The Monthly Update- October
November 1, 2023
Chatting with Mr. Amaton
Dear Golden Rule Charter School:
It has been my great honor to serve the youth of Golden Rule Charter School and I am proud of the work we’ve done together over the last four years. Since our return from COVID-19, Golden Rule Charter School has been one of many districts that has continuously made progress. Although we are not finished, we have begun to close the gaps in achievement. That’s a credit to our teachers, principals, staff, and families — and I’m proud to have been a part of it all. Remember, we should not be satisfied with where we stand, and with some crucial building blocks in place, the time will never be better for the next leader to take the helm. I ask that you continue to serve the students for him/her as you did for me.
I’m grateful to the communities of Golden Rule Charter School for the opportunity to serve you all. In my 7 years with GRS, I have seen myself grow from a Grant Director to the District Coordinator of School Improvement to the Deputy Superintendent of Schools. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity.
It was our youth at Golden Rule Charter School that inspired me each and every day. They are truly the future leaders, scholars, entrepreneurs, and innovators of tomorrow.
I am also proud of the accomplishments of my leadership team who have worked closely with our teachers over the last four years to serve the students. Together, we have worked tirelessly each and every day to ensure better life outcomes for young people. Since my first day as your Deputy Superintendent, we have worked to improve the system of education for Golden Rule Charter School. A stronger school system meant a stronger Golden Rule Charter School.
Over the last 4 years:
We navigated COVID-19 together.
We developed and maintained a synchronous/asynchronous plan to continue educating our youth.
We turned Golden Rule Schools into a 1:1 technology environment.
We raised the salaries to be more competitive with neighboring charter schools.
We established a strong curriculum team that helped lay a strong foundation for academic growth and closing the achievement gaps.
We expanded access to healthy and appetizing food by bringing in STAR Catering, after listening to the needs of our students.
We continued coffee talks to listen to the needs of our staff to help evolve Golden Rule to where it is today.
We raised the accountability for our Bilingual/SPED Department which has held steadfast and maintained satisfactory ratings by the State.
I want to personally thank the entire Golden Rule leadership team. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our students. I know you gave your entire self emotionally, intellectually, professionally and personally to better serve our youth. Please continue to do so!
Lastly, I want to thank Dr. Vicente Delgado and the Golden Rule Charter School Board for having faith in me to lead this incredible school district and serve the families and students of this great charter school.
I thank everyone for the opportunity to have been of service to you.
Mr. Ernie Amaton
Dates to Remember!!!
- November 6th-10th- District Assessments
- November 20th-24th- Student/Staff Thanksgiving Holiday
- December 5th-15th- High School EOC Re-tests
- December 21st- Halfday
- December 22nd-January 5th- Student/Staff Christmas Holiday
- January 8th- Student Holiday/Teacher PD Day
- January 15th- MLK Day
October's Teacher Spotlight
Mr. Victor Servin Becerra- Illinois
Mr. Victor Servin Becerra currently teaches 5th grade Science at our Illinois campus. He has been in education for a total of 6 years and this is his 1st year with Golden Rule.
He earned his Bachelors degree in Science from the University of Texas- Denton.
Mr. Gilberto Bracho- Sunnyside
Mr. Bracho currently teaches PK3 grade at the Sunnyside campus. He has been in education for a total of 10 years and has been with Golden Rule all those years.
He earned his Masters Degree in Education from the Universidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador.
Ms. Lupita Rendon Soto- Illinois
Ms. Lupita Rendon Soto currently teaches 8th grade Language Arts at our Illinois campus. She has been in education for a total of 2 years and has been with Golden Rule for those years.
She earned her Bachelors degree in Business Administration from the University of North Texas- Dallas.
Ms. Kiley Reeves- Desoto Secondary
Ms. Kiley Reeves currently teaches 7th/8th grade Science at our Desoto Secondary campus. She has been in education for a total of 3 years and has been with Golden Rule for all those years.
She earned her Bachelors degree in Business Administration from the University of North Texas- Dallas.