Lisbon Elementary
November 1, 2024
Lisbon Elementary School
Mr. Bradley Scobie, Assistant Principal
15901 Frederick Road
Woodbine, MD 21797
(410) 313-5506
(410) 313-5508 - Fax
From School Administration
As we reach the end of our first quarter, I am filled with pride and admiration for the incredible start our students have had to the school year! It has been a joy to see their enthusiasm, curiosity, and commitment to learning each day. We’ve seen students grow, try new things, and build lasting friendships, making our school a vibrant and welcoming place to learn.
The end of the quarter is a wonderful time for reflection. Just as our teachers review and give feedback on each student’s progress, this is a valuable moment for students to look back on their own accomplishments, set new goals, and renew their commitment to growth. Every piece of feedback is an opportunity to celebrate successes and to identify ways to keep building on them. We encourage you to use this feedback to help guide your child not just in reviewing where they are but in planning for where they want to go.
As we enter the second quarter, let’s continue to support our children in setting goals that inspire them. Whether it’s working a little harder on a challenging subject, improving study habits, or simply being kinder and more helpful to classmates, each step forward is meaningful. With your continued support at home, we are confident your child will thrive.
Thank you for being such an integral part of our school community. Together, we can help each child reach new heights and develop a lifelong love of learning.
Mrs. Anoff and Mr. Scobie
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
For a complete list of dates and events visit les.hcpss.org/calendar
- 5 - Election Day, schools and offices closed
- 8 - Report Cards Issued
- 8 - Conference Scheduling Window Opens, 8:00 a.m.
- 11 - Veterans Day Celebration, 9:30 a.m.
- 11 - Give Back Event at E.W. Beck's, 11:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
- 13 - PTA Meeting, 7:30 p.m. (virtual)
- 21 - Picture Retake Day
- 21 - Conference Scheduling Window Closes, 4:00 p.m.
- 22 - Community Night, 6:00 p.m.
- 25 - Joe Corbi's Fundraiser Pick-up, TBD
- 25 - Parent/Teacher Conferences IN-PERSON, schools close 3 hours early (12:45 p.m.)
- 26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences VIRTUAL, schools close 3 hours early (12:45 p.m.)
- 27 - Parent/Teacher Conferences VIRTUAL, schools closed for students
- 28 - Thanksgiving Holiday, schools and offices closed
- 29 - Thanksgiving Holiday, schools and offices closed
- 10 - Give Back Event at Walker's Tap and Table, 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
- 23-31 - Winter Break, schools closed
- 1 - New Year's Day, schools and offices closed
- 2 - Schools reopen
- 15 - Give Back Event at California Tortilla, 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.
HCPSS Calendars
There will be no printed 2024-2025 calendars. Staff, students, and families may add our online calendar to their own mobile/online calendar by
- Going to https://www.hcpss.org/calendar/
- Scrolling down to Subscribing to a Calendar
- Right-clicking on the calendar you wish to subscribe to
- Selecting Copy Link Location/Address/Shortcut
- Adding to your calendar of choice (See your calendar for specifics on adding a new calendar)
You also may view and/or download printable PDFs of the full calendar and/or important dates only. Updates to the PDFs will be noted on the HCPSS calendar page.
PLEASE NOTE! The calendar is subject to change. The online calendar reflects the most recent version.
Calendars in Spanish, Chinese, and Korean
Calendario en españolHCPSS CALENDARS
New Information
Report Cards for Quarter 1
Student report cards will be available for parent view after 4:00 PM on November 8th. Directions on how to access report cards through HCPSS Connect can be found HERE along with report card templates and documents to help you better understand student report cards. The Parent CANVAS Course is also linked to provide you with any additional information you may need to access and understand student report cards. Please be aware that Related Arts Teachers report grades by semester. Therefore your student will not be receiving grades in those classes for the first quarter.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences will be held in person on Monday, November 25th. Teachers will hold all conferences in person and parents may only attend their scheduled conferences in person. Conferences will be held virtually only on Tuesday, November 26th and Wednesday, November 27th. During this conference window you will be meeting with your child’s Language Arts teacher. Mrs. O'Connor, our GT Teacher, will be meeting with 4th grade GT math students during this conference window. These conferences offer an excellent opportunity to discuss student progress, learn about their school day and address any questions you may have.
Beginning Monday, November 8th at 8:00 a.m., you can log into HCPSS Connect to view and select from the time slots provided by the teacher on the days identified above. If you do not have access to HCPSS Connect, please call the school for assistance at 410-313-5506. You will have access through Thursday, November 21st at 4:00 p.m. to schedule your child’s conference.
Each Related Arts teacher will have a limited number of conference times available if you have a specific concern regarding your child’s progress. In addition, each related arts teacher will provide open office hours if you have any general questions or concerns about their specific instructional area. These times will be posted in the Lisbon Lines in the next few weeks.
Scheduling Instructions (beginning Friday, November 8th, at 8:00 a.m.)
Scheduling Instructions (beginning Friday, November 8th, at 8:00 am):
Log in to HCPSS Connect to view and select your time slot:
- Go to hcpss.org/connect.
- Select “Conference” from the left menu.
- Choose “Parent Scheduled Conferences” at the top right.
- Pick a convenient time slot.
The scheduling window will remain open until Thursday, November 21st, at 4:00 pm. If you cannot access HCPSS Connect, please contact the school at 410-313-5506 for assistance.
Counselor's Corner
Take a look at the November edition of Howard County Family Institute’s Parent Pages for tips and workshops on:
This thoughtful Family Gratitude Challenge is a great way for your family to be mindful of the things that bring you joy and make you grateful during this month of Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Taylor’s contact information: Alicia_Taylor@hcpss.org or 410-313-5506
Information Worth Repeating
SBIR (Standards Based Instruction and Reporting) Report Cards
Today marks the end of the first quarter. We want to remind families that the PreK-2 report cards were updated last year, and the grades 3-5 report cards are new this year. These report card shifts are due to HCPSS implementing the Standards Based Instruction and Reporting (SBIR) process, per Policy 8010 – Grading and Reporting: Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade 5. With the shift to SBIR, grades are based on the student's proficiency with the grade-level curriculum standards. The Standards Based Instruction and Reporting Family and Community Resources Canvas course provides important information about SBIR. This includes documents to assist in Understanding Your Child's Report Card. Academic Performance Codes represent what has been learned - where the student is in relation to the expectation of the grade level standard. It is intended to reflect the progress toward meeting the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards for their current grade level. Report cards can be viewed on November 8, 2024. We are very proud of how hard our students have worked this quarter at Lisbon.
For students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), detailed progress toward IEP goals is provided in the Annual Goal(s) Progress Report that is sent at the same time as the HCPSS report card. A student’s IEP goals address the identified skills that support their progress toward meeting grade level standards.
Young Authors' Contest
The Howard County Literacy Association invites students in grades 1-5 to submit their original poems and/or short stories to the annual writing contest called The Young Authors' Contest. Please see the attached Young Authors’ Contest Guidelines for information about the rules and guidelines. All entries must have a completed YAC Cover Sheet sent as a PDF. Submissions may be emailed to your teacher by December 20, 2024. Contact jacqueline_meiklejohn@hcpss.org or alicia_hansen@hcpss.org with any questions. All Young Authors’ Contest information can be found on the HCLA website. Howard County Literacy Association welcomes parents as members. Visit the HCLA Welcome Page for information about joining.
Veterans Day Celebration
Our Annual Salute to Veterans event will take place Monday, November 11th beginning with an assembly in their honor at 9:30 am in the Cafeteria followed by a breakfast in the Media Center. This is our school's way of honoring the Maryland Patriot Guard and the other brave veterans in our community. There will be honored guests in attendance from the MD Patriot Guard and our school community. We would like to honor any of our families with members currently serving or who have previously served in the armed forces.
If you will be participating in our school Veterans Day celebration, please complete the survey below and click the SUBMIT button when finished.
Attendance/Reporting Absences
Parents can email LESabsence@hcpss.org to report a student’s absence. Please include your child(ren)’s full name, parent’s/guardian’s full name and phone number, the date your child(ren) was absent and the reason. Parents may instead choose to send in a paper excuse note to their child’s teacher with the same information when the student returns to school.
For families requesting local discretionary absences, please complete a Local Discretionary Absence Request Form and submit it to the front office at least one week in advance.
PTA News
Lisbon PTA Executive Board
President: Elizabeth Hall
1st Vice President: Elizabeth Dudley
2nd Vice President: Diane Byrne
Treasurer: Kate Weiss
Recording Secretary: Tarah Theoret
Happy November from the PTA!
Thank you and Happy Friday!
Thank you to all those that attended our Annual Fall Festival last weekend and our first annual Trunk or Treat! It was a great time. We can't thank Elizabeth Dudley enough for spearheading the event!!
Community Night is just around the corner. During Community Night we come together to build Thanksgiving Baskets for those in need in our local community. These baskets are a complete Thanksgiving Meal along with items for breakfast the next morning. Our hope is to be able to provide the community with 100 baskets.
There are many ways to donate!
Consider something off our Amazon Wish List
Sign up to shop for non-perishable items and bring them to school
Make a monetary donation to go towards the purchase of needed food items.
Dates to Remember!
November 11th - Restaurant Give Back at E.W. Beck's, 11:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
November 13th - Virtual PTA Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
November 22nd - Community Night, 6:00 p.m.
Community News and Programs
The link below will take you to community notices are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System.