MAV Minute
Back to School Edition 8.7.24
The Mav Minute is Meadowlark's family newsletter. Typically, it is sent out every Sunday, but with the upcoming events, we wanted to communicate early so families have time to prepare for back to school. Our school website is filled with lots of information to keep you updated and connected.
Note from the Principals π
Greetings Meadowlark Families!
Welcome to Meadowlark School! Whether you are an established family at Meadowlark or new to our community this year, we are so excited to begin our 2024-2025 school year! We hope you and your family enjoyed a restful summer spending time with people you care about and exploring this great state that we live in. We each had our own adventures with our friends and families, camping, traveling, enjoying the outdoors, and working on house projects. Our certified staff returned to work yesterday and we had a great morning connecting, laughing and preparing for the school year. We begin this year feeling recharged, rejuvenated, and grateful to work with your students every day.
ππ€ Brent, Jeff and Sarah
Important Back to School Information β
BVSD Help Center Aug. 8-10 & 12-13
A one-stop shop for families to get help with:
- enrollment
- Free and Reduced Lunch forms
- IC parent portal account set up and more
Student Schedules 8/9/24
Meet and Greet & Back to School Bash 8/12/24
Students and families may tour the Learning Community, meet teacher teams, and find Huddle spaces! The Meet and Greet will run from 4 to 5 PM. After meeting the teachers, please join us for a picnic on the front lawn. Pack a picnic from home or buy dinner from the food trucks!
School Supplies
At Meadowlark School, we collect a student supply donation of $90 per student (K-8). These funds will cover the cost of items normally listed on a yearly school supply list. We will not publish a school supply list for students; the funds collected through this supply donation will be used by teachers to purchase ALL classroom supplies (pencils, markers, crayons, notebooks, scissors, glue, folders, composition books, etc.) art supplies, magazine subscriptions and annual consumables.
This donation does not include fees associated with 1:Web, personal headphones, field trips and some elective offerings. As usual, you have the option of paying the student supply donation all at once or splitting it into a payment plan once you are logged in to RevTrack.
As you know, inflation has increased school supply costs and Meadowlark's fundraising decreased last year. Meadowlark is dependent on the school supply donation. If your family requests financial support, please reach out to one of the principals.
DEADLINE: October 25, 2024.
To Do: Please Complete the Following Items β
1. School Supplies
- Go to the RevTrak Dashboard on the Meadowlark School Website
- Log in using your username and password from the previous year OR if you do not have a current account you will need to establish a new log in
- Click the Learning Community box and then click the specific Learning Community for your student(s)
- Complete the Screen as Prompted
- Repeat process for each additional student
2. Read and Sign Off on Student Handbook
Please make time to read the important information in the Meadowlark School Student and Family Handbook WITH your student(s). This e signature confirms that you have read the information, understand it, and agree to adhere to it. This is required for ALL families: Handbook Acknowledgement
3. Sign Walking Field Trip Form
We have the opportunity to take our students off the campus to access Star Meadows Park, Thomas Reservoir and other nearby areas.. ALL OUR STUDENTS must have parent/guardian permission on file for a "walking field trip" for the 2024-2025 school year. CLICK HERE to complete the Boulder Valley School District field trip permission form. Be advised that the teachers will be communicating the field trip details but you will not have to worry about any permission slips coming home for "walking field trips."
4. Sign off on Technology Agreement
Student Technology Agreement 2024-2025
Through a collaboration between Meadowlark and Boulder Valley School District (BVSD), the BVSD 1:Web Program and the Meadowlark School Technology Program strive to ensure the highest quality student learning opportunities utilizing technology. This Agreement outlines the expectations for students and families as part of the BVSD 1:Web Program and the Meadowlark School Technology Program. The devices referenced in these expectations are those specifically assigned to a student through the BVSD 1:Web program or school owned devices. CLICK HERE to complete the Student Technology Agreement form. This is required for ALL families.
5. All 5th GRADE & NEW TO BVSD 6-8 STUDENTS Only: 1:WEB Tech Device Program
BVSDβs student device program, 1:Web, is for Meadowlark 5th grade and new 6th, 7th, & 8th grade students for the 2024-2025 school year. Please read these important documents and complete the action items as soon as possible.
Read this Letter to Families
Complete this Form by August 15th @ 10am
Return the BVSD Loaner Device and Charger on the day of distribution, if applicable
You will receive an email with instructions on how to pay the 1:Web fee after your student receives their new device on Distribution Day.
First Days: Need to Know π
OPENING DAY Grades 1-6 Wednesday, August 14, 2024 8:45 AM
***Please note there is no late start on Aug. 14
- We will gather students in grades 1st-6th together by Learning Community
- Meet on the east sports field at 8:15 am (near the front of the school)
- Look for staff holding a sign with your child's learning community posted
- Learning Communities will enter the building at 8:35 am.
- Staff will make sure students who ride the bus connect with teachers
- Make sure you have your camera and video for the big βgoodbye waveβ as the students begin their day with a grand entrance into Meadowlark School.
Preschool and Kindergarten First Days
Preschool Welcome Days will be 1 hour on EITHER Thu the 15th OR Friday the 16th and either AM or PM. There is NO transportation for Welcome Days and PARENTS MUST REMAIN ON SCHOOL GROUNDS. More information from teachers coming soon.
Kindergarten Welcome Days are August 14, August 15, and August 16. Kindergartners will not meet on the field and will line up by the kindergartner entrance (see the map). The kindergartners will be split into three groups. Your child is either in Group 1 (attending 8/14), Group 2 (attending 8/15), or Group 3 (attending 8/16). This is not your child's huddle group. All kindergartners will attend school together in their Huddle class starting on Monday, August 19. You will find out your childβs huddle teacher Friday afternoon August 16. Some changes may still be made on Huddle lists the first week of school.
Free Breakfast and Lunch
We are grateful that all students can have a free breakfast and lunch each day at school. Even though lunch is now free, it is still very important that families complete the Free & Reduced Price School Meal application (as needed), as it waives and reduces fees (including athletics/activities and school technology fees) district-wide for many families, can impact transportation for some families, and impacts important funding
From the Health Room π©Ί
Welcome back from the health room - looking forward to a healthy and happy school year! Please find the Healthroom table in the main entry on Monday, August 12 from 3:30pm-5:00 pm to help intake medications, answer questions, and provide forms if needed. Meds can also be dropped off during school hours.
Below is the information about the forms you will need for the start of school. Remember to check the date of the medication (including over-the-counter) before you bring it in - we will be unable to accept expired medications. All medications from a pharmacist must have the Rx label in the original container. Most medicine orders are good for one year from the medical provider's signature unless otherwise noted.
If your student has ASTHMA and you would like to store (or self-carry if age appropriate) please fill out these forms: Asthma documents
If your student has ANAPHYLAXIS/ALLERGY and you would like to have an epipen at school (or self-carry if age appropriate): Allergy documents
If your student has a seizure disorder, we need the parent authorization form for emergency meds AND a current seizure action plan signed by a medical provider.
For ALL other medications (over the counter including Ibuprofen, Tylenol, tums or any other Rx, please fill out this form for EACH medication: BVSD medication provider/parent Authorization.
Please note, you may drop off medications to the health room during normal school hours, but please do not send them with your student. If your child wants to self-carry, we still need a parent to send in all appropriate forms and meet with the RN before they may self-carry in the building. At this time, only inhalers and epipens may be self-carried. and all other medications must be stored in the health room for ALL grade levels.
Aside from preschool, Students are allowed and encouraged to carry their own chapsticks and small lotions in their backpacks but we do not provide these at school.
Clubs & Middle Level Athletics π
Registration for all Meadowlark Athletics (grades 6-8) is now open!
The first seasons, Cross Country and Flag Football, start the 2nd week of school. We are excited to have coaches in place for both teams already and they are busy prepping for the seasons.
- 8th Grade Football registration is due by August 20th. We need 10 students to field a team and 0 students have registered.
- 6th-8th Cross Country Registration is due by August 21st. We have 9 students registered.
The registration process is two steps, and you MUST complete both steps, prior to the first day of practice in order for your student to participate.
Please register your student(s) for any teams they wish to participate on our rSchool website.
After filling out the rSchool registration, you can pay the registration fee on Revtrak.
*** If families need support with participation fees, please contact Mr. Caldwell at brent.caldwell@bvsd.org.
You can find additional registration details on our website. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. We are looking forward to another amazing year of Meadowlark Athletics! GO MAVS!
Dear current, past or future Meadowlark PTSA memberβ¦..July is the annual membership renewal as your past year PTSA membership has expired. It only takes a couple minutes to sign up and renew your membership. For this year, we have moved all our membership administration to Member Planet which makes for an easier and more comprehensive membership administration for our organization.
Renewing your or your family membership and making this commitment to the Meadowlark PTSA community will help us keep supporting the school with great things. Your membership is very much appreciated! Thank you for your commitment from the Meadowlark PTSA Membership Chair and the whole Meadowlark PTSA Board!
If you have any questions about memberships, please contact membership@mavsptsa.org.
Upcoming Dates π
8/12 Teacher Meet & Greet 4-5 pm
8/12 Welcome Back to School BASH 4:30-6:00 pm
8/14 PK-6 - First Day (this is not a late start Wednesday)
8/14- 8/16 Preschool Welcome Days
8/14- 8/16 Kinder Welcome Days
8/15 First Day for 7-8 students
Quick Links & PTSA π
Communications: Follow PTSA
- Our Website: https://meadowlarkptsa.org
- Facebook: Meadowlark PTSA
- Twitter: @MeadowlarkPtsa
- NEW Instagram: meadowlarkptsa_bvsd