Secondary School Weekly Update
Week of Monday, January 13th - Friday, January 17th, 2025
Important Dates
- Wednesdays - Early Release @ 2:45pm
- Friday, January 10th - End of Progress 3 Grading Period
- Saturday, January 11th - SHS Snoball Dance 7:30-10pm SHS Cafeteria
- Tuesday, January 14th - Clatsop County Fentanyl Safety Event 6pm Times Theatre
- Wednesday, January 15th - Winter One-Acts Performance 7pm - SHS Cafeteria
- Thursday, January 16th - 1/2 Day No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Friday, January 17th - No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Wednesday, January 22nd - Winter One-Acts Performance 7pm - SHS Cafeteria
- Wednesday, February 5th - Senior Class Fish Fry at Mo's 5-8pm
- Saturday, February 8th & Sunday, February 9th - K-5th Grade Cheer Camp 9-11am
- Friday, February 14th - Local Scholarships DUE!
- Wednesday, February 19th - Immunization Exclusion Day
Sign Up For Conferences!
Welcome to our Winter Conferences! This is your opportunity to connect with your students' teacher(s). Parent participation is encouraged. Please take a moment to sign up for an appointment with the teachers you would like to speak with. We are excited to announce the return of in person conferences on Friday only. Appointments are still required. If you need assistance please contact the Main Office at (503) 738-5586.
Thursday, January 16th , 1pm - 8pm
(1/2 day of school Thursday, 12pm dismissal)
Thursday conferences will be either by phone or zoom ONLY
Friday, January 17th, 8am - 12pm
(No School Friday)
Friday conferences will be either in person, phone or zoom
Hay intérpretes disponibles. Seleccione el intérprete con el porcentaje más bajo para tener la mayor disponibilidad. Si necesita ayuda para programar un intérprete, comuníquese con Hermenegildo Ochoa en hochoa@seasidek12.org
Need help figuring out who your student’s teachers are? That information can be found on ParentVUE:
Login to ParentVUE (if you can’t remember your login information please call the Main Office at 503-738-5586)
Select your Student
Select Grade Book
You will see all your students classes, their current grade in that class and the class teacher’s name
Let us know if you have any questions by calling the Main Office at 503-738-5586
Seaside Drama Presents: Winter One-Acts
Children’s fables, internet cats and romantic breakups -- such a strange combination must mean that it’s once again time for Seaside High School’s annual Winter One-Act Festival. This year’s festival will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 15 and 22. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the performance begins at 7 pm. The cost is $10 for adults and students, and $5 for children and seniors.
New this year is a grade school one act, entitled “Aesop Live!” and directed by SHS teacher Susan Baertlein and David Jackson.
The second one act will be performed by middle schoolers and is called “Brief Interviews with Internet Cats” and is directed by Ann Susee and Carrie Covey.
The closing one act will be “The 9 Worst Breakups of All Time”, directed by seniors Ayaunna Bolin, Cannon Cole, and Elie Wright.
For the fourth consecutive year, the one acts are a Pacifica Project for SHS seniors. This year’s seniors are Ayaunna Bolin, Cannon Cole, Carrie Covey, David Jackson, and Elie Wright. In addition to the three plays, there will be a silent auction of gift baskets donated by community members and businesses. All proceeds benefit the Drama Department.
Immunization Exclusion Day Reminder
Oregon Immunization Exclusion Day is coming up after winter break on February 19, 2025. This means that any student that is not up to date with the required vaccines or exemptions will be excluded from school per Oregon law. The upcoming break is an excellent opportunity for families who are behind on required school vaccinations to get their records completed. Please bring all updated records to your child's school office.
If you are wondering where to go for vaccines, please consider the options below:
-Clatsop County Public Health has appointments available and families are welcome to contact the front office at 503-325-8500 to schedule appointments for their children & siblings! They are available even if you do not have insurance.
-Local pharmacies (contact directly to inquire of what they are offering & age restrictions).
-Always available are the child’s own Primary Care Clinics (contact each directly to discuss options & establish care if a new patient)
-CMH Pediatrics-503-325-7337 (PEDS)
-Providence Medical Clinics ( Seaside, Warrenton & Cannon Beach locations)
-Coastal Family Health Center 503-325-8315
If you would like more information about vaccine exemptions, please click here.
If you would like more information about what vaccines are required, please click here.
Please reach out to Nurse Dani for any questions or concerns. Email: dnelson@seasidek12.org, phone: 503-738-5589.
Thank you!
Medication and Illness Exclusion Reminders
Please remember that all medications MUST be transported to and from school by a parent or guardian only. DO NOT SEND ANY MEDICATIONS TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR STUDENT. THIS INCLUDES COUGH DROPS. Medication administration in schools is heavily regulated by Oregon law. Schools are only allowed to dispense medications that are medically necessary to keep a student in school. If possible, please save the cough drops for home use and consider other ways to alleviate coughs at school. Sips of water or a small amount of honey work well in place of cough drops in a school setting. For more details about our medication requirements, please click here.
It is also that time of year when we are seeing many students contracting respiratory and other illnesses. Please remember to keep ill students home. Please click here (para español, haga clic aquí) for guidelines on when to keep your student out of school and when they may safely return. If you have any questions, please reach out to Nurse Dani or your primary care provider for further guidance.
Thank you all for partnering with us as we work together to keep our schools healthy and safe!
Snoball Court
The 2025 Snoball Court has been announced. From left to right: seniors Cannon Cole and Zayden Anderson, juniors Alex Bilyeu and Mya Feeney, sophomores Mackenzie Haag and Grayson Miller, and freshmen Chloe Baker and Jack Boles.
Snoball is this Saturday from 7:30-10 pm in the Secondary School's cafeteria. There will be a waffle feed afterward at Pacific Ridge Elementary. Cost for the dance will be $20 at the door if not purchased ahead of time.
Clatsop County Fentanyl Safety Event
The New Drug Talk
Fentanyl has changed the drug landscape, and we have to change how we talk to kids about it.
Check out thenewdrugtalk.org for educational resources, free tools, and expert advice to help Oregon families stay connected and safe.
Here are some links to help with the conversation:
We Need Volunteers!
Seaside Middle School is in need of volunteers this month! Sign-up here to help an awesome artist and teacher work with middle-school students to create hands-on art: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4FA8AC29A2FBC70-54248283-k8create
Check out this month's topic and lesson below!
In order to volunteer with Seaside School District, you must have a completed and approved background check. Complete yours here: https://helpcounter-kiosk.com/welcome/apply_i.php?district=seaside
Senior Scholarship Reminder
Local scholarships will close on Friday, February 14th at 11:59pm. Don't miss out! If you need any assistance, contact Jon Hickman in the counseling office at jhickman@seasidek12.org
Get College Ready!
Clatsop Community College Summer Academy
Spreading Holiday Joy!
Members of the Seaside High School Symphonic Band serenaded the hallways with their rendition of "The First Noel".
In hopes of spreading some winter season joy, the entire middle school choir (6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students) caroled for residents at Suzanne Elise Assisted Living Community!
Senior Class Fish Fry Fundraiser
SMS Washington DC Trip
There is still room on the 2025 SMS East Coast Trip! Students must be current 7th or 8th graders to participate. If you are interested in more information, please contact Shelby Gagnon at sgagnon@seasidek12.org or 503-738-5586.
Cheer Camp
The Seaside High School Cheer Team will be hosting a Youth Camp Saturday, February 8th from 9 am - 11 am and Sunday, February 9th from 9 am - 11 am. Participants must be paid for by January 25th to receive a T-Shirt (You can still register past this date, but your student is not guaranteed a shirt). This is open to all children Kindergarten-Fifth Grade.
This year, the students will ALSO be able to participate in the boys basketball game that Tuesday, February 11th! This is the first game of the night and halftime will be around 6pm but students are asked to be there by 5:30 pm to warm up and practice.
The Cost is $60 per participant. Please do NOT mail cash! Payment can be brought to Kerri Boutin by phone or in person at the Seaside High School Office.
Students should wear their T-Shirts on Tuesday for the game.
Parents/Guardians will need to come in with the students on the first day to register the student officially and fill out a form.
Spanish Class Gets Cooking!
High School Spanish classes get to cook authentic cultural food at least once a term. This term, we made Mini Rosca de Reyes. The Rosca de Reyes, very similar to King Cake, is part of celebrations of Three Kings Day throughout the Spanish speaking world on January 6.
SHS Yearbooks On Sale Now!
Don't miss out! Reserve your 2024-2025 Yearbook now! Only $65! You can pay Mrs. Boutin in person with cash/check/card, or pay online at https://seasidehighschool.myschoolcentral.com/
SMS Yearbooks On Sale Now!
Ridgeline Outdoor Club
Community Partner Information
Seaside Library Teen Wednesdays
Seaside Library January Events
Seaside Library Teen Book Club, January 11th
Get College Ready, January 15th
Mock Printz Workshop, January 25th
Community Lunch Buddies
Come Sub For Us!
Food 4 Kids
When children are hungry, they aren't able to focus on the job of learning. The Food4Kids Seaside Program is available to help and is offered to students at Seaside Secondary School (grades 6-12) who do not have access to consistent meals on the weekends. Food is fuel, and we want to help your child be fueled and ready to learn each week!
The volunteers at Food4Kids provide a bag filled with food on the last school day before each weekend. Students will bring this food home from school on Fridays.
If you have more than one child in need of a food bag, please fill out this form for each child.
Student Parking
If you are driving yourself to school you need to stop by the Main Office and fill out a parking permit application so that you can receive your student parking permit sticker.
Student parking is only permitted on the East/Mountain side of the building. Students are not allowed to park in the staff parking lot on the ocean side of the building.
Office hours are Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Reminder when parking on our steep hill to curb your tires to help avoid any accidental rolling.
Student Attendance/Pickup
If you will need to pick up your student before the school day ends, please send them in the morning with a note to the Main Office. That way we can have your student ready for pickup at the time you need them.
To avoid receiving the automated attendance call if your student is absent, please contact the Main Office as soon as possible at 503-738-5586
The Main Office hours are Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Family & School Communication
Our school is using ParentSquare for sending important school related information. It is incredibly important that all families keep their contact information current and up to date. If you have any changes to your phone or email please contact our main office at 503-738-5586.
All district and school, grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
ParentSquare will be used to send:
- Weather related updates
- School related updates
- Field trip information
- Weekly updates
- and much much more!
Parents – Getting Started Video (Spanish)
Introduction to Parents and Guardians Slide Deck (English)
Introduction to Parents and Guardians Slide Deck (Spanish)
Through ParentVue you can:
- Register your student each school year
- View your students classes
- Check your students grades and status of any assignments
- Communicate with your students teachers
- And much much more!
For even more convenience you can download the ParentVue app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
Bus Information
Please click the LINK here for bus stop information.
If you cannot find your bus stop or believe it is incorrect, please contact our transportation supervisor at 503-738-7150 or cpeters@seasidek12.org.
Please be at your bus stop 5 minutes earlier than the scheduled pick-up time. Bus times vary due to traffic levels. Bus route information is posted on our school website. See link above.
During the 2024-2025 school year we will again be using our bus badge program. This program increases the safety of our students on our buses by allowing us to know who is on the bus at all times and at which stop they exited.
Here's how it works. Student ID Bus Badge utilizes an ID attached to a student’s backpack or a lanyard which communicates with the Bus Pass scanner located on the bus. Students will scan the badge as students enter and exit the bus instead of having to take paper pencil attendance.
If you prefer to opt your bus rider out of this program please complete this form. It is important to note that students who opt-out of the electronic monitoring portion of the program will still need to show their Student ID Bus Pass to ride a district school bus. Their badge will just not have a active barcode to scan.
Bus Note FAQ's
Q: My student needs to ride the bus home with another student today - what should I do?
A: We must have requests in writing, preferably no later than noon, and are unable to accept permission over the phone. Instead you may:
Send your student with a note to give to the Main Office in the morning with the date, the name of the student your student will be riding with, and your contact information.
You may email the request to sgiess@seasidek12.org or kbrenden@seasidek12.org If you need further assistance please call the main office at (503)738-5586.
Student Medications
If your student has medical issues or needs to take medications during the school day, we need to hear from you ASAP! The medications will need to be delivered to the main office by the parent/guardian (NOT the student). We will ask the parent to complete forms for each medication your student takes. Even if your student has medication they need to keep with them during the school day i.e.: inhaler or epi pen or if your student takes an over the counter medication ie: cough drops or Advil, we need to have a parent signed form on file.
For our 7th grade students: Please be aware that all 7th graders need a Tdap booster as part of their required immunizations to attend school. If your student has not yet had that booster, please contact your primary care provider for this immunization. Immunization exclusion day is February 19, 2025 where all students must be up to date, or have an exemption in place, to avoid school exclusion.
Please contact the Main Office at (503) 738-5586 or the school nurse, Dani Nelson at dnelson@seasidek12.org
For current job openings please visit the website here: https://seaside.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx
For information on becoming a substitute for our schools please visit the ESS website here: https://ess.com/apply/
Follow Us On Facebook!
Want To Volunteer?
Thank you for your interest in being a volunteer in the Seaside School District!
There are many ways a volunteer can help in our schools: reading groups, mentoring, assisting in a library or cafeteria, school beautification projects, coaching, field trips, and much more.
McKinney Viento Homeless Program
The McKinney-Vento (formerly Title X) Homeless Program does not just serve families living in shelters or cars but all students who do not have a fixed, regular, or adequate living situation. We need your help to identify these students!
Seaside School District Menus
Seaside School District is once again able to provide a Free Breakfast and Lunch to ALL Preschool - 12th grade students. To view the menus for each school please click the link here: https://files.smartsites.parentsquare.com/5085/2024-2025_ssd_district_calendar.pdf
Secondary School Daily Schedules
Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
Nondiscrimination Statement
The Seaside School District prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, veteran/military status, or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment.
The links below allow you to locate Seaside School District’s complete nondiscrimination policy and complaint procedure. If you would like to report information about conduct that may constitute Title IX sex discrimination, you may file a complaint by following the procedure below. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Jenny Risner, Coordinator of Civil Rights, Title IX, Section 504, & ADA, at 503-971-320-3268 or email jrisner@seasidek12.org
Seaside Middle and High Schools
Phone: 503 738 5586
Fax: 503 738 5589
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Seaside High School Website: https://shs.seasidek12.org/
Seaside Middle School Website: https://sms.seasidek12.org/