Dolphin News
Taft Community School Newsletter, October 14, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Taft Families,
I hope you had a great three-day weekend. I spent mine volunteering at my oldest son's school festival. My wife and I helped manage the Sweet Treats booth and it was great to see all the students having fun and enjoying the rides. Cherish your time with your children as they grow up too fast.
As I've mentioned before, Halloween is right around the corner and students have been asking about costumes. More details below.
Thank you to all the parents that attended our Goal-Setting conferences. It truly makes a difference when parents and teachers work together to improve student progress. I've included some resources below that can be used at home.
There is quite a bit of information this week so please take some time to read our parent newsletter entirely.
David Camarena
Taft Community School
650-482-2416 ext 3755
Uniform Policy and Requirements
Per school policy and the parent handbook, students are to be in full uniform everyday unless it's a free dress day. We have noticed that many are coming in free dress regularly and this is not allowed. Students may wear any of the following in different combinations. Acceptable clothing is:
- Pants/skirts: pants, leggings (no-see-thru), shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers in navy blue. NO jeans.
- Shirts/Blouses: any collared white or navy blue shirt or blouse with no writing or pictures
- Sweaters/Sweatshirts/Hoodies: any navy blue or white sweater or sweatshirt with no writing or pictures or a school sweatshirt in the school color(s) with only the school name and/or logo imprinted.
- Coats/Jackets: any style or color coat or jacket (no sports jerseys).
- Shoes: all students must wear closed-toed, rubber-soled shoes with no heel. Students need to be able to run and play at recess and during PE without limitations due to shoes. Sandals, slides, and or Crocs are not allowed.
School Presentations (Student Assembly and Principal's Coffee)
Please take a moment to read our monthly student assembly presentation. During these assemblies, we review our Dolphin character traits and remind student of our behavior expectations.
This month's main topic is our Principal's Coffee was reading and providing parents with resources they can use at home to improve student academic proficiency. Take a look.
Ordering Pictures & Picture Day Make-Up Session
If you would like to order pictures, please visit The event code is FE72024. You will also need your student's six-digit ID number. Please call the office to obtain it. The makeup session for pictures will be on Tuesday, November 12.
Homework and Daily Reading
Parents, please check your child's homework and make sure they are completing it as indicated by their teacher. Reading is an essential part of your child's education. Set some time every evening for your child to do homework and or read. If your student is still learning to read, please read with them as much as possible. The recommended time for reading and homework for each grade are below:
Kindergarten: 20-30 minutes
1st-2nd grades: 30-45 minutes
3rd-5th grades: 60 minutes
Counseling Corner
Counseling services are available at school to support your child’s emotional wellbeing. To submit a referral for counseling, please fill out the counseling referral form. The counselors will begin processing new referrals on September 3rd.
Lunch Bunch is a special recess opportunity that is designed to help students make friends through counselor-facilitated games and activities. Students are able to participate by nominating themselves or receiving a nomination from a teacher. All participation is entirely voluntary by the student. Lunch bunch is offered every other week during lunch recess. If you have any questions or would like to opt-out, please contact Lauren Abrahams at or 650-482-2416 ext 3745.
Parent Project classes will begin next week in the evenings via Zoom (flyer in English, Spanish). This is a great opportunity to learn strategies to strengthen your relationship with your child and practice skills for communication, positive discipline practices, and school success. To sign up, please contact Joselyn Bautista at or (650) 208-2257. Please see the flyers attached for details.
5th Grade Outdoor Education Interest Form
Calling all 5th grade families,
If you're interested in signing up your son/daughter for Outdoor Education from April 11-14, 2025, please complete the survey below. This is gather information on how many students may attend. This is not a registration form.
Actual registration will occur later at a later date. We will have a virtual and informational evening meeting about Outdoor Education on November 12, 2024 at 6 pm.
Family Resource Center (Community School) WhatsApp Group
The Taft Family Resource Center has created a WhatApp group for families aimed at improving communication between the school and parents. Taft parents are encouraged to join. Updates regarding events and pertinent information will be shared. Please note that this group will not be used to report student absences. Lastly, please take a look at the attached flyers for upcoming events for families. If you have any questions, please contact Jocelyne Arriaga- Community School Coordinator, or call (650) 482-2847
Kennedy Middle School Carnival
Kennedy Middle School invites all RCSD families to their upcoming carnival being held on Tuesday, Oct 15. See the flyer for complete details.
Taft Halloween Costume Requirements
Halloween Costume Expectations:
Costume masks are prohibited. COVID-19 masks are allowed.
Fake blood, props, and accessories are prohibited (Examples: guns, wands, knives, etc.).
Inflatable costumes are not allowed
Costumes should not have obscene language, hate speech, or themes/references to drugs, alcohol, the occult, death/suicide, or violence.
Gang-related costumes, clothing, and/or props are prohibited.
Hair coloring must be applied at home.
Students must be able to go to the bathroom on their own without the help of an adult.
Photos from Kaiser's Empathy Quest Theater
Attendance, Arriving on Time and Reporting an Absence
The 2024-2025 school year has started and we want to encourage all students and families that attendance matters every day! Coming to school every day and on time is crucial for our students. It's very important for students to attend every day and we remind parents to bring students on time. We know traffic can be a concern but please make an attempt to get your student to school on time.
To report an absence, please follow the instructions on the link below. This is the new method of reporting your student's absence. The link below can be found on our Taft website under the Parent Hub.
Also, click below to read the Illness Letter issued by The RCSD nursing team. The letter details when to keep your child at home when ill.
If you have any questions, please call the school at 650-482-2416.
October/November Events
- Monday, Oct 14: Indigenous Peoples Day, No School
- Monday, Oct 21: School Site Council 6-7 pm
- Thursday, Oct 24: Vision Screening for TK and Kindergarten
- Tuesday, Oct 29: Advisory Board Meeting, 3-4 pm
- Friday, Nov 1: Teacher Professional Development, No School
- Wednesday, Nov 6: Principal's Coffee, 8:30-9:30 am
- Wednesday, Nov 6: Music presentation, 4-5 grades
- Monday, Nov 11: Veteran's Day, No School
- Tuesday, Nov 12: Picture Day Makeup
- Wednesday, Nov 13: Second Harvest Food Distribution, 2:30-4 pm
- Monday, Nov 18: School Site Council, 6-7 pm
- Tuesday, Nov 19: ELAC, 8:30-9:30 am
- Tuesday, Nov 19: Advisory Board Meeting, 3-4 pm
- Thursday, Nov 21: Reclassification Ceremony at MIT, 6:30-7:30 pm
- Monday, Nov 25: Super Minimum Day, dismissal at 11:45 am
- Tuesday, Nov 26: Minimum Day
- Nov 27-39: Thanksgiving Break
Important School Information 2024/25
- School Calendar: Please schedule family vacations around our school vacations.
- Bell Schedule : Please review so your child is dropped off and picked up on time.
- Student and Parent Handbook (English and Spanish): Please review our handbook and and try your best to have your child follow our dress code daily.
- Student Absence Reporting Form/School Messenger: Please use this in lieu of calling the office.
- School Lunch Menu ; School Brunch Menu Link
School Office Hours
Our School Office Hours for the 2024-25 school year are as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Thursdays and minimum days: 8:00-2:30
Student Pick-Up At Dismissal Time
Please pick up your student at the appropriate dismissal time listed in our Bell Schedules. As mentioned above, our office closes at 3 pm and our office staff end their shift at that time as well. We have no staff available after 3 pm. Students who are picked up after 3 pm will have to wait inside the gated area without supervision.
- Please do not park in the staff parking lot in the morning and afternoon. The lot is reserved for staff.
- Please do not block our neighbors’ driveways at any time.
- Please drop off your students in the front drop-off zone. No parking is allowed along the curb. If you are going to park and walk your child to the gate, please park on Bay Rd and walk to the main gate. The RCPD will periodically patrol mornings and afternoons. Administration will be there to receive your students. Once students are dropped off at the main gate, students will be directed to go to their designated area which will be supervised by a staff member. All visitors must check into the front office.
- All students need to be in full uniform and wear appropriate shoes every day unless it's a Free Day dress (last Friday of the month). Sandals and Crocs are not allowed on any day. Please refer to the Parent & Student Handbook for complete guidelines. If you need help with uniforms, please contact our Family Center.
- Please review Taft's Cell Phone Policy for Students. Students bringing a cell phone to school must check it in at the front office.
My Next Newsletter
Thank you for taking the time to read my updates. I will my next newsletter by Monday, Oct 28.
Taft Community School
Location: 903 10th Ave, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA
Phone: 650-482-2416