Le Mars Community School District
Monthly Newsletter Aug / Sept. 2024
Superintendent's Comments --- Dr. Steve Webner
Hello, Bulldogs!
We are ready for another great school year! As many of you are aware, the Le Mars Community Board of Education hired ISG to conduct a facility study last school year. One of the main items identified as an infrastructure concern area for the Board was the condition and student capacity of the elementary buildings. A community input team was created with a wide variety of individuals from throughout our district communities. The purpose of this team was to learn about the current status of our infrastructure and then provide the Board input.
The Board also provided every resident within the school district the opportunity to provide input as to what should be done with the district’s infrastructure. Based on the feedback from district residents, a majority of residents stated they would like the Board of Education to consider the construction of a new, district-wide preschool through fifth grade elementary school building. A majority also stated they would financially support a bond issue of up to $49,970,000. This would equate to a property tax increase of approximately $2.42/$1,000 valuation. However, a new PK-5 elementary building preferred by a majority of the survey respondents will cost approximately $67,000,000. Therefore, the Board of Education decided to utilize the one-cent statewide sales tax money the district receives from the State of Iowa each year (called SAVE funds) to help pay for the $67,000,000 building. The Board of Education has committed the use of SAVE funds to pay for up to $27,000,000 toward a new elementary building, which will keep the property tax rate down and help the district achieve paying for a new $67,000,000 building.The board is committed to keeping property tax rates as low as possible. Note: Le Mars Community School District is in the lowest 8% of all of Iowa’s 331 school districts for tax rate. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are paying less taxes, but it is an indicator of the Board’s efforts to keep tax rates low. Also note, the district has no debt, at this time.
Recently, as required by Iowa law, a petition of 815 signatures was presented to the Board requesting they approve a resolution ordering an election on the issuance of $49,970,000 general obligation school bonds to provide funds to construct, build, furnish, and equip a new district-wide elementary building and improve the site. The board unanimously approved this resolution. Therefore, the citizens within the Le Mars Community School District will have the opportunity to vote on November 5, 2024, as to whether or not to approve the bonds in order to build a new elementary building. Additionally, the Board voted unanimously to approve a resolution to use up to $27,000,000 in one-cent statewide sales tax money (SAVE funds) that the school district receives from the State of Iowa each year to help keep property taxes down and assist in paying for a $67,000,000 building.
In the near future, the school district will provide informational documents and in-person learning sessions open to the public to learn more about the possibility of a new elementary building, as well as have the opportunity to ask questions.
Bulldogs, we have a great school district with great families, students, and staff. We are thankful for the support our community provides our students. This makes the anticipation of the new school year even more exciting. We are very much looking forward to the return of the students on August 23 for the first day of school! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
School Registration Dates For 2024 - 2025
ONLINE Registration: July 24, 2024 – August 7, 2024 http://www.lemarscsd.org
IN-PERSON Registration: August 8, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM – Middle School Commons
IN-PERSON Registration: August 9, 2024 from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM – Middle School Commons
6th Grade
Wednesday, August 21
6:00 pm
Middle School Auditorium
9th Grade
Tuesday, August 20
6:00 pm
Middle School Auditorium
District Wide Open House
Thursday, August 22
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
All buildings are open to walk through and meet your teachers
Did you know we serve breakfast every morning?
7:30 am - 8:15 am
$1.75 for students
$1.85 for adults / guests
Breakfast and Lunch Menus -- August & September
Meal Charges
In accordance with state and federal law, the LeMars Community School District adopts the following policy to ensure school district employees, families, and students have a shared understanding of expectations regarding meal charges. The policy seeks to allow students to receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day, prevent the overt identification of students with insufficient funds to pay for school meals, and maintain the financial integrity of the nonprofit school nutrition program.
Payment of Meals
Students have use of a meal account. Students who do not have sufficient funds shall be allowed to charge reimbursable meals until additional money is deposited in the student account. Students shall never be denied a reimbursable meal, even if they have accrued a negative balance from previous purchases.
Negative Account Balances
The school district will make reasonable efforts to notify families when meal account balances are low. Additionally, the school district will make reasonable efforts to collect unpaid meal charges classified as delinquent debt. The school district will coordinate communications with families to resolve the matter of unpaid charges. Families will be notified of an outstanding negative balance by the building principal’s office once the negative balance reaches $25. Families will be notified by a letter sent home. Negative balances of more than $100.00 will be turned over to the superintendent or superintendent's designee for collection. The superintendent's office will notify families by letter of the outstanding balance and be offered payment plan options. Once the negative balance is $250, the family will be referred to the school district attorney for collection. Should the family not respond to the notice from the school district attorney, collection options will be explored. Options may include: collection agencies, small claims court, or any other legal method permitted by law.
Transportation Department Information
Helpful Things To Have Your Student Do Before Riding The Bus
- Make sure your student knows their name.
- Make sure your student knows their bus number.
- Make sure your student knows what school they attend.
- Make sure your student knows which bus stop in which to get off the bus.
- Put a tag in the back pack with parent names and numbers. If there is a tag in their back pack with this information, it will help school staff get the child to the right place.
City Bus Routes
Updated city bus routes will be posted to the district website. You will be able to find this information by going to http://www.lemarscsd.org/?page_id=1402, clicking “Departments” at the top of the website, and click “Transportation”.
School board policy 702.2 states, “Elementary and middle school students living more than two miles from their designated attendance center and high school students living more than three miles from their designated attendance center are entitled to free transportation to and from school. The board may provide transportation for students not meeting these distance requirements, and may charge a fee for this service.” Please contact the Director of Transportation, Codie Kellen, at (712) 546-6801 if you have any questions.
Stopfinder -- Parent App for Your Student's Bus Schedule
Nurse Notes
NEW ELEMENTARY NURSE- We would like to introduce Rhonda Lassen as our new elementary nurse! You can reach Mrs. Lassen at rhonda.lassen@lemarscsd.org. Welcome, Mrs. Lassen!
IMMUNIZATIONS- Student immunization records must be up to date for all incoming students. Preschool and kindergarten students need to have their shots completed (including 4-year old booster shots for kindergarten students) before the first day of school. Students entering 7th grade must have a Tdap booster and Meningococcal vaccine before the first day of school. Students entering 12th grade must have a meningococcal vaccine before the first day of school per Iowa law. There are no grace periods or extensions for these requirements. A religious or medical exemption form may be submitted in place of these requirements.
DENTAL CERTIFICATES- All students entering kindergarten and 9th grade must have a dental certificate completed before the first day of school in August per Iowa law.
BLOOD TESTS FOR LEAD- This test is a state requirement for kindergarten. Many children have had lead testing completed by their physician or other early childhood programs. Please request the results and provide documentation to the school. If your child has not had a blood lead level checked in the past, this needs to be done at your doctor's office prior to the first day of the 2024-2025 school year.
VISION SCREENINGS - All students entering kindergarten and third grade now need a proof of a vision screening. This is just a screening and does not mean your child needs a full vision exam. The screening can be completed by your eye doctor, health care provider, or a community based organization. The certificate of vision screening form needs to be completed before the first day of the 2024-2025 school year.
SPORTS PHYSICALS (7th-12th grade) - Be sure to schedule your sports physicals now so you have them taken care of before fall practices begin. Any student planning to participate in sports, including cheerleading and dance, must turn in a completed physical report from a medical doctor, nurse practitioner, or chiropractor, with the parent’s signature on it, before they are allowed to participate in practice. These forms can be picked up from the high school guidance office for high school students or the middle school office for 7-8 grade students. You will also need to complete the athletic insurance waiver/parent or legal guardian permission form and the “Heads up” concussion form.
High School Principal’s Corner -- Dr. Mark Iverson
It is that time of year again, to the delight of many parents, when students will be coming back to school. The building custodial staff has spent the summer getting the building ready for another school year. We have several new teachers this year. Jade Pratt will be teaching Algebra and Modern Algebra, Casey Thomas will be the new school librarian, Jecenta Sargisson will be teaching Ag Science 1 and Biology, and John Peskey will be teaching Orchestra.
I would like to invite our freshmen along with their parents to a meeting on August 20 at 6:00 pm in the MS Auditorium. At this meeting, the high school staff will introduce themselves, the counselors will go over the high school credit system and how it progresses towards graduation, and the administration will talk about general guidelines at the high school. This meeting is very informative and may help answer questions you have about high school, especially if this is your first child coming to our building.
Homecoming this year is on September 27. All students will be dismissed after 4th period for homecoming activities. The pep rally will start at 1:00 pm with the parade to follow at 2:00 pm. The varsity football team will play Spencer at 7:00 pm, and the dance will follow the game and will last until midnight. New this year, the coronation will be held on Tuesday, September 24 at 7:30 pm.
If you have a student who needs to get a Special Minor’s Restricted License (SMRL) for driving, please contact the office to make an appointment. If your student took driver’s ed this summer, you only need to bring the SMRL Affidavit, which can be downloaded from the Iowa DOT website, and the driver’s permit. Please make sure your child looks over the rules for the SMRL prior to making your appointment. You will also need to fill out the Parental Consent for Special Minor’s Restricted License form. This form must be kept in the car that is being used to drive to school or work. The affidavit must be filled out prior to coming to the appointment.
In addition, I would like to encourage the parents to keep in contact with their child’s teachers. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the teacher directly or feel free to contact Mr. Moss or myself at the high school office.
John Peskey
John Peskey will be the new 4-12 Orchestra Instructor. John received his Bachelor of Arts in Viola Performance from Augustana College and his Master Music in Viola Performance from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. His broad experience encompasses professional teaching as a public schools orchestra director, private instruction, and orchestral performance. He is a two-time recipient of Helena’s Distinguished Educator award.
Jade Pratt
Jade Pratt will be teaching Mathematics at the high school. Jade earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education and Middle Level Education, with a minor in Mathematics, from the University of Northern Iowa. She has been substitute teaching for Le Mars Community Schools, Hinton Community Schools, and Sergeant Bluff-Luton Community Schools.
Jecenta Sargisson
Jecenta Sargisson joins the high school staff as a Science and Agricultural Science teacher and FFA Advisor. Jecenta, a LCHS alum, recently graduated from South Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Education. She completed her student teaching with Hinton Community Schools.
Casey Thomas
Casey Thomas is joining the school district as the K-12 Librarian/Media Specialist at the high school. Casey holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Buena Vista University and a Masters of Science in Library Science from the University of Central Missouri. Most recently, she has been substitute teaching for the Sheldon Community School District.
High School Counselors Corner
ACT Testing 2024 - 2025
2024 - 2025 ACT PREP Dates
Saturday October 5, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Saturday December 7, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Saturday January 11,1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Saturday February 1, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Saturday April 19, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Saturday May 17, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Link to sign up - https://bit.ly/LCHSACTPREP
Access Schedules Using The PowerSchool App
7-12 Grade Students Participating in Extracurricular Activities, Sports, & Clubs
7-12 Grade Students who want to participate in extracurricular activities, sports, and clubs will need to register with Varsity Bound. This is a different process than in past years. Read the PDF below to learn more.
Middle School Principal’s Corner -- Mr. Kyle Formanek
Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year from LCMS! We are excited for the upcoming year and are looking forward to having students back in the building. The majority of staff has stayed the same over the past year, but we are happy to introduce our new 4-12 Orchestra Instructor, John Peskey. He is thrilled to get back to the Siouxland Area and get started.
Some changes are coming as to how we handle student behaviors this upcoming year. 6-12 grade staff will be following the Boys Town Education Model which is a school-based intervention strategy that focuses on managing behavior, building relationships, and teaching social skills. It emphasizes preventive and proactive practices rather than reactive responses to deal with student behavior. Students will have activities to complete in Homebase during the year to practice these skills.
Another major change is we will be allowing students to bring home their Chromebook laptop computers each night. Students will be responsible for charging their devices and bringing it back to school each day. We do have policies in place for students who may struggle to follow that expectation. Students will be able to complete homework at home with their devices and can stay caught up on missing assignments when they are absent. Staff have the vast majority of assignments online so this will help students stay on track.
We have two groups of teachers, Literacy and Science, who will be piloting some new curriculum throughout the year. Approximately one-half of students will be using the new curriculum in science and most literacy students will be using it. We will compare with our current practice to determine its effectiveness during the year. We guarantee your student will continue to receive a top-notch curriculum to meet the Iowa curriculum standards throughout this pilot.
We look forward to seeing all the students soon and getting this year started. Please reach out to Mr. Nikkel or myself if you ever have any questions or concerns.
New Middle School Staff
John Peskey
John Peskey will be the new 4-12 Orchestra Instructor. John received his Bachelor of Arts in Viola Performance from Augustana College and his Master Music in Viola Performance from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. His broad experience encompasses professional teaching as a public schools orchestra director, private instruction, and orchestral performance. He is a two-time recipient of Helena’s Distinguished Educator award.
Casey Thomas
Casey Thomas is joining the school district as the K-12 Librarian/Media Specialist at the high school. Casey holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Buena Vista University and a Masters of Science in Library Science from the University of Central Missouri. Most recently, she has been substitute teaching for the Sheldon Community School District.
Middle School Counselors Corner
Le Mars Community Middle School
Mrs. Johnson and I hope you are all having a wonderful summer and are able to spend quality time with your family! Your child’s middle school schedule is now available for you to view online. In order for students to access their schedules, go to the Le Mars Community District’s website at lemarscsd.org and under the section “Students” select Powerschool. Students will then be asked to enter their access ID and password in order to view their schedules. Sixth grade students or parents may need to contact Amy Bergquist at amy.bergquist@lemarscsd.org in order to reset their access ID and password. If you are a parent of a student in the Le Mars Community School District, you can view your student’s schedule by going to lemarscsd.org but this time you will need to select the “Community” section and click on Powerschool Parent/Edutrak. You will then be asked to enter your access ID and password as well before you can view your student’s information. I also want to stress that all schedules are subject to change depending on a variety of factors between now and the start of school on August 23rd.
Registration for the Le Mars Community School District will take place on Thursday, August 8th from 11-7 and Friday, August 9th from 7-3 at the Le Mars Community Middle School. Online registration begins on July 24th and can be completed by logging into your parent Powerschool account. The middle school will also be hosting a 6th grade orientation on Wednesday, August 21st starting at 6 PM. We encourage all 6th grade students and parents to attend. The 6th grade orientation will begin in the middle school auditorium. There will be a district wide open house on Thursday, August 22nd from 11-1. If you have any questions or concerns about your student’s schedule or other issues relating to the middle school, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Johnson at abby.johnson@lemarscsd.org or Jason Martin at jason.martin@lemarscsd.org.
LCMS Bulldogs ChessMates Chess Club
Welcome to the middle school! Are you looking for an after school club or activity where you can learn a game that has been played and enjoyed for ages? Give Chess a try! We will meet Tuesdays after school until 4:15. If you have another activity, you can always join chess club later in the year! We spend the first part of the year learning the game and then play casual games with other friends from the club. There will be at least 2 tournaments this year with prizes for the top finishers. Sponsored by Mr. Zittritsch, the Club looks forward to having you join us this school year!
Moped Safety Class
A Moped Safety class will be held for students in the Le Mars area at the Le Mars Middle School in room C15 (Mr. Fehringers' room) on September 7th from 8:00 am to 2:15 pm. Iowans 14 and 15 years of age are required by law to take the moped course before receiving a license to operate a moped on public highways. Minimum age for this course is 13 1/2. Students wishing to take this class should sign up and pay in the middle school office (Mrs. Bergquist or Mrs. Schuett) before the class. Students that aren't in the Le Mars Community school district can sign up and pay on the day the course is taken. If you have questions, please email bkdalton6@gmail.com. Cost is $50; checks can be made out to Bill Dalton or parents can pay with cash.
New Elementary Staff
Ashley Hogendorn
Ashley Hogendorn will be a 1st grade teacher at Franklin Elementary. Ashley brings with her experience as a second grade teacher with the Bellevue Public Schools. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from the University of Nebraska-Omaha and is working towards her Masters of Science in Elementary Education with a concentration in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment.
Josie Kelderman
Josie Kelderman joins the Kluckhohn Elementary staff as a Kindergarten teacher. Previously, Josie was a first grade teacher for Sioux Center Community Schools. She graduated from Northwestern College in Orange City with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education with a Reading endorsement.
Rhonda Lassen
Rhonda Lassen is joining the district as the new Elementary Nurse. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from the University of Iowa. Rhonda’s extensive professional experience includes prior employment with Orange City Area Health System, MercyOne Population Health Services Organization, Floyd Valley Hospital’s Community Health Department, and Mid-Sioux Opportunities, Inc.
John Peskey
John Peskey will be the new 4-12 Orchestra Instructor. John received his Bachelor of Arts in Viola Performance from Augustana College and his Master Music in Viola Performance from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. His broad experience encompasses professional teaching as a public schools orchestra director, private instruction, and orchestral performance. He is a two-time recipient of Helena’s Distinguished Educator award.
Taylor Roosa
Taylor Roosa will be a Special Education teacher at Clark Elementary. Taylor was previously employed as a TK-5 Special Education teacher for Akron-Westfield Community Schools, and most recently, was a Special Education Strategist with the Northwest Area Education Agency. She holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Elementary Education and Special Education from Morningside College.
Caitlin Schlesser
Caitlin Schlesser, a Le Mars Community alum, will be the new Elementary Title I teacher. Caitlin attended the University of Iowa where she was awarded her Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education. She earned her Master of Science in Education from Drake University. Caitlin has previous teaching experience as a 4th grade teacher with Sioux City Schools and as a 3rd grade teacher with the Ankeny Community School District.
Casey Thomas
Casey Thomas is joining the school district as the K-12 Librarian/Media Specialist at the high school. Casey holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Buena Vista University and a Masters of Science in Library Science from the University of Central Missouri. Most recently, she has been substitute teaching for the Sheldon Community School District.
Elementary Counselor's Corner
Kari Kopperud
Clark and Franklin Elementary School Guidance Counselor
Abby Simington
Kluckhohn Elementary School Guidance Counselor
Welcome Back
It’s that time of year where we welcome our students back to school!
As we gear up for school, sharing some Tips for Returning to School, may help with the transition. Hopefully these tips will help encourage a positive back-to-school experience.
Let your child know you care. Let your child know that it is natural to be a little nervous anytime you start something new but that your child will be just fine once he or she becomes familiar with classmates, the teacher, and school routine.
Reinforce your child’s ability to cope. Give your child a few strategies and reinforce the positive.
Routines can be tremendously helpful. Keep the same bedtime and mealtimes.
Character Strong Curriculum
The elementary guidance program will be using Character Strong, the curriculum that was implemented during the 2024-25 school year. We have enjoyed the program, it has been a great support to increase student successes in the classroom and in their daily lives. With it being grade-level-specific and vertically-aligned, the tools for emotion regulation and conflict resolution, provide a deeper connection between character development and life skills. Character Strong helps students be kind, be strong, and be well!
We wanted to take some time to let parents know what services are offered through our elementary guidance program for students.
Large Group Guidance Lessons–these lessons take place in your child’s classroom. We focus on building skills in several areas: social-emotional, academic, and career development. There are usually fun activities or games, stories, and worksheets that are used to deliver the instruction to the students.
Individual Counseling–students are often referred to meet individually with the school counselor by teachers, parents, or the student themselves. We can work on things like social skills, positive classroom behavior and academic skills, or issues the student is facing at home.
Small Group Counseling–students are referred by their teacher for these counseling small groups that usually meet once per week during lunch or recess. Topics covered might include friendship skills, positive classroom behavior skills, dealing with divorce, or other needs that arise.
Please feel free to reach out to your school counselor at any time if there are concerns that you have about your student that we might be able to help with.
We care about our students and want to help them be successful at school and in life!
Go Bulldogs!
Mrs. Kari Kopperud – Clark and Franklin Elementary School Guidance Counselor
Mrs. Abby Simington – Kluckhohn Elementary School Guidance Counselor
Other District Information
Booster Memberships 2024 - 2025
Student Dress & Grooming
Students are not expected to dress in a uniform manner, but inappropriate or unkept dress and grooming that would bring discredit or disruption to the school is unacceptable.
Examples of inappropriate dress include clothing promoting alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gang activity, sex, cults, or satanic activities. This includes clothing with logos that are clearly identified as such or make blatant inferences.
Biking shorts and tube tops are not acceptable. Pants that are worn well below the normal waist or belt line are not permitted due to the distraction they cause which interrupts the educational process.
The State of Iowa Health Code does require that shoes be worn at all times.
Caps, hats, sunglasses are for outside wear unless approved in advance through the principal’s office.
Chains such as those attached to billfolds and belt loops are not allowed to be worn regardless of the length of the chain or where on the body they are worn.
Students not dressed appropriately will be required to change and may be counted unexcused in their absence from class while they find acceptable clothing.
Should a student need to ask if clothing is acceptable, it probably is not. USE COMMON SENSE AND GOOD JUDGMENT IN SELECTING CLOTHING FOR EACH SCHOOL MORNING.
NOTICE: Code 904.1 Use of Video Cameras on School Premises and Transportation
Searches at School
Students and parents/guardians are hereby notified that school lockers, desks and other facilities or spaces provided by the school for student use are subject to periodic search without prior notice other than this annual notice. School officials may conduct periodic searches that will occur in the presence of student(s) or in the presence of at least two school officials without the student(s).
Equity and Non-Discrimination
The board requires all persons, agencies, vendors, contractors and any other persons or organizations doing business with or performing services for the district to subscribe to this policy and to all applicable federal and state laws or lawful regulations.
In addition to its policy and practice of equal opportunity and non-discrimination, the board directs that the district’s education program shall foster knowledge and appreciation for the historical and contemporary contributions of diverse cultural groups as well as those of both women and men. The curriculum will also reflect the diverse variety of occupational and societal roles open to both women and men.
Questions or complaints alleging illegal discrimination on the basis of gender should be directed to the district’s Title IX and Multicultural Gender Fair Coordinator – Mr. Adam Moss, Associate High School Principal, 921 3rd Ave. SW, Le Mars, IA 51031, phone 712-546-4153.
Questions or complaints alleging any other types of illegal discrimination should be directed to the district’s Equity Coordinator – Rachel Leavitt, Curriculum Director, 940 Lincoln Street SW, Le Mars, IA 51031, phone 712-546-4155.
Inquiries or complaints may also be directed to Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Chicago Office, U.S. Department of Education, John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604, Telephone: (312) 730-1560, Facsimile: (312) 730-1576, Email: OCR.Chicago@ed.gov
Drug Policy
The policy also speaks to drug paraphernalia and look alike drugs. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS POLICY ARE SEVERE. A copy of the complete policy may be obtained by coming to the Superintendent’s Office at 940 Lincoln St SW or by calling 546-4155.
Le Mars Community School District Parent / Community Emergency Management Plan
Parents/guardians are encouraged to sign up for school emergency alerts via text messages, email, or phone, impacting health, life, or safety (including weather related announcements) through the following address: http://www.lemarscsd.org/ and click "School Messenger (All alerts)" for directives.
PARENTS / GUARDIANS: In the event there is an emergency requiring a school building lockdown, lockout, evacuation, or shelter, parents/guardians and community are directed to do the following:
- Do not come to the school building. This is a request from the Le Mars Police Department, Plymouth County Sheriff's Department, Le Mars Fire Department and school district. Our public safely servants request this of you due to their inability to provide total focus on student safety while attempting to control parents/guardians and community members at the site.
- Do not contact your child on cell phone. Your child may not be able to use their phone; which may cause you alarm if they do not answer. Additionally, if there is an intruder, your contact may alert the intruder to student locations. Also, student information may not be accurate. Accurate information will be provided to parents through School Messenger and KLEM.
- Do not call the school. Employees will be working to secure the situation and phone interruptions may prevent this effort. Information will be provided through School Messenger and KLEM radio stations 96.9 FM and 1410 AM.
- Wait for School Messenger alerts and/or tune into KLEM radio. Communication from the Le Mars Community School District will be provided through School Messenger, and when appropriate, through KLEM radio stations 96.9 FM and 1410 AM.
- School Messenger Alert information will include:
- Alert of the situation
- Parent directions
- If needed, a designated community gathering location to receive information, when available
- If needed, a number to be called for information
- If needed, a designated location for parents to pick-up students
- Other information to keep parents and community informed
PLEASE NOTE: The Le Mars Community School District and public safety servants understand parent and community desire for quick information. However, our priorities, in the order they will occur, are as follows:
- First Priority -- Student safety.
- Second Priority -- Details of the situation will be communicated with parents and community after student safety, true understanding of the situation, and consultation with public safety officials have been established. Then, information will be provided to parents and community.
See below for Standard Protocol Response alert definitions:
- Lockout -- A lockout is called when there is a threat or hazard outside of the school building. Students do business as usual within the building and doors will be locked; no person will be allowed in or out of the building.
- Lockdown -- A lockdown is called when there is a threat or hazard inside the school building. Students will be inside locked classrooms and/or remain out of the line of sight.
- Evacuate -- An evacuation is called when the need to be moved out of a specific location due to a threat or hazard
Review of Instructional Materials
Parents of the school district community may view the instructional materials used by the students by making a request to the Curriculum Director at (712) 546-4155.
MENuMASTERS Fundraiser
🥧Food 🎵Music 🎉Fun
📆 WHEN: Saturday, October 19, 2024
🗺️ Where: Plymouth County Fairgrounds -- Century Hall
⌚ Food Served: 5:00-7:30 p.m.
🕚Event: 5:00 - 10:00. pm
- $45/person
- Purchase at the local banks from October 1, 2024 - October 18, 2024.
- Tickets will also be available at all Le Mars Community Schools, the Education Service Center, and from any LEEP members beginning mid September
Dear Friends and Supporters of LEEP,
Plans are well underway for our 11th MENuMASTERS Fundraising event. Our success the past ten years have been huge, largely because of YOU, our chefs, and sponsors. The event will feature 25 local businessmen as our “chefs” for the evening. As in the past, each chef team will serve ample samples of various foods. New at this year’s event is Music Bingo with chances to win amazing prizes.
Tickets will be sold for $45.00/person at local banks beginning October 1, 2024 - October 18, 2024, also tickets will be available at all Le Mars Community Schools and the Education Service Center, and from any LEEP members beginning mid-September.
Business and Personal Sponsorships are available by contacting
Gayle Vonk, email: wall.elements@yahoo.com
Persons interested in being a chef should contact
Mike Jacobsma, email: mike.jacobsma@iowastatebank.net
Check out the LEEP FaceBook Page for upcoming details.
LEEP's Mission Statement
To enhance the value and meaning for education for our students, families, and communities. The funds raised will be used for expenditures above and beyond that provided for by the existing budget.
Le Mars Community Education Enhancement Project or LEEP is recognized as a tax exempt organization under 501c3 of the IRS code.