McClure Newsletter
September 6, 2022
House Sorting Ceremony
If you would like to watch your student be sorted into their House Family, please login to the Zoom link below by 2:30pm on Wed. 9/7.
Live Stream Link: Meeting ID: 867 1148 3018 Passcode: 104356
Papa John's Night-this Thursday!
Grandparent's Day Breakfast
In honor of Grandparent's Day, we will have a Grandparent's Day event on Wed. Sept. 14th and Thurs. Sept. 15th. We will celebrate grandparents or any adult that attends with their student with donuts and juice. Students and their guest are welcome to eat breakfast with us from 8:00-8:40am.
Wednesday, Sept. 14th will be for Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students and their guests.
Thursday Sept. 15th will be for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students and their guests.
*If a guest has a student in both primary and intermediate grades, they can choose to attend the date that works best for them.
Individual Picture Day
Learning Nest: Enrichment & Tutoring Program
Our free after school tutoring and enrichment program, the McClure Learning Nest, will officially begin September 13th. The focus of all after school programing is to address learning loss that may have occurred during Covid as well as provide enrichment opportunities for students. The program will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, from 3:45-5:30pm. A snack will be provided to each student at the beginning of the program time.
Transportation will need to be provided for your child to be picked up no later than 5:30.
Please fill out ONE Google form per child in the household that you would like to sign up. This is a first come first serve roster due to staffing availability. We will take the families that respond first and then will have a waiting list. If a spot would open up, the next person in line would be notified. All families will be notified by Mon. Sept. 12th if your child has been selected. This is based on staffing and interest.
We are so excited to be able to offer these opportunities to our students!
If you have any questions please contact Brenda Domme at
Click here to complete the Google form.
The Eagles Nest: Before & After Childcare Program
Library News
iRead 20 calendars have been sent home with your student. This is a reading program to encourage your student to read at home. You will receive a calendar for each month through April. Students are to read at least 20 minutes a day for at least 20 days a month. At the end of the month students return their calendar to the library signed by a parent to receive a reward.
Breakfast & Lunch
Please see pricing below. If you want more information, please visit the TPS Child Nutrition website.
Regular price: $1.50
Reduced price: $0.30
Single Milk- $0.65
Regular price: $2.50
Reduced price: $0.40
Single Milk- $0.65
You can view your student's lunch balance through the TylerSIS Parent Portal. Information on how to make lunch payments is listed below.
If you have not filled out a free/reduced meal application, it can be found on the McClure homepage, TPS homepage, or at
Lunch Payment Options
1. You can send a check or cash with your student to school to deliver to the office. If you write a check, write 'lunch' in the memo. Make checks payable to McClure Elementary.
2. At no cost, MypaymentsPlus allows your family to:
- Create a free, secured account to manage all of your student's accounts.
- Check your student's current account balance.
- Monitor the items your student has been purchasing in the cafeteria.
- Create settings to receive email notifications when the account reaches a low balance.
- Online Lunch Payment Website-
- Make a prepayment into your student's meal account using a check, credit card, or debit card at, or by calling 877-713-5442 (toll-free)! Funds deposited through MypaymentsPlus are usually available for student use within a matter of minutes. This feature eliminates the need to send a check to school or worry about lost or forgotten lunch money.
- Create settings to automatically replenish your student's account when it reaches a low balance.
Free & Reduced Application Forms
To receive certain benefits each year, Topeka Public Schools MUST HAVE ALL families complete the Family Benefits Application AND the Meal Benefits Application. Our records indicate you need to complete one or both of these forms.
If you qualify for Meal Benefits, you will receive:
- Reduced School Fees
- Reduced or Free School Lunch
- Reduced Musical Instrument Fees
- Free Advanced Placement Testing exams
- Free ACT exams
- Tuition scholarships for concurrent college credit
- If you complete the Meal Benefits Application (using the link below) and qualify, would your family be interested in discounted internet services through the FCC's Affordable Connectivity Program?
- If you complete the Meal Benefits Application (using the link below) and qualify, would your family be interested in borrowing a district Chromebook for use at home while your student(s) attend one of Topeka Public Schools' Elementary schools?
In addition to the benefits listed above, families who accurately complete the form linked below also help the district qualify for federal and state funds used to support at-risk students and critical programs.
Click this link to apply:
School Fees
Kindergarten-5th Grade
Full Pay (do not qualify for free lunches)
$50 Textbook Fee
$15 Computer Fee
Reduced Pay (qualify for free lunches)
$10 Textbook Fee
$15 Computer Fee
Full Pay
$20 Textbook Fee
Reduced Fee
$10 Textbook Fee
Text Messaging Service Sends Alerts to Topeka Public Schools Families
Parents and guardians can participate in this free service by signing up in Tyler SIS, or by sending a text message of "Y" or "Yes" to the TPS short code number, 67587. You can also opt-out of these messages at any time by simply replying "stop" to one of our messages.
View our communications document to learn more about how Topeka Public Schools communicates with families throughout the school year. Don't forget to follow us on social media! We're active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
TPS Therapy Dogs
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
The City of Topeka will be posting the official 'no parking' and 'one way' signs in the upcoming weeks. Even though the official signage has yet to be posted, we continue to ask that you follow the expectation of not parking on the roads listed below during arrival and dismissal.
If you have suggestions or feedback on our arrival and/or dismissal procedures, we encourage you to email or call Dr. Artzer.
Bus Route Information
Student bus route information can be found in TylerSIS Parent Portal. Click the attached file below for directions on how to access routes. Like last school year, Topeka Public Schools will be offering transportation for students who live in their school's attendance area but also live outside the 1.75 mile radius.
Here Comes the Bus App
This App is free and available for both Apple and Android devices. Just search for Here Comes the Bus in the App Store or Google Play, or click on the convenient links below to access the app download site.
How to get signed up:
1. Visit or download the app to your smart phone or table from the Apple Store or Google Play.
2. Click the 'sign up' button.
3. Enter school code 29036 and click 'Next' followed by 'Confirm.'
4. Complete the 'User Profile' box.
5. Under 'My Students,' click 'Add.' Enter your child's last name and student ID number. If you do not know your student's ID number, please call Mrs. Ford or Mrs. Ard in the office.
6. Once you confirm your information, you're ready to begin using Here Comes the Bus!
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)-Meeting Sept. 27 @ 6pm
We would like to invite all parents and guardians of McClure students to attend our PTO meetings. These meetings are held monthly on Tuesdays at 6pm in the library. Our next meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 27th at 6:00 pm.
Our PTO is essential to assisting in raising funds for many school projects and instructional resources. You do not need to hold a PTO position in order to be a part of PTO. We hope to see many of you at the first meeting!
Please contact Kelli Hegarty at with any questions in joining our PTO.
Check out the State Street PTO Facebook page too:
PTO Officers Needed for 22-23!
There are several opening on our PTO executive board. If you are interested in serving one of these open roles, please completed the Google form below.
The following PTO positions are still needing to be filled:
- Carnival Coordinator
- Carnival Committee Member
- District Community Advisory Council (DCAC) Representative
Complete the Google Form below if you are interested in serving in one of these PTO positions for the 2022-2023 school year.
McClure Student/Parent Handbook
2022-2023 Calendars
The district's academic calendar provides a quick-glance overview of important dates for parents to be aware of. This calendar includes days school is not in session, parent-teacher conferences, and start and end dates for the 2022-2023 school year.
The McClure school calendar is posted on our school website. Click here to view.
Information Regarding School Hours
Students are not allowed to enter school until 8:20 a.m (9:10am on Fridays) unless they are enrolled in the before school child care program, are participating in a before-school program under the direction of a teacher, or are under the supervision of a parent.
School supervision will be provided for students beginning at 8:20 a.m. (9:10am on Late Start Fridays). All students are to come inside and sit in their assigned location with their classes if they arrive after 8:20 a.m. and before 8:30 a.m. Students are to be seated and quiet until the bell rings at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast will be served from 8:20 until 8:40 a.m. Dropping students off outside of school to wait unsupervised before 8:20 a.m. (9:10am on Late Start Fridays) could present a safety risk. Parents are asked to supervise your children until 8:20 a.m. (9:10am on Fridays)
School Instructional Hours
Mon.-Thurs.- Students enter the classroom at 8:30am. Direct instruction begins at 8:40am. Students are dismissed at 3:40pm.
Fri.-Students enter the classroom at 9:20am. Direct instruction begins at 9:40am. Students are dismissed at 3:40pm.
Early Pick-up
Our school day ends at 3:40pm. Classes will not be dismissed before 3:40pm. Students may be excused early for appointments, but a parent/guardian must check-in at the office and sign the student out. Students will only be dismissed from class after someone checks them out of the office first. This ensures that we keep our students safe.
Meeting With Staff
We ask that you call to make an appointment with a teacher or staff member in the event that you need to meet with him/her in person. Our teachers and staff utilize every minute of the day to benefit our students, so it is important to respect their instructional time by minimizing distractions. If you need to visit with a principal, teacher, or other staff member, please call the office at 438-4340, and a meeting time will be set up that will be most convenient for everyone.
Late Start Fridays
In order to support you and your child, the Kindergarten teachers at McClure have designed this opportunity to give you hands-on practice on how to work with your child at home. During these evenings, you will be informed about upcoming skills that your child will be learning during that quarter. Then, the Kinder teachers will teach YOU how to practice these skills with your child, then YOU will practice with your child while we are there to support and answer questions you may have. This format allows you to get hands-on experience to practice "in the moment" because your child will be at your side during your learning experience. It promises to be a fun and worthwhile time for you and your child.
The remaining sessions are listed below.
2nd quarter-October 4th, 5:30-6:30pm
3rd quarter-January 10th, 5:30-6:30pm
4th quarter-March 21st, 5:30-6:30pm
Meet Our New Staff @ McClure!
Stephanie Ford-Administrative Assistant
Keri Jones-Social Worker
Sydney Oehrke-Occupational Therapist
Erin Morse-Special Education Consulting Teacher
Megan McHenry-1st Grade Teacher
Brian Swaim-3rd Grade Teacher
Melissa Rickford-Speech Pathologist
Becky Laytham-Paraprofessional
Kaitlynn Ferrier-Paraprofessional
Students Can Receive a Free Library Card When Enrolling in Topeka Public Schools
Being a student in Topeka Public Schools means you have access to all resources at the public library, including online databases, e-books, digital audio books and streaming videos, as well as all of the physical items at the library or bookmobiles. Enroll your student and apply for your free library card in the Parent Portal at
Sept. Breakfast & Lunch Menu
TPS News
September Healthy Schools Tip: Please share this in your school newsletter - September Healthy Schools Tip.
Upcoming Dates
September 7: 3rd Grade House Sorting Ceremony
September 8: Papa John's Night
September 14: Grandparent's Day Breakfast, grades K-2
September 15: Grandparent's Day Breakfast, grades 3-5
September 21: Family Fitness Fun Night at Hummer Sports Park, 5:30-7pm
September 27: PTO Meeting 6pm in library
September 28: Family Fitness Fun Night - Rain Date
September 29: 4th Grade Kanza Field Trip
October 3-7: Spirit Week
October 4: Kinder Kollege
October 5: Picture Day
October 10: No School, Teacher Planning & Prep Day
October 11: No School, District PD Day
October 18: 4th Grade Symphony Trip
October 20: Sk8-Away Night 6-8pm
October 24-27: Book Fair
October 26: Parent Teacher Conferences, 4-8pm
October 27: Parent Teacher Conferences, No School 8am-8pm
October 28: No School
October 31: Halloween Parade & Party
McClure Elementary
Location: 2529 Southwest Chelsea Drive, Topeka, KS, USA
Phone: 785.438.4340