Haynesfield Happenings!
February 25, 2025
Important Dates
Tuesday, 2/25:
Spring Pictures
Thursday, 2/27:
VA Duff Fine Arts Festival
(@TMS 5:30-7:30pm)
Friday, 2/28:
Benchmarks begin (1st-5th)
Monday, 3/3- Thursday, 3/6:
Benchmarks (1st-5th)
Tuesday, 3/4:
Reading Buddies Party rescheduled (
(K-2 @ 6pm)
Thursday, 3/6:
2nd/3rd Informance and Art Show
@6pm in HAY gym/Cafeteria
Friday, 3/7:
End of nine-weeks
Monday, 3/10-Friday, 3/14:
Spring Break/School Closed
Monday, 3/17:
Teacher Inservice/No School
Flex Day for pre-registered students
Wednesday, 3/19:
Report Cards
Thursday, 3/20:
Bible Release (3-5)
PTA @ 4pm
Parent Learning Night (3-5) @6pm
Monday, 3/24:
School Board Meeting @6pm
Thursday, 3/27:
Reading Buddies party #4 (K-2)
Monday, 3/31:
Yearbook orders due
(see below for information)
Read Across America
Read Across America coincides with benchmark testing this year. To help limit distractions, we will not do a full week of dress up days at that time. We will still celebrate and have dress up days; however, we are going to spread those out through the month of February. Please see below for detailed information.
A Word from Special Area
I want to begin this month’s smore with a reminder that Jump Rope for Heart money is due this Friday February 28th. We have had another outstanding year collecting money for the American Heart Association. This year we have once again raised over $1500 for charity. I thank you for your generosity and look forward to continuing this program in the future.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank and give gratitude to our student teacher Garret Huffman as his last week at Haynesfield is this week. Garret has been in the gym with us since the beginning of January and will be moving to Tennessee Middle School next week to complete his student teaching. He will be graduating from King University this spring and we wish him luck in his future endeavors within the teaching profession.
As far as what is upcoming in physical education, when we return from spring break grades 2-5 will focus on physical fitness testing. Grades PK-1 will focus on coordination/whole group activities. This will take us until the end of March to complete, at which point we will transition into various team sports for the second time this year.
As always, thank you for all you do for Haynesfield and if you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me.
Coach Angles
10th Annual VA Duff Fine Arts Festival-2/27
Upcoming Flex Day and Intercession paperwork-deadline-March 5, 2025
Upcoming National School Breakfast Week (3/3-3/7)
See below for information
Next week is National School Breakfast Week. While we want to make breakfast fun, our ultimate goal is to have our students ready for the classroom. Did you know children who eat breakfast are more likely to…
- Reach higher levels of achievement in reading and math
- Score higher on standardized tests
- Have better concentration and memory
- Be more alert and maintain a healthy weight
That’s why school breakfast is such a great option! In fact, students who participate in school breakfast tend to have better attendance rates and fewer behavioral problems.
We have prepared SUPER SLEUTHING PRIZE PACKS to be given to a student from each grade level next week. How do they enter??? By eating breakfast each day in the cafeteria! These prize packs are full of breakfast week swag and are sure to be a big hit! I’ve also attached a breakfast week activity guide if you want to join in the fun!!