SHS Student Wildcat Roar
March 9, 2025
Fundraiser: Class of 2026 - Shakespeare's Pizza
Monday, March 10
7:30 am - Class of 2028 meeting @Cafeteria
8:00 am - 3Q Grades due/finalized in TeacherEase
9:00 am - Admin Meeting
10:00 am - Sophomores/interested Juniors meet with SCCC in Library
11:35 am - Senior Meeting @TBA
3:05 pm - FFA meeting @Mr. Crews's room
4:00 pm - FFA Baked Potato Supper until 6:30 pm
Tuesday, March 11
7:00 am - FFA @Marshall TSA
7:15 am - Children's Literature Festival @UCM (Elementary)
3:15 pm - CTA meeting @Zach Crews's room
3:30 pm - JH/HS Scholar Bowl @Glasgow
Wednesday, March 12
2:45 pm - Senior Trip meeting @Mrs. Boggs's room
3:00 pm - FFA Area & State Officer Selection @Blue Springs
3:00 pm - HS Spring Sports pictures
6:00 pm - FBLA Event
Thursday, March 13
8:00 am - Sophomores tour SCCC
12:10 pm - Student Dismissal
1:00 pm - Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences @Cafeteria until 6:00 pm
Friday, March 14
6:30 am - FFA Departure for Paris Contest
Saturday, March 15
Baseball Jamboree
2024-25 Revised School Calendar
- Board Approved 1/28/25 -
Dates approved by the Board of Education as Snow Days:
These days are now school days for students/teachers:
Monday, February 17
Monday, April 14
Tuesday, April 15
Wednesday, April 16
Thursday, April 17 (half day)
Friday, May 16 (half day)
Let's Meet!
Freshmen, we will have a class meeting on Monday morning at 7:30 am in the cafeteria.
We need to discuss Baseball concessions and the home Jamboree on Saturday, March 15. (Parents, we'll share the information via GroupMe and email on Monday.)
Prom Prep
Prom tickets are on sale now and will end on March 28th. The sign up sheet is in the high school office. Please make sure you put your name along with your dates name and pay Ms. Mindy Wiseman for your ticket.
Prom is April 26, 2025.
⚾ Play Ball! ⚾
2025 Season
March 15 Jamboree
The 411 on FFA
'Tis the Season
Happy month of March, Wildcats!
The Spring brings fantastic opportunities to our students - things like Track, Scholar Bowl, FFA, FBLA, SkillsUSA (SCCC), Baseball, Senior Trip, and MORE will take students out of the classroom for a variety of events.
Students, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to talk to your teachers BEFORE you will be gone from the classroom to make them aware. Your makeup work is also YOUR responsibility. You need to request it from your classroom teacher before the date(s) you will be gone and follow up when you return.
I shared this expectation with HS teachers at our last Building Level meeting.
NWEA Time!
Make-Up Testing
We will complete makeup testing this week. Students, watch your email for information. (If you know you need to start or finish a test but haven't received an email by the end of the day Tuesday, please reach out to me.)
What's in it for Me?
A team of teachers plans an event/activity for HS students who meet the incentive criteria. Stay tuned for details! (You can send me ideas.)
You have to meet 3 out of 4 criteria:
- Be in attendance on the day of the test
- No outbursts or disruptions
- No rapid guessing alerts
- RIT score growth (or no loss from previous test)
Your testing room supervisor determines if you've met the incentive criteria. I will notify students who will NOT participate in the incentive after we get the details settled.
🐾 Wildcat Sideline Scoop ✍🏻
The Wildcat Sideline Scoop team wants to thank everyone who helped make this basketball season a success. The coverage of this basketball season would not be possible without the contributions of our athletes, coaches, and the administration. We also want to extend our gratitude to our dedicated staff for their hard work and commitment, as well as to our readers and supporters for following along and making our coverage meaningful.
Issue #22
Issue #23
PowerSchool Data Breach
It has come to our attention that PowerSchool had a security breach that involves some of our data. We have contacted our technology services and are taking steps to make sure this does not happen in the future. We were in the process of switching our student information system software prior to this data breach, and have since moved to TeacherEase for our student information system. Feel free to take advantage of PowerSchool's identity theft protection offer by following the steps in the notice from PowerSchool.
If you did not receive notice, your data was not impacted.
(click the picture for link)
HS Attendance Data (8/21/24 - 3/7/25)
Class of 2028: 93.9%
Class of 2027: 92.2%
Class of 2026: 92.3%
Class of 2025: 93.9%
All HS: 93.1%
How NOT to Park in the Gravel Lot:
You may park in the gravel lot, or in a marked/paved parking spot off of Morgan Street. (You may have to park in front of - or even past the Early Childhood Building.)
** The parking in the gravel lot behind the Fitness Center and Maintenance building will be for LARGE /OVERSIZED TRUCKS ONLY. **
You may not park in the grass or block any other car or parking spots in the gravel.
A repeated offense will result in a referral and possible loss of parking privileges.
See me if you have questions.
Taking Care of Business
Students, when you miss a class, it is YOUR responsibility to request make up work from your teacher. Make sure that you're touching base when you return to your class(es).
Blankets are for Beds
Students, remember that blankets aren't to be brought into the building. They aren't allowed in classrooms, stairwells, etc.
If you need a coat, please talk to me or Mrs. Crews.
Who Does What?
Counseling Corner
Spring semester has officially begun and scholarships, workforce opportunities and more have started to come in more frequently! Find updated applications on the Counseling website throughout the semester, noting deadlines and materials needed along the way. Several scholarships are posted (including ones for the Class of 2026 and 2028!). Good luck!
Workin' on Our Fitness
Wintry Weather What-Ifs
In case of inclement weather, the following list of radio and television stations will be notified and will announce school closings: KMMO - 102.9 FM; KMMO - 1300 FM; KRES - 104.7 FM; KMZU - 100.7 FM; Thrillshare; Marshall Democrat News Website; District Social Media & Website.
What if we have a late start?
If we need to have a late start for any reason, school will begin at 9:50 am. Doors will unlock for students at 9:40 am. No breakfast will be served.
Cafeteria Menus
Handbook Highlight
As Seen on Entry Doors 1/24/25:
The Handbook Highlight is a recap of a handbook policy or entry that our Students/Adults need to be aware of. If I'm taking the time to include it, it's something to pay attention to - either because I'm seeing that people aren't clear on it, people aren't complying with it, or I'm about to start cracking down on it.
Possession, use, sale, purchase, or distribution of any vaping device or substance on school grounds, school transportation, or at any school activity.
1. Up to 10 days Transition Room, outside agencies may be contacted
2. Up to 20 days Transition Room, outside agencies may be contacted
3. Administrator’s discretion
2024-25 Handbook Attendance Policy
The following measures may be utilized throughout the school year: reminder letters/emails, hotline call(s) may be placed, outside agencies (law enforcement, juvenile office) may be contacted.
Students whose cumulative attendance falls between 80-90% as of May 1st will be required to attend one week of summer school. Students who fail to attend will serve this time in transition at the beginning of the following school year.
Students whose cumulative attendance falls below 80% as of May 1st will be required to attend two weeks of summer school. Students who fail to attend will serve this time in transition at the beginning of the following school year.
HS Basketball Schedule
Community Resources Available
What staff member deserves a shout out?
Take a minute to let me know all about it by filling out THIS FORM.
Students, Parents, and Staff can give a shout out to any Slater Schools employee! We'll make sure they receive a copy of it and will look for ways to share them with you throughout the year as well.
Let's get to bragging about all the good people around here!
Old Business
On September 20, I informed the HS student body that due to issues with students wearing hats in the building during the school day, hats are not to be IN the building during the school day.
Hats should be left in vehicles or lockers. They can be left in the HS office if you need a place, but if It's on a student during the day, it will be sent to the HS office...with a referral.
Where'd You Go?
If you know that you won't be at school on a certain day for an appointment, meeting, etc. - besides telling your teachers (which is great!) - please let Ms. Mindy know.
You can do so by emailing her at mwiseman@slaterschools.net.
Parents can call Ms. Mindy at 660-529-2278, ext. 107.
Revisiting the Sportsmanlike Policy
Please note the policy for Unsportsmanlike Actions at an extra-curricular activity:
Administrator Warning
Minimum of 1 week, up to and including 365 day suspension from all District extracurricular events
365 day suspension from all District extracurricular activities
Who Let the Dogs IN?!?
Due to liability concerns from our insurance company, pets are not permitted on school property, including the Sports Complex.
This excludes service animals and classroom/curricular animals, pre approved by a Building Principal.
Clarification: Attending ballgames
Students learned in the first week of school that they must be in good standing to participate in extracurricular events/activities. (This includes attending those events as a spectator.)
Students must be in attendance at school for four consecutive hours on the day of the event to be able to play in or attend an extracurricular event/activity.
SCCC Resources & Information
- The van leaves at 7:15 am
- If the temperature/weather results in a school cancelation or late start for Slater HS, SCCC students will NOT travel, even if Marshall is in session.
- If Slater is in session, but Marshall is not, SCCC students will report to Slater HS at or before 10:45 am.
Contact Info
Email: jclements@slaterschools.net
Website: slaterschools.net
Location: 515 Elm Street, Slater, MO, United States
Phone: 660-631-5298
Twitter: @SlaterPrincipal