o tenei ko te ao Mäori. Ma te Kura Kaupapa Mäori ia e arahi i roto i enei nekeneke tae noa ki tona kura whaka-mutunga, ara, ki te ao whanui me ona ahuatanga katoa.
Tēnā rā tātou katoa kei ngā whānau o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Papaonekura.
E rere tonu ana ngā mihi ki Te Aho Matua e tāwharau nei tō tātou kura, ka mutu, tō tātou kaupapa.
Kātahi nei mātou ka hoki mai i te rangi whakamānawa o TKKM o Waiuku, he hirahira te rā! Te mutunga kē mai o Te Aho Matua i tērā o ngā rā, e renarena ai te taukaea ki waenga i ngā whānau me ngā kura Te Aho Matua o Tāmaki Makaurau.
We have a Kura Hautapu held tomorrow morning Wednesday 26th of June 2024 starting at 6.30 Am. All whānau are welcome to attend please see details below.
We have a Kura performance at Te Pātaka Kōrero o Takaanini this Thursday 27.06.24 please see details attached below.
Enjoy the public holiday this Friday 28.06.24 e te whānau ko ngā whakamānawa o Matariki ki a tātou.
Kei te tū ngā whakataetae kapahaka ā motu ki Whakatū, karia te kauae kei ngā whānau e whai pānga ana.
Our Matariki showcase is held next Thursday in our Kura hall beginning at 1.30 pm. Whānau are welcome to attend, support and celebrate our tamariki exhibit their mahi over the last 10 weeks of Kura.
In preparation for upcoming kaupapa such as the opening of Te Putahi o Manurewa, can whānau look to purchasing their children a pair of black trousers and black leather shoes for boys, or a long or mid length skirt, stockings and ballerina shoes. These items will form part of the Kura number ones going forward, and will be required as formal dress items for official kaupapa. Items can be named and stored at kura for tamariki.
Pērā i ia pānui, kia kaha ki te kōrero i te reo Māori i ngā wā katoa ki ngā wahi katoa, kia kaha hoki tātou ki te whakaū ngā tini kaupapa nō roto i te kura ki roto tonu i ō tātou ake kāinga - e mana ai tērā kōrero nō roto i Te Aho Matua e mea ana 'Ko te kura hei kainga, ko te kainga hei kura'.
Hei kona mai i aku mihi nui,
Ian Marino - Tauhinu - Tumuaki
Te Rā Whakamānawa ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waiuku
T.A.M 6.5 Kia noho tuwhera tona ngakau ki te hari, ki te koa, ki te aroha, ara, kia ngakau nui, kia ngakau mahaki.
Hautapu ki Ngā Papaonekura
Held at Kura tomorrow morning 26.06.24 - All tauira and whānau are warmly welcome to attend this kaupapa. For those attending please bring a Kai to share. Dress comfortably and in warm clothing and tauira can bring their uniform to change into later on in the morning in preparation for Kura.
Matariki Performance at Te Pātaka Kōrero o Takaanini
The Kura has been invited to perform a couple of items at a Matariki Kaupapa held at Takaanini library this thursday 27.06.24. Our Kura will performa a short bracket from 1.00 to 1.30 pm. Whānau are welcome to tautoko.
Kura Cleaning Roster
A whānau cleaning roster has been prepared - please see attachment here
Thank you so much to our Whānau for supporting the kura.
Kura Fundraising
It will come as no surprise that the needs of our kura require a level of funding over and above that which is currently provided for by way of operational funding.
Total Whānau support will be required with these fundraising events.
Any whānau with ideas and or initiatives that can contribute to the overall fundraising program are encouraged to contact the Kura - mā whero, mā pango ka oti te mahi.
Upcoming fundraisers;
- Batons up held in July
- Monthly Sausage sizzle fundraisers at Mitre 10 Mega details to come
TKKM o NPO Hui whānau are held on the first Thursday of every month. It is imperative that each tauira or whānau is represented at each hui in the form of a parent, caregiver or designated representative. Whānau hui are where kaupapa regarding the kura are discussed and whānau support is sought;
- 04.07.24
- 26.06.24 - TKKM o NPO Hautapu 6.30 AM
- 27.06.24 - Matariki Kapahaka - Te Pātaka Kōrero o Takaanini 1 PM
- 04.07.24 - TKKM o NPO Matariki Rangi Whakaari
- 05.07.24 - Te whakatuwhera o Te Pūtahi o Manurewa - TKKM o Manurewa & Te Wharekura o Manurewa
- 05.07.24 - Last Day of Term 2