The AGAPE Times
a newsletter for students and families - 2024/25 Vol 6
IMPORTANT DATES Late November 2024 through January 2025!
Upcoming Important Dates
- 11/27 - Vision Screenings (get free glasses!) with the Helen Keller Institute
- 11/27 - School Store Giveaway Day - fill a bag of items for your baby before break!
- 11/28 & 11/29 Holiday break - AGAPE and HeadStart closed
- 12/16 - Children's Dental visit to AGAPE
- 12/18 - Winter Flexible Conferences (in person, virtual, phone)
- 12/19 - Domestic Violence Seminar at AGAPE - Time and Info TBD
- 12/20 - Holiday Party at AGAPE - Time and Info TBD
- 12/23 through 1/3 - Winter Break - AGAPE Closed (HeadStart closed 12/24, 12/25, 12/31, 1/1)
- 1/20 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day - AGAPE and HeadStart closed
- 1/24 - Last day of Quarter 2 - AGAPE OPEN - HeadStart CLOSED
- 1/27 - Grading Day for Teachers - AGAPE CLOSED, HeadStart OPEN
Back to School/iUpdate Packets coming soon
We will be mailing packets home to families who have not completed the Annual Back to School paperwork, which contains the 24/25 Media Permissions, Tech Agreements, cover-all Field Trip permission slips for Type I (walking) field trips and more. Please have your student return the packet to Angie in the office.
AGAPE Students of the Week October/November
Darlene Simmons
Week of October 28th, 2024
Monjue Kwitee
Week of November 4th, 2024
Tatianna Green
Week of November 11th, 2024
Sara Zeon
Week of November 18th, 2024
Nye Meh
Week of November 25th, 2024
Who will be next??
Social Worker's Sofa (she actually has a sofa in her office, too!)
Students, check out the flyers and information below for information from Ms. Addie, AGAPE's School Social Worker. Connect with her by email at addie.see@spps.org or text at 651-279-0393!
Counseling Corner with Ms. Sparkman!
Quarter 2 is underway! Needing to connect? Make an appointment with her at calendly.com/keasparkman! You can also text or call her on her work cell - 612-834-7757.
Camp RYLA:
Camp RYLA, April 25-29, 2025
Application opens in January
Leadership experience:
Camp RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a is a fun, intensive leadership experience where you develop leadership skills and make connections. This unique experience strengthens leadership skills and capabilities of high school students through physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual challenges. There is an emphasis on problem solving, teamwork, and interaction with other outstanding students and volunteer counselors and presenters.
Opportunity to apply for the Rotary Scholarship:
Any St Paul student that attends Camp RYLA is eligible to apply for the St Paul Rotary Second Century Scholarship. The $20,000 scholarship is given out annually to one student who has attended camp, has a 3.0 or higher GPA, lives in or goes to school in St Paul and has been accepted by a college or university. The scholarship will pay out $5000 per year for four years.
For more info, please check out these websites: https://stpaulrotary.org/page/camp-ryla, https://campryla.org/about-ryla/ and https://campryla.org/participants/
Health and Wellness at AGAPE
Health and Wellness
- Students are able to make appointments at the AGAPE HealthStart clinic for flu vaccines for themselves AND their babies. Contact them at 651-632-2189 or speak with AGAPE's School Nurse, Amy Buck.
- Free Covid tests available by mail from the government - sign up at COVIDTests.gov SPPS is no longer providing tests to families, so take advantage of this - 4 tests per household address!
- Other SPPS Health and Wellness Resources are available here
- It's that time of year, folks! Please remember to cover your coughs and sneezes, use tissues, sanitize/wash hands regularly and wear a mask if you have a cough!
- Nurse Amy is at AGAPE on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays! Stop by the Health Office and say hello!
Families: Complete this form if you DO NOT want your child to have a free exam!
Birthdays at AGAPE
SPPS 24/25 Rights & Responsibilities Handbook (Translations below!)
Title I Annual Meeting - December 5th @ 1pm
Please join us for this meeting - if you can't make it, we will have other ways for families to share their thoughts and opinions with us!
Campus Transportation Information
AGAPE has transportation changes almost every Wednesday. New route information is posted on our student Schoology group on Tuesdays and is also posted on our bus board at AGAPE. Click the PDF below to view instructions on how to look up your transportation in Campus Student
Family Engagement Plan 2024/2025
Parents Right to Know - click document below for more info!
AGAPE High School
Email: lois.vosika-weir@spps.org
Website: agape.spps.org
Location: 1037 University Avenue West, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-744-7970
Twitter: @AgapeSpps