Eagle Update
September 11th 2024
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Hello Eagles,
The first week of school is always exciting; it's been wonderful welcoming students back to school! Both students and staff have been actively settling into classroom routines and managing the daily activities of a busy school day. Last week, during our Advisory/WIN sessions, we focused on reviewing school-wide expectations and enjoyed a wonderful welcome-back assembly. This week, students began using the FlexiSched app to schedule their WIN time for teacher support or connection activities. There is always a lot happening at HRVHS, be sure to ask about all the exciting events and opportunities coming up. Please see below for important reminders and more details on some of these activities.
Columba Jones
W.I.N. Time
What I Need Time (W.I.N)
Students have access to teacher support during W.I.N time Tuesday through Friday. Ask your student about this time. Are they accessing academic support or participating in an activity or club during this time? It's very important that all students schedule their weekly W.I.N time every Monday by 4:00pm. Students have time to do this during their advisory time on Mondays. If they need help, they can connect with their advisory teacher on Mondays or revisit the video tutorial below.
Fall Community Celebration
HRVHS will host its annual fall community celebration on Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 4:30 - 7 pm. Families can meet teachers and see classrooms, connect at our sports and clubs fair, hear from community partners, learn about supporting students in school, and attend Volleyball and Boys Soccer games for free. We will feature several student performances, visual arts, learning demonstrations, robotics, and other activities. Dinner is provided for the family.
Activities Update
Upcoming Events /Activities
9/17- Club Fair during lunch
9/27- HOCO Kickoff Assembly (Long)
10/2- BonGone 6:30 PM-9:00PM (Stadium)
10/3- Air Guitar (Special Schedule coming soon)
10/4- Pep Assembly (during W.I.N. time)
10/4- Tailgate 5:30 PM-6:45 PM (South lot)
10/5- Homecoming Dance 8:00 PM- 11:00 PM
Testing Information Update
SAT and pSAT Registration
Hood River Valley High School will offer the pSAT and SAT tests this fall. Tests take place during the school day at the high school. Students must register by September 23, 2024 to participate.
October 9 & 10, 2024
$18 Fee (Pay online or in person AT HRVHS)
Only current HRVHS and HROA Juniors can register
October 17, 2024
$60 Fee (Pay online or in person AT HRVHS)
Only current HRVHS and HROA Seniors can register
For more information, please see the HRVHS Website.
Athletics Updates
Fall sports are officially underway with our non league games happening in Football, Soccer, Water Polo and Cross Country starting with the Ultimook Invitational in Tillamook. Volleyball has jumped right into league play.
This year we have transitioned from our old website to a new school based website that has all the information for schedules, team contacts, HUDL free streaming access and Final Forms for registration. As we update schedules on OSAA, the link is updated on our website. When you click through to a team schedule on OSAA, you will see tabs on their page for Varsity, JV, JV2 and FR teams. Be sure to click on the tab on your team to see the schedule and game locations.
This year at Henderson Stadium we are going to be hosting some food carts such as Mt. Hood Barbecue and Columbia Gorge Crepes. Lions Club will have their food cart in the same spot while the new food court will be on the south west corner near the restrooms.
This year we are moving to a new free streaming site to broadcast all our games on the stadium field and in the main gym. We are also working on capability to broadcast our away varsity soccer games with our HUDL camera. You can find the link to our HUDL broadcast site on our new website and the link below.
New HRV Athletics Website. https://hrvhs.hoodriver.k12.or.us/activities/athletics
New HUDL Streaming Site https://fan.hudl.com/usa/or/hood-river/organization/2797/hood-river-valley-high-school
Go Eagles!
Booster Club
Boosters welcomes you! Please join us at the Community Celebration Night to discover how you can support HRV’s extracurricular activities through fundraising. Think of Boosters as the PTO's older sibling—no longer just organizing bake sales, but now managing high school fundraisers for various activities. Last year, Boosters contributed $32,000 to 30 teams and 26 clubs, benefiting a total of 1,700 participants. Whether you can help with just one event or want to contribute throughout the year, your involvement will make a real difference for HRV students. Stop by Room C25 at Community Night and say hello or click here to join our volunteer communication list.
Facebook | hrvhsboosterclub@gmail.com