Piedmont Ahead>>>
Piedmont Unified School District Newsletter - March 2023
Dr. Jennifer Hawn Named New PUSD Superintendent
PUSD Launches New Website
After more than a year of research, surveys, interviews and trainings, PUSD is excited to roll out its long-awaited new website. The soft launch on February 24 was the culmination of a massive effort by both District and School Site Instructional Technology staff and administration to provide families and the community with a modernized website. The new site – replacing the previous version at www.piedmont.k12.ca.us – is far more efficient in delivering news and information on a variety of devices, and provides PUSD and schools with more options and flexibility to reach its students and families.
Highlanders Claim Three NCS Championships
Tickets On-Sale for Return of Piedmont Bird Calling Contest
PHS's Siddharth Bhatia Wins Congressional App Challenge.
PHS Senior Julia Banuelos Named Hispanic Heritage Youth Award Winner
Renowned Storyteller Visits Wildwood Elementary for Black History Month
PUSD News & Notes
Superintendent's Message - Dr. Evans discusses PUSD's next Superintendent and budget challenges in his monthly message.
PUSD Second Interim Financial Report - At its March 8 meeting, the PUSD Board of Education received a presentation on the District's Second Interim Budget Report, providing an update of actual expenditures and revenues through January 31, 2023, and a projection of budget adjustments necessary to close out the fiscal year. The Second Interim also includes a multiyear projection (MYP) that shapes the budget development process for 2023-24. Read full background, read full report and view presentation slide deck.
Dyslexia Presentation - At its February 8 meeting, the PUSD Board of Education received a presentation on the District's multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) that addresses the needs of a wide range of students with reading difficulties. MTSS is an instructional framework through which schools can identify students who are suspected to have a specific learning disability, such as dyslexia. Read full background and view slidedeck. Presentation starts at 36:20 of meeting video.
Adult School Expo - The Piedmont Adult School is excited to present its first Expo! Come see the great work that our students are doing, and learn more about what the Adult School has to offer. The Friday, April 21 evening reception will feature art displays as well as live demonstrations in areas such as art, cooking and floral design. There will also be open gallery hours from 11am-2pm on Saturday, April 22, and Sunday, April 23.
Advanced Acting Spring Play - The advanced acting class presents the contemporary drama 'Everything is Wonderful' by Chelsea Marcantel. The play focuses on an Amish family who tries to hold on to their faith after a stranger shatters their peaceful existence and their estranged daughter returns, cracking open the family's tragic history. Visit the District website for more information and to purchase tickets.
Office Hours with Dr. V - As part of the ongoing effort to strengthen engagement across the district and the Piedmont Community, PUSD Director of DEI, Dr. Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard, is scheduling in-person and virtual "office hours" as an opportunity for small group dialogue about equity, social justice and engagement. In-person meetings will be held in Dr. V's office in the 40s building one floor below Millennium HS. Sign up for a face-to-face meeting. Dates available are March 13, April 24 and May 22. If you choose a virtual meeting, the link will be sent to you the day before. Choose the 15-minute time slot that best fits your schedule.
Board Meeting Summaries - Summaries of all Piedmont Unified Board of Education meetings are available on the District website and social media. Read summaries of recent meetings -
Work for PUSD - PUSD is seeking candidates for open positions, including Paraeducators, Food Service staff and Beach Volleyball Coach. Visit the District's Edjoin page for a complete list of jobs available and to apply online.
Substitutes Needed - Support students while earning up to $200/day. PUSD seeking substitute teachers for the 2022-23 school year. Visit the District's EdJoin page for more information and to apply.
Previous Editions of Piedmont Ahead - Catch up on all things PUSD from this school year:
Follow PUSD on Social Media - Keep up to date on everything happening around the District on PUSD’s social media outlets. The District Facebook (@piedmontunified), Twitter (@piedmontunified) and Instagram (@piedmontusd) pages are active with multiple posts daily. Watch PUSD video content on the District's YouTube page.
Upcoming Events
- March 13 - Professional Development Day - No School
- March 16-18 - Advanced Acting Class Spring Play - 'Everything is Wonderful'
- March 20 - Piedmont Affinity Mentorship hosts 'Creating a Culture of Belonging'
- March 22 - Board Meeting
- March 30 - Piedmont Bird Calling Contest
- March 30 - Tri-School Open House
- March 31-April 2 - Beach Revue
- April 3 - PUSD Jazz Bands 'Evening at Yoshi's' Fundraiser
- April 4 - Board Meeting
- April 8 - Piedmont Sports Hall of Fame
Piedmont Unified School District
Email: communications@piedmont.k12.ca.us
Website: www.piedmont.k12.ca.us
Location: 760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont, CA, USA
Phone: 510-594-2600
Facebook: facebook.com/piedmontunified
Twitter: @Piedmontunified