Argyle Weekly Newsletter
Argyle Week of November 4, 2024 Schedule
- AMS Family Social at Dave & Busters; Saturday November 2, 2024 12pm - 2pm
- Grading & Planning for Teachers; No School for Students; Monday November 4, 2024
- General Election Day; Schools & Offices Closed; Tuesday November 5, 2024
- 8th Grade Field Trip; College Visits; Friday November 8, 2024
- 7th Grade Field Trip; Botanic Gardens; Thursday November 14, 2024
- Hearing & Vision Screenings; Monday - Wednesday November 18 - 20, 2024
- Parent Teacher Conferences; Monday November 25, 2024
- Early Release Days Dismissal at 12:30pm; Monday and Tuesday November 25 - 26, 2024
- Thanksgiving Break; School & Offices Closed; Wednesday - Friday November 27 - 29, 2024
PTSA Messages 🔊
Argyle Family Social at Dave and Busters
RSVP here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0449AEA623A2FF2-52517736-family
Election Day Snack Sale at Strathmore Elementary
- Link for Amazon Donation List:
- Link for Snack Sale Sign Up (Nov 5):
Scholastic Book Fair
Thank you for being an important part of our community and your child’s school!
Any questions, please email argyleptsa4all@gmail.com.
PTSA Spirit Store is OPEN
Ready to rock your school spirit? Our PTSA Spirit Wear store is officially OPEN, and it’s time to gear up! From cozy hoodies to snazzy tees, we’ve got everything you need to show off your school pride in style.
Check it out here: https://argyle-spirit-store.printify.me/products
Hearing & Vision Screenings
Our upcoming screening dates are November 18th, 19th, and 20th. Only students in 8th grade and new to MCPS will be screened. Parents who are opting out are supposed to do so in writing. If you have any questions, please contact out Health Room at (240)740-6372 or by emailing Mrs. Ryan Goldstone at melissa_r_goldstone@mcpsmd.org.
To learn more about possible vision problems and symptoms or health conditions that may require additional evaluation go to Montgomery County Government’s website at this link:
Parent Teacher Conferences
Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences November 25 1pm - 3pm
Caregivers will sign up for virtual conferences using ParentVUE. The conferences will be scheduled on TeacherVUE/ParentVUE but conducted on Zoom. Sign up for all families will be available starting November 11th.
In-Person Conferences November 25 4pm - 7pm
Caregivers will have the opportunity to meet teachers in-person from 4-7pm in the gym. Teachers will be organized by department to make it easier for caregivers to meet with all teachers. This does not require a scheduled time slot.
AMS Fall Sports
Grade Level Messages 🔊
We have our field trip to the Botanical Gardens on November 14th to the Botanical Gardens. We are very excited. Permission slips were due November 1. Please contact your child’s Advisory teacher if you have any issues.
Programming Fundamentals students began their coding "adventure" a week ago in Code Monkey, a challenge based coding program that uses coffee script and bananas to teach students about foundational computer science concepts. This year-long subscription will be used in class and is also accessible from anywhere to code anytime! If your child is absent, please remind them to jump on Code Monkey and catch up on missing challenges! There are many courses available and I am happy to open them up for anyone interested exploring other languages like Python!
Family Food Market Days at Strathmore ES
Argyle families welcome! Family Market Days will take place at Strathmore ES.
See dates on flyer!
3200 Beaverwood Ln, Silver Spring, MD 20906
(about 5 minutes from Argyle MS)
Family Food Market Days at Kennedy HS
Argyle families welcome! Family Market Days will take place at Kennedy HS.
See dates on flyer!
1901 Randolph Rd, Wheaton, MD 20902
Student Attendance
Parents or guardians should handwrite or email student excuse notes to Ms. Patricia Hernandez, Argyle's attendance secretary. Phone calls will not excuse any absences until a note has been turned in to the main office.
If you have any questions or need to email an excuse note, please get in touch with Argyle's attendance secretary Mrs. Patricia Hernandez at patricia_v_hernandez@mcpsmd.org
For more information on the attendance policy, please click here
Message from our Health Room
Parents and caregivers - Please send your students with a refillable, reusable water bottle every day. Hydration is an important part of learning and staying healthy. There are refilling stations throughout the school to ensure your student has access to water all day. Please ensure your student is eating breakfast and lunch whether it is a meal from our school cafeteria or a meal packed from home. Take a look at MCPS October 2024 breakfast and lunch menu by visiting the websites below:
English | español | français | ä¸æ–‡ | Portuguese | í•œêµì–´ | tiếng Việt | አማáˆáŠ›
Dismissal Policy
Any requests for early dismissal or dismissal changes for your child cannot be accommodated after 2:45 PM. This cut-off time is necessary to ensure the safety and efficient operation of our school dismissal process.
We understand that there may be occasions when you need to make changes to your child's dismissal plan, but after 2:45 PM, it becomes increasingly challenging to implement these changes without causing disruptions. Please make sure to communicate any changes or early dismissal requests to the school's office well in advance of this time to allow us to make the necessary arrangements.
Car Riders Expectations
We expect that families dropping off and picking up students will adhere to the same expectations. These expectations are:
- Follow directions from Argyle staff, including stopping when indicated
- Pull as far forward as possible so that cars can fill in along the drop off and pick up line next to the school grounds; do not stop in the middle of this space near the handicap parking spaces
- Be prepared to drop off and pick up so that cars can move quickly
- Do not use parking spaces for drop off or pick up at any time
- Stay in your vehicle at all times
- Students should only exit and enter their car from the side of the parking lot next to the school building; students should not cross through the parking lot
Drivers who consistently disregard these expectations may be asked not to use the drop off and pick up areas. We appreciate your support in keeping our parking lot safe at all times.
SchoolCash Online
Montgomery County Public Schools has transitioned to a new online payment system called SchoolCash Online as its preferred method of payment for all school-related fees.
SchoolCash Online helps parents/guardians and community members pay school-related fees safely, quickly, and easily. SchoolCash Online will help increase efficiency and security at schools by making payments directly into schools’ bank accounts and eliminating the need for teachers to handle money. In addition, once registered, you will be immediately informed about school activities!
The new system puts all of the school-related fees online for purchase so users can make purchases online using a credit card or e-check. A processing fee will be included on all items available for purchase, regardless of the type of payment used on SchoolCash Online or at the school.
Parents/guardians can register now at - Click here
Below are emails and phone numbers for the following departments:
Administration (240) 740-6370
School Principal - Mr. Allrich | James_K_Allrich@mcpsmd.org
Principal Intern/8th Grade Administrator - Ms. Lee | Edith_U_Lee@mcpsmd.org
7th Grade Administrator - Ms. Turner | Hannah_D_Turner@mcpsmd.org
6th Grade Administrator/ Magnet Coordinator: Ms. Chao | Cortney_E_Chao@mcpsmd.org
Main Office (240) 740-6370
Administrative Secretary - Ms. Chavarria | Johana_M_Chavarria@mcpsmd.org
Front Office Secretary - Ms. Molina | Karin_G_Molina@mcpsmd.org
Attendance Secretary - Ms. Hernandez | Patricia_V_Hernandez@mcpsmd.org
School Financial Specialist - Mr. Magruder | Timothy_W_Magruder@mcpsmd.org
Counseling Office (240) 740-6380
Resource Counselor/ SSL Coordinator - Mr. Lilja | Email: Matthew_J_Lilja@mcpsmd.org
Counseling Secretary/Registrar - Ms. Ramirez | Email: Araceli_P_Ramirez@mcpsmd.org
8th Grade Counselor - Ms. Andich | Email: Kristen_M_Brinker@mcpsmd.org
7th Grade Counselor - Ms. DeWItt | Email: Genevieve_A_Dewitt@mcpsmd.org
6th Grade Counselor - Ms. Ford | Email: Miyah_M_Ford@mcpsmd.org
Argyle Magnet Middle School
Website: www.argylems.org
Location: 2400 Bel Pre Road, Aspen Hill, MD, USA
Phone: (240) 740-6370
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Argyle-Magnet-Middle-School-102726228178724/
Twitter: @ArgyleMagnetMS